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  off. def. sys. weapon type weapon range speed crew  
Medium Constructor
  0 22 15 NA NA 50 100  

Constructs all Romulan Star Empire stations.

Equipped with a Tractor-Beam.

Small Mining vessel
  0 13 9 NA NA 50 75  

Stationary Cloaking Device: Stationary cloaking generators are much more efficient, allowing stations and freighters to keep the shields and weapons online. Available upon building the Cloaking Generator station.

Mines Dilithium and Tritanium:
Dilithium capacity: 150
Tritanium capacity: 100

Small Scout
  3 8 4 P Short 180 10  

Large sensor radius.

May be enhanced with the Sensor Refit without additional research.

Advanced Cloak: renders the Talon invisible to normal Tachyon Pings.

Talon Refit
Small Scout
Talon Refit
  4 13 5 P Short 180 10  

Large sensor radius.

Tachyon Detection Grid: equips the Talon-class with a medium range passive detection grid which reveals cloaked vessels passing through its Graviton-Tachyon Ping. Up to 25 units are made visible (for 10 seconds) every 10 seconds with a failure rate of 1%.

Does not have cloak.

Star Yard
Small Destroyer
  14 13 9 P Long 120 60  
VeteranRank 25 26 13   4/25      

May be enhanced with additional refits researched at the Upgrade Facility.

Phase Plates: Shifts single armor plates in phase to improve damage reduction. The damage reduction is proportional to the attacking range, being most effective against close targets (70%/50%/30% reduction for short/medium/long). Also makes it almost impossible for adapting Borg weaponry to penetrate the hull. Phase Plates do not work on refitted Rhienn Class vessels. Special weapon energy does not regenerate while Phase Plates are active. May be used while cloaked. Lasts 30 seconds and has a 30 second cooldown. Researched at the Research Institute.

Rank5 Rank 5 gains 2x Improved Pulse Disruptor.

VeteranRank Veteran gains Aldovh Type Cloak: The next generation of cloaking devices enables disruptors to be used while cloaked. Activation will cause the normal cloak to drain energy per second, but keeps the weapons online.

Rhienn Disruptor Refit
Small Destroyer
Rhienn Disruptor Refit
  19 28 19 BP Long 120 95  
VeteranRank 27 54 23   4/25      

Chain Reaction Chargers: Several linked plasma chargers build up a potential that can be used to greatly improve the damage of a disruptor volley. The first burst fired after decloaking is much stronger. Causes the vessel to take 20% increased damage from all medium based weaponry. Known as the Kaleh Maneuvor by Romulan Captains.

Multi Targeting Disruptor: Fires a simultaneous disruptor volley at up to 4 hostile targets dealing increased damage. Long range. Researched at the Tal'Shiar Academy.

Rank5 Rank 5 gains Tactical Layout: It took years to develop a system layout to maximize the system performance of Rhienn Class strike craft. Upon their installation, it greatly improves the combat capabilities against slower vessels. Increases damage dealt to slower targets by 26 percent.

VeteranRank Veteran gains Aldovh Type Cloak: The next generation of cloaking devices enables disruptors to be used while cloaked. Activation will cause the normal cloak to drain energy per second, but keeps the weapons online.

Rhienn Torpedo Refit
Small Destroyer
Rhienn Torpedo Refit
  29 18 19 PT Long 120 95  
VeteranRank 47 34 23   4/25      

Extra Energy Stores: A large energy storage unit is connected to the weapon systems, allowing them to draw large amounts of energy with each volley. This unique charging technique increases damage versus stations (by 31%), but that comes for a price. The shield regeneration rate is reduced, due to rerouted plasma circuits.

Anti-Cruiser Warheads: Special torpedo ammunition grants this refit the ability to do greatly increased damage against cruisers and similar opponents (by 20%).

Vector Torpedo: Launches an artillery range torpedo that will bounce to 2 additional targets. Researched at the Tal'Shiar Academy.

Rank5 Rank 5 gains Infiltration Device: The latest success of Romulan engineers is a specialized AI system that automatically adjusts the weapon frequencies to break through stationary heavy shields, like those used on stations. It is usually used to make attacks against vital weapon systems. Attacks of the Rhienn have a 50 percent chance to disable the weapons of a target station.

