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  off. def. sys. weapon type weapon range speed crew  
Kahless Station
Medium Constructor
  6 20 9 B Medium 50 100  

Constructs all Imperial Klingon Empire stations.

Armed with Civil Disruptor: these disruptors are modified defense weapons, designed to destroy small assault crafts.

Equipped with a Tractor-Beam.

Small Mining vessel
  0 19 9 NA NA 50 50  

Mines Dilithium and Tritanium:

Dilithium capacity: 150
Tritanium capacity: 100

Can dispatch its storage containers when nearby a Klingon mining station to become a K't'inga Class destroyer. +3/+3 to Offense/Defense for 35 seconds after conversion. If it levels up while the ability is active, a +1/+2 bonus to Offense/Defense will be permanently added to the K't'inga.

Small Destroyer
  11 10 4 B Medium 130 50  
VeteranRank 17 21 4   2/25      

K't'inga by Topmey

Rank5 Rank 5 gains Micro Photon Torpedo

VeteranRank Veteran gains Tritanium-Deuterium-Alloy Armor: Lowers hull damage taken by 40 percent and reduces all damage received from torpedoes by 15 percent.

Small Scout
  7 11 3 P Short 180 10  

Large sensor radius.

Improved Tactical Overlays: The weapon controls of this vessel are far superior to other crafts of the same tactical designation (scouts), dealing double damage against those foes.

Medium Support vessel
  25 20 27 B Medium 100 100  
VeteranRank 42 55 35   8/25      

Level 1: Imperial Stance: Increases all attributes of the Qaw'Duj by 3 and renders it immune to all special weapon effects, including a 70% reduction of damage dealt by special weapons. Lasts 30 seconds.

Level 2: Ionizing Torpedo: Ionizing energies will cause system failures on a hostile target, draining 80 special weapon energy. Medium range.

Level 3: Polaron Field: Disables a random subsystem each second on up to five vessels in the target area. Lasts 5 seconds. Long range. Level 2/3 researched at Armory.

Rank5 Rank 5 gains Draining Disruptor Cannons: Inspired by Breen weapon technology, the Klingons started to refit some disruptor systems in order to achieve a draining effect. While the efficiency is too low to disable whole subsystems, it is still powerful enough to drain the energy reserves of a target with each attack.

VeteranRank Veteran gains Tritanium-Deuterium-Alloy Reinforcement: Special armor reinforcements have been added to the chassis of this vessel, in order to empower the structural integrity and to reduce damage received from torpedoes. Lowers hull damage taken by 40 percent and reduces all damage received from torpedoes by 15 percent.

Field Yard
Small Destroyer
  15 11 5 P Short 140 30  
VeteranRank 28 23 5   3/25      

Tactical Weapon Arrays: A special group of micro-processors have been added to the weapon control to increase the effectiveness against tactical long-range targets (by 50%). The defense systems had to be weakened, increasing the damage received from short range assault crafts (by 12%).

Manual Targeting: Experienced Klingon tactical officers are known to have great skills in following cloaked vessels while they are entering cloak and still landing hits. Allows all vessels to keep targeting the enemy unit while the B'rel is still firing upon it. A single vessel is made visible (for 7 seconds) every 3 seconds with a failure rate of 50%. Also reduces the drawbacks that some offensive or defensive passive abilities might bring.

Weapon Fatigue: At the turning point of a battle, a Klingon warrior will do everything to achieve victory, even if that involves irreparable damage to a ship. The Weapon Fatigue effect dissipates if the B'rel gains a new rank, but if the Weapon Fatigue effect persists through its full duration, there is a chance for the B'rel to immediately rank up (though this will not return supplies). The B'rel gains a chance of leveling up with every shot and will immediately rank up if it destroys a vessel. If ranking up, the supplies spent will be returned (+3/+6 to Off/Def +10 to speed). Costs 6 supply. Procured from Field Research.

Rank5 Rank 5 gains Extended Destroyer Cores: This vessel carries giant fusion reactors for a vessel of its size. Therefore it is far superior to other destroyers in both offensive and defensive capabilities. Increases the damage dealt to destroyers by 16 percent and decreases the damage received from destroyers by 16 percent.

VeteranRank Veteran gains 2x Twin-cannon Disruptor: Fires an additional burst per volley.

