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Cloning Facility
Worker Ship - Construction Mode
Medium Constructor
Worker Ship - Construction Mode
  0 19 10 NA NA 40 175  

Constructs all Dominion stations and the Hyperspace Artillery.

Equipped with a Tractor-Beam.

Can reversibly switch to mining mode.

Worker Ship - Mining Mode
Medium Mining vessel
Worker Ship - Mining Mode
  0 19 10 NA NA 40 175  

Mines Dilithium and Tritanium:
Dilithium capacity: 150
Tritanium capacity: 100

Can reversible switch to secondary mining mode to mine Supply.
Supply capacity: 25

Can reversibly switch to construction mode.

A-4 Scout
Small Scout
A-4 Scout
  4 9 3 B Medium 180 15  

Large sensor radius.

Passive Probe: Some modifications of Dominion sensor probes are capable of operating in low-energy mode, making them undetectable by deep space scanners. They will only activate for short intervals (every 20 seconds). Costs 10 supply. Probes are indirectly targetable (not point and click), but are not visible on the mini-map display. Researched at the Technology Lab.

Construction Yard
A-20 Attack Destroyer
Small Destroyer
A-20 Attack Destroyer
  14 11 6 B Medium 130 55  
VeteranRank 26 25 7   3/25      

Collision: Ram a hostile target to deal damage to it, sacrificing this unit. The engines of the target will be crushed for a brief amount of time. Stations and civil vessels like constructors or freighters will only suffer half damage, as they don't carry weapon systems that may detonate upon impact. Damage increases with the rank of the A-20 Attack Destroyer. There is also a 10% chance of failure, rendering this vessel derelict.

Autonomous Defense AI: This vessel is equipped with a special computer core that allows it to remodulate weapon and shield systems while in battle to optimize defense against standard vessels at medium range (by 31%). Those computer cores are quite expensive, and therefore the supply cost of this vessel is increased. The AI also seems to be less effective against non-regular starships like support vessels (deals 61% less and receives 24% more).

Rank5 Rank 5 gains Tetryon Torpedo: Can use Tetryon Torpedoes.

VeteranRank Veteran gains Parallel Reload Bays: A secondary reload system might even double the rate of fire for a vessel. Those rapid reloads cause some problems - like slightly reduced weapon power or higher miss rates on torpedo weapons -but, after all, it still boosts a starships combat performance. Doubles rate of fire, but increases the chance to miss.

A-26 Bomber
Small Destroyer
A-26 Bomber
  21 15 8 T Long 120 60  
VeteranRank 34 33 9   4/25      

Requires Prototype: (Dilithium/Tritanium/Supply) 552/171/59

Fast Tracking Computers: This vessel has been refitted in order to assault and destroy fast moving vessels that might damage a fleet. The weapons will deal increased damage against short range units (by 50%). As the modified weapon systems consume many calculation cycles, defense against long-range weaponry is reduced (by 24%).

Tetryon-Photon Torpedo: Fires an artillery range Tetryon-loaded photon torpedo on a hostile unit. Deals triple damage to buildings. Researched at the Technology Lab.

Rank5 Rank 5 gains Siege Optimized Processors: A recent development in military technology is the development of positronic nanosystems with the capability of analyzing complex shield harmonics in short time. This greatly increases the combat performance against certain targets. The processors of this vessel have been adjusted against stations. Increases damage dealt to stations by 30 percent and decreases damage taken from stations by 44 percent.

VeteranRank Veteran gains Parallel Reload Bays: A secondary reload system might even double the rate of fire for a vessel. Those rapid reloads cause some problems - like slightly reduced weapon power or higher miss rates on torpedo weapons - but, after all, it still boosts a starships combat performance. Doubles rate of fire, but increases the chance to miss.

S-2 Escort Cruiser
Small Cruiser
S-2 Escort Cruiser
  25 18 10 BT Short 140 125  
VeteranRank 41 41 11   5/25      

Requires Prototype: (Dilithium/Tritanium/Supply) 526/190/57

Tactical Weapon Arrays: A special group of micro-processors have been added to the weapon control to increase the effectiveness against tactical long-range targets (by 50%). The defense systems had to be weakened, increasing the damage received from short range assault crafts (by 24%).

Alpha Ketracel White: A special version of Ketracel White increases the effectiveness of all Jem'Hadar on nearby friendly targets, increasing their rate of fire by 30 percent. There might be small crew casualties on the affected vessels. Lasts 15 seconds. Short range. Researched at the Technology Lab.