VeteranRank Veteran gains Aldovh Type Cloak: The next generation of cloaking devices enables disruptors to be used while cloaked. Activation will cause the normal cloak to drain energy per second, but keeps the weapons online.

Small Destroyer
  17 14 9 P Medium 140 45  
VeteranRank 23 33 14   4/25      

2x Experimental Pulse Disruptor: Has a chance to disable weapons when targeting destroyers.

Fast Tracking Computers: This vessel has been refitted in order to assault and destroy fast moving vessels that might damage a fleet. The weapons will deal increased damage (by 50%) against short range units. As the modified weapon systems consume many calculation cycles, defense against long-range weaponry is reduced (by 24%).

Unstable Plasma Torpedo: The blueprints of this uncommon weaponry dates back to the years of the Romulan war of independence, when they were used to sabotage pirate marauders. As more sensible technologies are being deployed in modern high-tech vessels, these ancient warheads found use again to disable engines and to damage shields. May only target support ships. May be used while cloaked. Lasts 10 seconds. Medium range. Researched at the Tal'Shiar Academy.

Rank5 Rank 5 gains Phase Conduits: With the discovery of phasing technologies which consume only small amounts of energy it became one of the most popular Romulan technologies utilized in starship construction. The ability to phase certain internal subsystems allows the improvement of cloaking devices and allows adaption to all kinds of situations, increasing the System Value of this craft. Gains Advanced Cloak.

VeteranRank Veteran gains Pulse Weapon Mastery: The Experimental Pulse Disruptor effect has a higher chance on destroyers and may also disable the weapons of cruisers.

Medium Cruiser
  28 21 14 B Medium 110 200  
VeteranRank 38 62 23   6/25      

Sensor Jammer: Scrambles the targeting sensors of up to eight hostile units, disabling the sensor or weapon subsystems. Not all affected vessels will suffer from subsystem failure. Deals an amount of damage based on the targets sensor range. Lasts 6 seconds. Medium range. Researched at Research Institute.

Rank5 Rank 5 gains Universal Jamming: Refined versions of the Sensor Jammer gain a certain potential to cause directed system fluctuations, capable of knocking out subsystems other than the sensors. The Sensor Jammer special ability may also disable the engines on affected vessels and will always disable a subsystem.

VeteranRank Veteran gains Dynamic Energy Allocation: Reroute the energy used by the cloaking device to the shield generators while cloak is inactive, increasing the shield power by 40 percent.

Medium Support vessel
  20 18 18 B Short 130 90  
VeteranRank 29 51 28   5/25      

Single Stage Energy Conduits: Special types of energy conduits allow weapons to charge more energy and deal increased damage against the typical, medium range target (by 31%). Many protection systems and buffers have been skipped and therefore the weapons of this vessel are more vulnerable to fluctuations and all subsystems are more easily damaged.

Level 1: Metaphasic Disruptor: Fires a special disruptor shot. The disruptor is constantly phasing and therefore will deal highly variable damage. Short range.

Level 2: Auto Repair Systems: Engages automated damage control systems to rapidly bring this ship back to full operational status.

Level 3: Advanced Energy Reeling: Reinforce the plasma conduits to transfer far more energy to systems, improving the effects of special weapons. Metaphasic Disruptor deals increased damage to short range vessels, Auto Repair Systems work faster and Cloak consumes no energy. Special weapon energy regeneration rate is reduced while the effect of Advanced Energy Reeling is active. May be used while cloaked. Lasts 20 seconds. Increases Offensive Value by 10, Defensive Value by 10. Level 2/3 researched at Research Institute.

Rank5 Rank 5 gains 2x Particle Weapon: Deals increased damage to structural weak targets with a defense value of 20 or less.

VeteranRank Veteran gains Dynamic Energy Allocation: A more flexible energy grid allows the vessel to reroute energy to the shield emitters while the cloaking device is inactive.