Small Destroyer
  19 19 7 B Medium 120 85  
VeteranRank 28 47 7   4/25      

Omni Armor Mounting Slots (The Everlasting Design): A special armor module system allows the ship to install specific armor plates, to fit the current task. This way a vessel may profit from an increased overall defense power and highly durable subsystems and weapons.

Heavy Disrupter (TaQ'roja only): Fires an over-energized disruptor shot at a hostile target. Heavy disruptors deal increased damage to destroyers (by 20%). Medium range. Available at Field Research.

Torpedo Drone (Martok only): Fires a homing torpedo drone at a hostile vessel. The torpedo drone will always hit its target. Medium range. Available at Field Research.

Rank5 Rank 5 gains Armor Plates: Reactive Armor is a simple, but efficient way to improve the hull strength and the subsystem durability. Subsystem durability increased by an additional 100 percent. Defensive Value increased by 8.

VeteranRank Veteran gains Tritanium-Deuterium-Alloy Reinforcements: Special armor reinforcements have been added to the chassis of this vessel, in order to empower the structural integrity and to reduce damage received from torpedoes. Lowers hull damage taken by 40 percent and reduces all damage received from torpedoes by 15 percent.

Small Cruiser
  23 20 8 P Short 120 90  
VeteranRank 38 41 8   5/25      

Single Stage Energy Conduits: Special types of energy conduits allow weapons to charge more energy and deal increased damage against the typical, medium range target (by 31%). Many protection systems and buffers have been skipped and therefore the weapons of this vessel are more vulnerable to fluctuations and all subsystems are more easily damaged.

Shield Breaking Torpedo: This torpedo is especially adjusted to break through the shields of a hostile and deals direct hull damage May be used while cloaked. Short range. Available at Field Research.

Rank5 Rank 5 gains Verteron Particle Loads: Charging a common pulse disruptor with Verteron particles might cause subspace fluctuations that disturb a target's engine systems. However the fluctuation effect is only temporary. Attacks have a 20 percent chance to disable the engines of the target.

VeteranRank Veteran gains 2x Twin-cannon Disruptor: Fires an additional burst per volley.

Small Destroyer
  23 12 5 T Artillery 120 95  
VeteranRank 35 25 5   3/25      

Alternate Armament: Alternative ammunition will increase the time between shots by 250 percent, but attacks will cause the target to lose its engines. Lasts until canceled. Available at Field Research.

Rank5 Rank 5 gains Armor Piercing: Torpedoes fired by this warship will pierce through a hostile's armor, dealing uniform damage to all kinds of targets. The more hitpoints a foe has, the more damage will be dealt. Increases damage dealt by an amount equal to 0.8 percent of the target's total hit points.

VeteranRank Veteran gains Condensed Proton Warheads: The warheads of this vessel have been enriched with condensed protons, granting them a chance to deal incredible area damage on impact. Deals area damage to hostile units, which has a greater effect on battleships. May hit up to four units.

Small Destroyer
  21 19 8 T Short 130 90  
VeteranRank 33 39 8   4/25      

Extra Energy Stores: A large energy storage unit is connected to the weapon systems, allowing them to draw large amounts of energy with each volley. This unique charging technique increases damage versus stations (by 31%), but that comes at a price. The shield regeneration rate is reduced, due to rerouted plasma circuits.

Last Ditch Assault: Supercharges the primary systems, causing high stress to the weapons. Increases the Offensive Value of this unit by 8 and shortens the weapon reload times for 35 seconds. After this effect ends the Offensive Value will be reduced by 4 for an additional 20 seconds. The cloaking device cannot be used while effects of Last Ditch Assault are active. Available at Field Research.

Rank5 Rank 5 gains 4x Micro Photon Torpedo.

VeteranRank Veteran gains Condensed Proton Warheads: The warheads of this vessel have been enriched with condensed protons, granting them a chance to deal incredible area damage on impact. Deals area damage to hostile units, which has a greater effect on battleships.

Battle Yard
Medium Cruiser
  23 20 8 T Medium 110 115  
VeteranRank 37 44 8   5/25      

Fast Tracking Computers: This vessel has been refitted in order to assault and destroy fast moving vessels that might damage a fleet. The weapons will deal increased damage (by 50%) against short range units. As the modified weapon systems consume many calculation cycles, defense against long-range weaponry is reduced (by 24%).

