
Each faction features two avatars that you can choose from. The avatar is the first thing chosen in the game. Separate avatars offer unique bonuses and ships which are only available to that specific avatar. Depending on the avatar, you can adopt a wide variety of different strategies.
A list of avatars and their bonuses for each faction is as follows.
Directive: Optimize

Gives access to two new units
- Recycling Center
- Prime Module - Sphere
Gives access to the following benefits
- Reduces the construction costs of selecting a Borg chassis by 30 percent
- Allows you to upgrade the productivity of Incubation Centers
- Increased Defensive Value for Resource Assimilators by 5
Directive: Assimilate

Gives access to two new units
- Pyramid
- Nanite Factory Module - Assimilator and Pyramid
Gives access to the following benefits
- The Assimilator Module reaches its maximum capacity with just 2 modules installed
- Assimilator collective connections costs reduced by 20 percent and increased Defensive Value of Assimilators and Pyramids by 20
- Incubation Centers will slowly assimilate nearby uncloaked hostile vessels

Gives access to two new units
- S-7 Defender
- Hyperspace Sensor System
Gives access to the following benefits
- Reduced construction costs for all mass Construction Yard prototypes by 50 percent.
- You may build two Hyperspace Artilleries.
- Increased all attributes of the B-5 Battle Cruiser and the V-13 Battleship by 3 and increased the weapon range of the B-5 Battle Cruiser to medium range.
Breen Alliance

Gives access to two new units
- Breen Cruiser
- Breen Battleship
Gives access to the following benefits
- Increased Offensive Value for all vessels with Tetryon Torpedoes by 2
- Reduced research costs for all Dominion system upgrades by 20 percent.
- Allows you to upgrade movement speed at the Ketracel White Facility.
Admiral Mayson

Gives access to two new units
- Norway class
- Nova class
Gives access to the following benefits
- Increased Defensive Value for all Antares Yard vessels.
- Defense Platforms are equipped with altered weaponry.
- Increased Offensive and Defensive Value for Excelsior II Class by 4 and equips her with the ACS Torpedo special ability.
Admiral Risner

Gives access to two new units
- Phalanx class
- Avalon class
Gives access to the following benefits
- Increases the Offensive Value of Saber Class vessels by 1 and by an additional point for every two ranks.
- Increased Offensive Value for Intrepid and Akira Class vessels by 3.
- Increased System Value for all Eraudi Yard vessels by 4 and Offensive Value by varying amounts.
- Reduced research costs for all Starship Chassis by 25 percent.

Gives access to two new units
- Veqlaragh class
- Chargh class
Gives access to the following benefits
- Equipped B'rel and K'Vort Class Vessels with Photon Torpedoes and increased the Offensive Value of B'rel, K'Vort and Sang' Class vessels by 2. The B'rel also yields additional supplies during battle.
- Reduced construction costs for Topmey class vessels by 20 percent.
- Replaced Torpedo Drone weapons by Heavy Disruptor weapons.
Chancellor Martok

Gives access to two new units
- LuSpet class
- SuS'a' class
Gives access to the following benefits
- Increased Defensive Value for all Imperial Yard vessels.
- Reduced the construction costs for Field Yard, Battle Yard and Imperial Yard by 30 percent and reduces the supply costs of Field Yard expansions by half.
- Increased crew boarding strength for Vor'cha, Vutpa', LuSpet and Negh'var class vessels.
General Helev

Gives access to two new units
- Eresis class
- Griffin class
Gives access to the following benefits
- Increased Offensive Value for all vessels with beam-type disruptors by 3.
- The Intelligence Center will gain more experience and level-up faster.
- Reduced the Supply costs for all Generix Class refits and Staryard vessels by 50 percent.
General Mijural

Gives access to two new units
- Shrike Class
- Cehlaer Class
Gives access to the following benefits
- Increased Defensive Value for Defense Batteries by 5 and increased Defensive Value for Singularity Transmitters by 10. Defense Batteries remain active for a longer time span if disconnected from a Singularity Transmitter.
- Increased Offensive and Defensive Values for all Warbirds by 3 and increased their movement speed.
- You may build two Tavara Type Warbirds.