Medium Cruiser
  22 20 14 T Medium 100 110  
VeteranRank 31 48 28   6/25      

Arlterium Disruptor: Arlterium is a rare crystalline material refined from Dilithium crystals. While disruptor focus crystals made of Arlterium shift a large part of the energy spectrum, resulting in the damage dealt being reduced, they may be used to disrupt antimatter-based energy cores and weapon systems. Gives a chance to drain special weapons energy from the target and to disable weapon systems. Medium range. Researched at the Research Institute.

May be enhanced with additional refits researched at the Upgrade Center.

Specter Refit: Allows the Generix Class to upgrade to its Specter Refit, trading its Plasma Torpedoes for Projectile Weapons and a Disruptor and increasing its durability against vessels armed with pulse weaponry. Refitting to the Specter Refit takes 22 seconds and leaves the refitting vessel vulnerable.

Singularity Refit: Installs a mobile version of the Singularity Transmitter and strong shield generators, but reduces the vessel's offensive potential. Refitting to the Singularity Refit takes 31 seconds and leaves the refitting vessel vulnerable.

Rank5 Rank 5 gains Arlterium Disruptor Lense: 10 percent additional Arlterium Disruptor effect. Advanced Arlterium refining techniques allow the production of unique devices, which greatly increase the Arlterium Disruptor's efficiency. Due to the high market price of Arlterium, the Empire only refits a small number of Generix Class cruisers with these special weapons.

VeteranRank Veteran gains Energy Core Refit: This vessel receives a refitted set of four power generators. These modified singularity modules increase System Value and greatly reduce the cooldown time of Arlterium Disruptor weaponry.

Generix Singularity Refit
Medium Cruiser
Generix Singularity Refit
  6 48 11 P Medium 70 110  
VeteranRank 11 85 19   7/25      

Energy Recharge: Emits a field around this unit while the cloaking device is offline, recharging the energy stores of nearby friendly Romulan vessels.

Harmonic Implosion: Releases the secondary containment systems and invokes an artificial singularity implosion. The implosion allows the transmitter waves to regenerate a portion of the shields of all affected vessels and to power Defense Batteries. If affected by a conventional transmitter wave, the Generix will emit an additional harmonic singularity wave. All energy conduits of the Generix will be reconfigured to contain the implosion, leaving her incapable of any action. Lasts 20 seconds.

Build limit of three.

Rank5 Rank 4 gains Singularity Rephase: Increased harmonic transmitter wave frequency and faster Harmonic Implosion recharge. As the first containment layer is released and a singularity shifts into the singularity phase, there are numerous phase disturbances on a Generix Class vessel. In order to lose as little energy as possible a network of phase shift generators are installed around the singularity cores to catch high energy particle which would otherwise leave this plane of existence unused. Allows the Transmitter Refit to also power Defense Batteries normally.

VeteranRank Veteran gains Regular Core: No longer counts towards the Singularity Refit cap. The ship remains maneuverable while an Harmonic Implosion is taking place. The six singularity cores of this vessel were replaced by a set of refined cores which went through numerous performance and stability tests.

Generix Specter Refit
Medium Cruiser
Generix Specter Refit
  26 23 16 BP Medium 100 110  
VeteranRank 41 50 24   7/25      

Projectile Weapons: Unlike most modern weapons there are till some weapons around that utilize enriched Duranium as a bullet-type weapon system. Romulans have been seen to equip deep-space vessels with them, as complete ammunition may be replicated or mined. Deals 100% damage to all unit sizes. Deals increased damage to structural weak targets with a defense value of 20 or less.

Refractive Shielding: Resistance against all weapons for each point of incoming damage below 10. Romulan engineers spent years developing a configurable shield system of tight fragments, greatly reducing the efficiency of weaponry with low average, but high peak energy profiles.

Refractive Shield Dome: Reconfigures the shield emitters to generate a shield dome around this vessel. The refractive emitters will compensate all incoming damage from pulse weapons. However, as the dome dissipates, the regular shields will suffer a severe energy loss. Special weapon energy does not regenerate while the effect of Refractive Shield Dome is active. Lasts 10 seconds. Researched at the Research Institute.

Fast Tracking Computers: This vessel has been refitted in order to assault and destroy fast moving vessels that might damage a fleet. The weapons will deal increased damage (by 50%) against short range units. As the modified weapon systems consume many calculation cycles, defense against long-range weaponry is reduced (by 24%).