Combat Tractor Beam: Can be locked on a target even while shields are active. Medium range. Researched at the Armory.

Rank5 Rank 5 gains Capital Torpedo Reload Bays: Giant warheads require different reload and storage systems than normal torpedoes. These oversized weapons deal increased damage to most targets, except those which were designed for heavy combat. That is so to say, battleships. This vessel deals 28 percent increased damage to targets which are not battleships.

VeteranRank Veteran gains War Impulse-Engines: Klingon engineers soon started to adjust all systems of a vessel to improve its combat capabilities. The impulse drives were no exception. Those war-refits usually grant a better acceleration, top speed and boost the ECM capabilities of a vessel. Greatly increased movement speed and grants a chance to avoid pulse weapons.

Small Cruiser
  25 20 9 T Long 90 70  
VeteranRank 43 43 9   5/25      

Compound Torpedoes: Fires a volley of micro photon torpedoes at up to three independent targets. Long range. Researched at the Armory.

Rank5 Rank 5 gains Flak Targeting Systems: This vessel has been refitted to strike at small and mobile targets by predicting their movement paths. Therefore its weapons are far more efficient against destroyers. Increases the damage dealt to destroyers by 60 percent.

VeteranRank Veteran gains Condensed Proton Warheads: The warheads of this vessel have been enriched with condensed protons, granting them a chance to deal incredible area damage on impact. Deals area damage to hostile units, which has a greater effect on battleships. May hit up to four units.

Medium Support vessel
  25 20 27 BT Medium 100 100  
VeteranRank 42 55 35   8/25      

Level 1: Imperial Stance: Increases all attributes of the Qaw'Duj by 3 and renders it immune to all special weapon effects, including a 70% reduction of damage dealt by special weapons. Lasts 30 seconds.

Level 2: Ionizing Torpedo: Ionizing energies will cause system failures on a hostile target, draining 80 special weapon energy. Medium range.

Level 3: Polaron Field: Disables a random subsystem each second on up to five vessels in the target area. Lasts 5 seconds. Long range. Level 2/3 researched at Armory.

Rank5 Rank 5 gains Draining Disruptor Cannons: Inspired by Breen weapon technology, the Klingons started to refit some disruptor systems in order to achieve a draining effect. While the efficiency is too low to disable whole subsystems, it is still powerful enough to drain the energy reserves of a target with each attack.

VeteranRank Veteran gains Tritanium-Deuterium-Alloy Reinforcement: Special armor reinforcements have been added to the chassis of this vessel, in order to empower the structural integrity and to reduce damage received from torpedoes. Lowers hull damage taken by 40 percent and reduces all damage received from torpedoes by 15 percent.

Medium Cruiser
  38 30 14 B Medium 100 125  
VeteranRank 67 75 14   8/25      

Ablative Armor Plates: Special armor plates have been added to this unit, which will reduce incoming fire by being damaged or destroyed. It is effective against short range weapons with high energy profiles and reduces damage (by 50%). As ablative systems are always harder to repair, the hull repair rate drops slightly. The mass of this vessel is also increased, resulting in reduced combat performance against long range craft (by 10%).

Polaron Torpedo: Fires a polaron-charged torpedo at a hostile unit, breaking through the shields, causing direct hull damage and crushing a subsystem. Lasts 10 seconds. Medium range. Researched at the Armory.

Rank5 Rank 4 gains Photon Torpedo.

VeteranRank Veteran gains Battle-tried Energy Circuits: The Klingons are known for their solid and efficient technology. They don't have a need for holo-decks or similar systems on their warships. Utilizing battle-tried subsystems allows a vessel to greatly boost its offensive and defensive strength, by adding half its system value to the respective attributes.

Manual Targeting: Experienced Klingon tactical officers are known to have great skills in following cloaked vessels while they are entering cloak and still landing hits. Allows all vessels to keep targeting the enemy unit while the Vor'cha is still firing upon it. A single vessel is made visible (for 7 seconds) every 3 seconds with a failure rate of 50%. Also reduces the drawbacks that some offensive or defensive passive abilities might bring.

