Our gratitude is given to everyone (RedManMark, Mal, Dexter, The Black Baron, Cbosdell, Le_Deimos, S’klar, Serpicus, Rhaz, Dircome, Vorsath, Unleash Mayhem, RCIX, Zebh, Johnblue, Boggz and the list goes on and on…) who has given us advice, encouragement, useful hints, screenshots, and help in testing the strategies that are now presented in this compilation.
A special (obvious) thanks to Zebh for working hard with me on making an introduction to Fleet Operations that is now infinitely more helpful, and of course putting in the immense amount of labor that has made this guide possible in the first place. Similarly, don’t forget to give Mal an “attaboy” on the forums for his outstanding work on the Dominion Strategy section, as well as Boggz for the Map Design section, Myles and Denarius' (for the latter) Teamspeak and Replay Making pages, Riker for the Manual IP information, and DOCa Cola, Adm. Zaxxon, Blade, The Undying Nephalim, and Tyler for quite extensive work on the Modding section. Finally, a big shout out to Mrs. Dom who helped me figure out formatting in the original pdf document. Live Long and Fuster, and may all enjoy this Hitchhiker’s Guide to Fleet Operations.
…with all that having been said, get out there, play some multiplayer games and give me some feedback. Above all else, have fun, and don’t forget your towel!