Rank5 Rank 4 gains Black Ops Configuration: 15 percent increased efficiency of Fast-Tracking Computers. Shields remain active while cloaked. The Generix Specter Refit is a specialized vessel for operations deep within hostile territory. To perform this task at maximum efficiency, many vessels undergo numerous modifications and configurations by their crew.

VeteranRank Veteran gains Dynamic Shield System: Resistance against all weapons for each point of incoming damage below 20. Resistance against beam weapons while Refractive Shield Dome is active. Refractive Shield Dome no longer causes damage. The most experienced tactical officers in the Galae manually adjust the shield configurations of single refractive emitter cells to benefit from the dynamic matrix structure of the Generix shield system.

Medium Cruiser
  23 14 9 T Artillery 100 70  
VeteranRank 34 34 17   4/25      

Silent Resolve: Fires a Quadcobalt Torpedo ignoring the normal cooldown time. May be used while cloaked. Long range. Researched at the Tal'Shiar Academy.

Rank5 Rank 5 gains Delevhas Reload Systems: The Delevhas was the first experimental vessel to carry Quadcobalt Torpedoes. The launching mechanisms were flawed, collecting too many particles which caused the destruction of the first three prototypes before the Serkas's system was finally safe enough for regular use. A modification of the old Delevhas model was finally designed that combined higher reload times with acceptable radiation rates. Reload time improved by 10 percent and blast radius increased by 20 percent.

VeteranRank Veteran gains System-Wide Interconnectors: A secondary grid of EPS relays connects all subsystems of this vessel, greatly reducing the special energy costs of special abilities and boosting the vessels overall performance. Decreases the special energy costs of special weapons by 30 percent and increases all attributes by 3.

Warbird Yard
Large Battleship
  37 31 19 B Long 100 250  
VeteranRank 48 67 33   8/25      

High Density Shield Generators: These modified shield generators create a very dense protective field around this vessel, greatly reducing damage received from weapons fired over a long weapon range (by 50%). Its effectiveness drops if a weapon is fired from closer distances. The shield generators consume large amounts of energy, which reduce the special energy regeneration rate and slightly reduce damage dealt against short range attackers (by 10%), as the energy spikes for weapon systems are lower.

Disruptor Bombardment: Fires constant blasts of phasing plasma particles at an opponent unit. The shield stress will render the target incapable of any actions. Medium range. Researched at the Research Institute.

Rank5 Rank 5 gains Assistant Singularity Cores: Cehlaer type Warbirds are being built with special bays to be refitted with additional subsystems, if necessary. A common refit is the installation of four additional singularity cores to greatly increase the total energy available for weapons and special systems. Special energy regeneration rate increased by 200 percent. The main disruptor fires 20 percent faster.

VeteranRank Veteran gains Nano Fabricators: Originally developed as a civil construction framework, nano facilities became a booming success in military usage. Today they are used in covert ops Romulan ships to automatically adapt hull signatures and repair damage during combat. Decreases the damage received from special weapons by 30 percent and decreases the damage received by all targets by 10 percent for each special weapon the attacking vessel may have.

Large Battleship
  32 29 18 BT Medium 130 200  
VeteranRank 46 63 28   7/25      

Autonomous Defense AI: This vessel is equipped with a special computer core that allows it to remodulate weapon and shield systems while in battle to optimize defense against standard vessels at medium range (by 31%). Those computer cores are quite expensive, and therefore the supply cost of this vessel is increased. The AI also seems to be less effective against non-regular starships like support vessels (deals 61% less and receives 24% more).

Radiation Array: Creates a field of plasma radiation at the target location which will deal damage to all targets within the area of effect. Damage is split through all valid targets. There is also a chance to deal a larger amount of damage to one of the affected vessels. Medium range. Researched at the Tal'Shiar Academy.

Rank5 Rank 5 gains Radiation Chambers: Unique reactors produce enriched unstable material that may be used to empower the area of effect and total capacity of the Radiation Device. Increases the effect radius of the Radiation Array special ability and increases the damage dealt with it by 50 percent.