Rank5 Rank 5 gains Impulse Disruptor

VeteranRank Veteran gains Ammunition Lock-On Systems: The targeting computer of this vessel uses energy signatures generated by a vessel’s ammunition to greatly increase the efficiency of weapons. If targeting vessels that use torpedoes, the ammunition lock-on can show the greatest effect. Locking onto the ammunition depots of hostile vessels, this vessel will deal increased damage against vessels with torpedoes disable their weapons.

C-11 Interception Destroyer
Small Support vessel
C-11 Interception Destroyer
  12 10 20 B Medium 120 70  
VeteranRank 18 34 39   5/25      

Requires Prototype: (Dilithium/Tritanium/Supply) 273/296/45

Level 1: Energy Beacon: Emits a field of energy at a certain frequency which can be directly fed into the systems of allied vessels. Restores 20 special weapon energy on all units nearby. Other vessels which are also equipped with Energy Beacon are not affected.

Level 2: Weapon Focus: Increases the weapon range of nearby allies by 25 percent. Medium range.

Level 3: Cascade Feedback: Causes a meta-static fluctuation at the targeted area. Cascading energy waves will rip through the systems of all hostile vessels in the area causing heavy damage to their systems with a chance to lose special weapon energy. Damage dealt and the chance to lose special weapon energy are based on the maximum number of special abilities a unit may carry. Medium range and deals damage to up to five units. Level 2/3 researched at Technology Lab.

Rank5 Rank 5 gains Experimental Phasic Emitters: Some shield generators allow a slight morph of the phase of a vessel to reduce damage received. While certain ships with advanced sensors and systems - like support vessels - will have the ability to track the phase shifts and deal even increased damage, most normal vessels find it hard to inflict critical damage. Increases the damage taken from Support Vessels by 22 percent and decreases the damage taken from all other sources by 66 percent.

VeteranRank Veteran gains Multicore Energy Generators: The idea of using multiple energy systems to increase the performance of vessels is as old as space-traveling itself. While it’s usually not a cost-effective method, it may still be used to greatly increase the system performance of a vessel. The shield regeneration rate also increases dramatically. System Value increased by 50 percent and shield regeneration rate tripled.

Breen Cruiser
Medium Cruiser
Breen Cruiser
  23 20 10 T Long 90 95  
VeteranRank 41 41 11   5/25      

Requires Prototype: (Dilithium/Tritanium/Supply) 711/236/56

Single Stage Energy Conduits: Special types of energy conduits allow weapons to charge more energy and deal increased damage against the typical, medium range target (by 31%). Many protection systems and buffers have been skipped and therefore the weapons of this vessel are more vulnerable to fluctuations and all subsystems are more easily damaged.

Breen Energy Torpedo: For a long time the precise mechanics and blueprints of Breen Torpedoes were a mystery. Instead of an explosive payload of some kind, these tiny warheads carry an EM field generator, using the targets' own warp-field as a source of destructive energy. They are very effective against battleships. Deals 30% less to small sized ships, 40% less to stations, and 20% more to battleships.

Breen Cruiser Cloak: Hides this unit from the enemy's sensors. Cloaking and decloaking will take 3 seconds. Special weapon energy does not regenerate while cloaked. Researched at the Technology Lab.

Rank5 Rank 5 gains Nano-Fortifications: Micro technology allows great improvement in the effectiveness of structural defense fields and boosts the shield strength. Shield regeneration rate increased by 70 percent.

VeteranRank Veteran gains Weapon Pods: Redundant weapon systems greatly increase the resistance against damage and fluctuations. This warship will always be combat-ready. Due to redundancy, weapons may neither be destroyed nor disabled by special weapon effects.

B-8 War Frigate
Medium Cruiser
B-8 War Frigate
  23 26 13 PT Long 100 475  
VeteranRank 37 60 14   6/25      

Requires Prototype: (Dilithium/Tritanium/Supply) 683/259/74

Transporter Assault: Send boarding parties to capture the ship once shields are down.

This vessel is equipped with modern civil shuttle bays which may be used to support fighter craft if their carrier should be lost. This vessel still lacks the facilities to deploy fighters on its own.

Drops an Isotopic Subspace Bomb that will detonate after 4 seconds. Deals damage and shuts down engines to up to five units. Lasts 13 seconds. Researched at the Technology Lab. Costs 10 supplies.

Build limit of 6.