Medium Battleship
  34 25 11 BT Medium 100 100  
VeteranRank 51 61 11   6/25      

Targeting Scrambler: In addition to regular ECM systems, a scrambling device has been installed that will make it very hard to receive a torpedo lock on this ship. Decreases the chance to be hit by torpedoes by 45 percent (36% hit chance by torpedoes).

Manual Targeting: Experienced Klingon tactical officers are known to have great skills in following cloaked vessels while they are entering cloak and still landing hits. Allows all vessels to keep targeting the enemy unit while the Vutpa' is still firing upon it. Up to two vessels are made visible (for 7 seconds) every 3 seconds with a failure rate of 50%.

Concussion Missile Launchers: Photon Racks are an ancient, but yet powerful Klingon weaponry. A special attack pattern launches a high number of missiles at independent targets. Medium range. Researched at the Ordnance Depot.

Call to Arms: This vessel has been refitted with additional quarters and weapon chambers. These changes increase the maximum crew capacity and the combat power of soldiers while boarding or being boarded to make this vessel act as a troopship. Crew complement increased by 125. May use transporter assault. Researched at the Ordnance Depot. Only 6 Vutpa' may be refitted into troopships.

Rank5 Rank 5 gains Targeting Scrambler: In addition to regular ECM systems, a scrambling device has been installed that will make it very hard to receive a torpedo lock on this ship. A super targeting scrambler is capable of avoiding far greater than 50 percent of all torpedo hits. Increases the chance to dodge torpedoes so only 4% will hit and pulse weapons so only 85% hit.

VeteranRank Veteran gains War Impulse-Engines: Greatly increased movement speed and grants a chance to avoid pulse weapons.

Vutpa' Refit
Medium Battleship
Vutpa' Refit
  34 25 11 BT Medium 100 225  
VeteranRank 51 61 11   6/25      

Call to Arms: This vessel has been refitted with additional quarters and weapon chambers. These changes increase the maximum crew capacity and the combat power of soldiers while boarding or being boarded to make this vessel act as a troopship. May use transporter assault. Researched at the Ordnance Depot.

Targeting Scrambler: In addition to regular ECM systems, a scrambling device has been installed that will make it very hard to receive a torpedo lock on this ship. Decreases the chance to be hit by torpedoes by 45 percent (36% hit chance by torpedoes).

Manual Targeting: Experienced Klingon tactical officers are known to have great skills in following cloaked vessels while they are entering cloak and still landing hits. Allows all vessels to keep targeting the enemy unit while the Vutpa' is still firing upon it. Up to two vessels are made visible (for 7 seconds) every 3 seconds with a failure rate of 50%.

Mass-Seeking Missiles: As conflicts within the empire became more frequent, there soon was a need to face cloaked threats. The answer was a modification of the ancient Photon Rack missiles, adding a shield breaking polaron warhead and a mass seeking guidance system. They might even cause weapon system damage due to their precise guidance system. Only hits up to three cloaked vessels, disabling their weapon systems. Medium range. Researched at the Ordnance Depot.

Limit of 6.

Rank5 Rank 5 gains Targeting Scrambler: In addition to regular ECM systems, a scrambling device has been installed that will make it very hard to receive a torpedo lock on this ship. A super targeting scrambler is capable of avoiding far greater than 50 percent of all torpedo hits. Increases the chance to dodge torpedoes so only 4% will hit and pulse weapons so only 85% hit.

VeteranRank Veteran gains War Impulse-Engines: Greatly increased movement speed and grants a chance to avoid pulse weapons.

Large Battleship
  43 34 15 BT Short 110 160  
VeteranRank 79 83 15   9/25      

Cluster Torpedo Launcher: These special torpedoes carry more than one warhead and are designed to penetrate deep into a vessel before detonation. Although this method leaves nothing to salvage, it is a very effective combat tactic. Part of the damage is dealt as direct hull damage.

Autonomous Defense AI: This vessel is equipped with a special computer core that allows it to remodulate weapon and shield systems while in battle to optimize defense against standard vessels at medium range (by 31%). Those computer cores are quite expensive, and therefore the supply cost of this vessel is increased. The AI also seems to be less effective against non-regular starships like support vessels (deals 61% less and receives 24% more).