VeteranRank Veteran gains Nano Fabricators: Originally developed as a civil construction framework, nano facilities became a booming success in military usage. Today they are used in covert ops Romulan ships to automatically adapt hull signatures and repair damage during combat. Decreases the damage received from special weapons by 30 percent and decreases the damage received by all targets by 10 percent for each special weapon the attacking vessel may have.

Large Battleship
  35 40 22 BT Medium 90 475  
VeteranRank 49 84 35   9/25      

Majestic Flight: The Warbird is a very old, but popular design in the Romulan Star Empire. It is still in construction after almost one century. Many refits and changes took place to empower the basic chassis, like special circuits that allow a fraction of the special energy regeneration rate to also regenerate shields. Defensive value increased and allows 20 percent of the special energy regeneration rate to regenerate shields.

Stealth Field: Bombards the space around this unit with subspace transmissions, making it impossible for up to ten enemy units to clearly target your fleet. Decreases the damage dealt by hostile units by 15 percent. Lasts 10 seconds. Long range. Researched at the Research Institute.

Rank5 Rank 5 gains Plasma Charge: Torpedoes deal up to 160 percent additional damage. Bonus damage is based on the shorter the distance to the attacker.

VeteranRank Veteran gains Nano Fabricators: Originally developed as a civil construction framework, nano facilities became a booming success in military usage. Today they are used in covert ops Romulan ships to automatically adapt hull signatures and repair damage during combat. Decreases the damage received from special weapons by 30 percent and decreases the damage received by all targets by 10 percent for each special weapon the attacking vessel may have.

Large Battleship
  40 32 23 BP Medium 90 300  
VeteranRank 62 73 33   9/25      

Tactical Weapon Arrays: A special group of micro-processors have been added to the weapon control to increase the effectiveness against tactical long-range targets (by 50%). The defense systems had to be weakened, increasing the damage received from short range assault crafts (by 24%).

Multipurpose Weapons: Allows use of the Norexan's beam disruptor as an additional pulse disruptor weapon. Each shot will consume 66 special energy. Decreases special energy regeneration rate by 50 percent while active. Lasts until canceled. Researched at the Tal'Shiar Academy.

Rank5 Rank 5 gains Full Spectrum Energy Pass: Great progress in the field of plasma research allowed the Romulans to construct many of the modern subsystems of Norexan Class vessels. The latest developments in these sectors brought up a classified, but very effective energy conduit technology that is used in the flag ships of the empire. Reduces the energy costs of the Multi Purpose Weapons by 60 percent.

VeteranRank Veteran gains Triple Core: The rate of fire increase when opening fire is doubled, lasts twice as long, and only takes 10 seconds to refresh. Known as the Dagger Doctrine to Romulan captains.

Large Battleship
  70 69 44 BPT Medium 70 800  
VeteranRank 104 148 68   18/25      

Rei'karansu Covert-Ops team: Transports 75 Romulan marines on to the target vessel. They will immediately try to capture it. Artillery range. Researched at the Tal'Shiar Academy.

Rei'karansu Marines: Increased boarding party strength and may be recrewed like a station.

Upgrade Offense: Improve the weapon systems of the Tavara to deal increased amounts of damage with every shot. Plus 20 offense

Upgrade Defense: Power up the defense of the Tavara to make it less vulnerable to enemy fire. Plus 40 defense.

Upgrade System: Reduces the special energy costs for cloaking to 0. Reduces the delay for cloaking and decloaking to 1 second. Plus 20 system. Equips the Tavara with an Advanced Cloak: renders the Tavara invisible to normal Tachyon Pings.

Build limit of one with Helev and two with Mijural.

Rank5 Rank 5 gains Modularization Framework: Tavara type Warbirds are equipped with a large-scale framework that allows rapid modification and increases the effectiveness of installed modifications. Increases attribute bonuses gained from upgrades by 40 percent.

VeteranRank Veteran gains the Omega Core: Inspired by Ciadan technology, the Empire developed a unique and revolutionary energy source, using an omega particle. It yields close to infinite amounts of energy, allowing the Tavara to be refitted with the special weapons of all Romulan Warbird chassis under your command, if researched.