Rank5 Rank 5 gains Automated Targeting Computers: This vessel will automatically target critical spots in a foes’ space frame. This grants the pulse weapons a chance to deal double damage. 8 percent chance for each Impulse Disruptor to deal double damage.

VeteranRank Veteran gains Field Cloning: Cloning and breeding new warriors right at the front lines is not easy, but this ship is equipped with the basic equipment to do so. Warriors onboard will fight much more efficiently, due to better DNA refinement. Crew capacity increased by 250 and greatly increases boarding party fight power.

Large Construction Yard
T-15 Heavy Cruiser
Medium Cruiser
T-15 Heavy Cruiser
  28 22 12 PT Long 120 260  
VeteranRank 43 51 13   6/25      

Ablative Armor Plates: Special armor plates have been added to this unit, which will reduce incoming fire by being damaged or destroyed. It is effective against short range weapons with high energy profiles and reduces damage (by 50%). As ablative systems are always harder to repair, the hull repair rate drops slightly. The mass of this vessel is also increased, resulting in reduced combat performance against long range craft (by 10%).

Assault: Fires an additional Tetryon Torpedo if the target is very close.

Rank5 Rank 5 gains Implosion Field Device: This vessel has been equipped with a special generator, which allows it to generate a colliding spacial anomaly that causes area damage to all hostiles. The implosion field is more effective against smaller units. Every 25 seconds vessels in very close range to the target take pulse damage.

VeteranRank Veteran gains a special weapon, Counter-Weaponry: Fires a powerful disruptor shot at an opponent vessel, dealing high damage to long range vessels and even more devastating damage against artillery vessels.

C-17 Siege Cruiser
Medium Support vessel
C-17 Siege Cruiser
  38 30 22 BT Medium 90 315  
VeteranRank 53 66 39   8/25      

Requires Prototype: (Dilithium/Tritanium/Supply) 802/368/93

Extra Energy Stores: A large energy storage unit is connected to the weapon systems, allowing them to draw large amounts of energy with each volley. This unique charging technique increases damage versus stations (by 31%), but that comes at a price. The shield regeneration rate is reduced, due to rerouted plasma circuits.

Level 1: Phase Shield: Phases the shield frequencies, increasing the Defensive Value of the Siege Cruiser by 100. Lasts 8 seconds.

Level 2: EM Blast: Fires an electromagnetic charge at the target location. The space fluctuations will make it much harder for hostile weapons to target you, increasing their weapons cool down times by 50 percent. Lasts 12 seconds and affects up to three units. Artillery range.

Level 3: Tetryon Disruptor: A Tetryon-focused disruptor volley is precise even on extreme distances. Artillery range. Level 2/3 researched at the Technology Lab.

Rank5 Rank 5 gains Bombardment Weaponry Booster: Dominion engineers have developed a lot of weapon upgrades in order to increase the effectiveness against stations, starbases and orbital defenses. Increases damage dealt to stations by 42 percent and increases the damage output of the Tetryon Disruptor by 20 percent.

VeteranRank Veteran gains a special weapon, Counter-Weaponry: Fires a powerful disruptor shot at an opponent vessel, dealing high damage to long range vessels and even more devastating damage against artillery vessels.

B-5 Battle Cruiser
Large Battleship
B-5 Battle Cruiser
  15 37 14 BT Short 110 420  
VeteranRank 34 74 16   7/25      

Requires Prototype: (Dilithium/Tritanium/Supply) 493/196/111

Hangar: An advanced hangar and military transporters allow this vessel to deploy short ranged fighters and beam them back if necessary. Fighters automatically spawn every 25 seconds. Fighters share the resistances and strengths associated with the parent unit.

Bio-Warheads: Orders the fighters of this carrier to use their armor piercing warheads containing genetically engineered microbes, which will infest the life support systems of an affected vessel. Researched at the Technology Lab.

Build limit of 5. The prototype does not count toward the build limit.

Rank5 Rank 5 gains Extended Hangars: Fighter squad size increased by 2 to a total of 6 fighters.

VeteranRank Veteran gains Shield Mitigation Compressor: Additional energy batteries allow the mitigation of a certain percentage of damage, greatly reducing the damage received from less powerful weapon systems. Reduces damage received based on the Offensive Value of the attacking vessel. The lower the Offensive Value, the less damage will be dealt, down to a minimum of 25 percent.

V-13 Battleship
Large Battleship
V-13 Battleship
  41 36 17 BT Medium 90 490  
VeteranRank 89 84 25   9/25      

Requires Prototype: (Dilithium/Tritanium/Supply) 926/295/98

Excessive Strike: Fires an immense volley of torpedoes at up to 3 nearby hostile targets. The charged torpedoes will crush through at the enemy's shields causing high hull damage. Medium range. Researched at the Technology Lab.

Rank5 Rank 5 gains Auto-Repair and Maintenance Systems: This vessel is equipped with an automatic repair and diagnosis set, which will greatly increase the overall performance of this vessel in order to make it a solid battleship. All attributes are increased, engines work more efficiently, and the hull repair rate is increased.

VeteranRank Veteran gains Tetryon Spread Device: This vessel uses advanced and highly modified Tetryon launchers. This greatly increases the offensive value of this warship and allows the Excessive Strike to target many more targets at once. Allows the Excessive Strike ability to hit up to 12 targets and increases Offensive Value by 14.

Breen Battleship
Large Battleship
Breen Battleship
  42 44 19 BT Long 60 425  
VeteranRank 69 90 22   10/25      

Requires Prototype: (Dilithium/Tritanium/Supply) 1332/408/117

Single Stage Energy Conduits: Special types of energy conduits allow weapons to charge more energy and deal increased damage against the typical, medium range target (by 31%). Many protection systems and buffers have been skipped and therefore the weapons of this vessel are more vulnerable to fluctuations and all subsystems are more easily damaged.

Breen Energy Torpedo: For a long time the precise mechanics and blueprints of Breen Torpedoes were a mystery. Instead of an explosive payload of some kind, these tiny warheads carry an EM field generator, using the targets' own warp-field as a source of destructive energy. They are very effective against battleships. Deals 30% less to small sized ships, 40% less to stations, and 20% more to battleships.

Dampening Missile: Disables up to two subsystems of a hostile units for 5 seconds or one subsystem for 10 seconds. Also causes a massive drop in shield energy. Long range. Researched at the Technology Lab.

Rank5 Rank 5 gains Dampening Emitters: The cannons have been refitted with dampening particle emitters, giving normal weapon fire a chance to disable random subsystems on target vessels. Torpedo volleys have a chance to disable a random subsystem for 6 seconds.

VeteranRank Veteran gains Weapon Pods: Redundant weapon systems greatly increase the resistance against damage and fluctuations. This warship will always be combat-ready. Due to redundancy, weapons may neither be destroyed nor disabled by special weapon effects.

S-7 Defender
Large Battleship
S-7 Defender
  51 44 20 B Long 50 500  
VeteranRank 75 107 22   11/25      

Requires Prototype: (Dilithium/Tritanium/Supply) 1339/445/143

High Density Shield Generators: These modified shield generators create a very dense protective field around this vessel, greatly reducing damage received from weapons fired over a long weapon range (by 50%). Its effectiveness drops if a weapon is fired from closer distances. The shield generators consume large amounts of energy, which reduce the special energy regeneration rate and slightly reduce damage dealt against short range attackers (by 10%), as the energy spikes for weapon systems are lower.

Charged Polaron beam: Deals increased damage to large sized vessels.

Core Blast: Fires a concentrated blast of energy at a hostile unit killing its propulsion systems. Lasts 14 seconds. Medium range. Researched at the Technology Lab.

Build limit of 8.

Rank5 Rank 5 gains Bastion Shield Set: Some Defenders are equipped with a special set of shield generators, titled Bastion Shields. While they are still a single-layer shield harmony, their energy capacity is incredible high and renders the ship very robust against most damage. Damage reduced from all sources by 8 percent.

VeteranRank Veteran gains Shield Mitigation Compressor: Additional energy batteries allow the mitigation of a certain percentage of damage, greatly reducing the damage received from less powerful weapon systems. Reduces damage received based on the Offensive Value of the attacking vessel. The lower the Offensive Value, the less damage will be dealt, down to a minimum of 25 percent.

Worker Ship
Hyperspace Artillery
Large Battleship
Hyperspace Artillery
  72 38 20 NA Other 70 490  

Fires the hyperspace artillery at the selected coordinates, leaving nothing but destruction behind. Gives a five second countdown to all units on the battlefield and then fires. Units in the center of the explosion will suffer additional direct hull damage for 10 seconds. Deals highly increased damage to buildings and reduced damage to vessels. Hits cloaked vessels.

Build limit of one with Breen Alliance and two with Puretech

Strategic weapons range.