Field of Fire: Transport a charge of heavy explosives at the target location. The resulting fireball will cause internal explosions in up to five vessels in the affected area. The internal explosions will last twice as long as the effect of normal Cluster Torpedoes. Hits cloaked vessels. Long range. Researched at the Ordnance Depot.

Rank5 Rank 5 gains High Explosives Ammunition: A special ammo system greatly increases the damage dealt by Cluster Torpedoes and similar warheads, such as the Field of Fire special ability. Increases the direct hull damage dealt by Cluster Torpedoes and Field of Fire by 70 percent.

VeteranRank Veteran gains Battle-tried Energy Circuits: The Klingons are known for their solid and efficient technology. They don't have a need for holo-decks or similar systems on their warships. Utilizing battle-tried subsystems allows a vessel to greatly boost its offensive and defensive strength, by adding half its system value to the respective attributes.

Manual Targeting: Experienced Klingon tactical officers are known to have great skills in following cloaked vessels while they are entering cloak and still landing hits. Allows all vessels to keep targeting the enemy unit while the LuSpet is still firing upon it. A single vessel is made visible (for 7 seconds) every 3 seconds with a failure rate of 50%. Also reduces the drawbacks that some offensive or defensive passive abilities might bring.

Imperial Yard
Medium Cruiser
  30 24 11 B Long 80 175  
VeteranRank 55 56 11   6/25      

Assault Disruptor: Deals constant damage but uses special energy.

Energy Buffer: An energy buffering system connected to the Assault Disruptor will reduce its energy usage by 50 percent but will also cut down movement speed due to lesser total starship energy availability. Lasts until canceled. Researched at Imperial Research.

Rank5 Rank 5 gains Secondary Buffer System: Increases the Defensive Value by 16 while the Energy Buffer special ability is active.

VeteranRank Veteran gains Battle-tried Energy Circuits: The Klingons are known for their solid and efficient technology. They don't have a need for holo-decks or similar systems on their warships. Utilizing battle-tried subsystems allows a vessel to greatly boost its offensive and defensive strength, by adding half its system value to the respective attributes.

Manual Targeting: Experienced Klingon tactical officers are known to have great skills in following cloaked vessels while they are entering cloak and still landing hits. Allows all vessels to keep targeting the enemy unit while the Cho'naQ is still firing upon it. A single vessel is made visible (for 7 seconds) every 3 seconds with a failure rate of 50%.

Large Support vessel
  28 26 40 T Short 90 200  
VeteranRank 50 76 50   11/25      

Ionized Hull: Special pods have been installed in this unit's hull plates, rendering it invulnerable to the effects of ion storms, either artificial or natural.

Level 1: Transports an automated attack probe into space which will attack hostile targets nearby. Probe is targetable and has offensive/defensive/system value of 18/20/9. Costs 7 supplies. May be used while Advanced Cloak is active.

Level 2: Advanced Cloak: Hides this unit from the enemy's sensors. Cloaking and decloaking will take 4 seconds Special weapon energy does not regenerate while cloaked. Level 2/3 researched at Imperial Research. Renders the BortaS invisible to normal Tachyon Pings.

Level 3: Artificial Ion Storm: Creates an artificial ion storm around this unit. Hits cloaked vessels. Lasts 25 seconds.

Build limit of three.

Rank5 Rank 5 gains Industrial Field Replicators: The ability to replicate large spare parts and new Combat Probes greatly boosts the effectiveness of special weapons, like the Ion-Storm damage and the overall Attack Probe attributes.

VeteranRank Veteran gains Ion Synthesizer: The ability to generate large amounts of ions allow this vessel to increase the effective weapon range of Ion Torpedoes (to long), and to greatly increase the radius of effect for the Ion Storm.

Large Battleship
  50 36 16 BT Short 110 335  
VeteranRank 77 79 18   9/25      

Tactical Weapon Arrays: A special group of micro-processors have been added to the weapon control to increase the effectiveness against tactical long-range targets (by 50%). The defense systems had to be weakened, increasing the damage received from short range assault crafts (by 24%).

Weapon Overload: A concentrated ion-burst will deal incredible amounts of damage to a single hostile target, enough to blast away a smaller unit with a single shot. The torpedo launcher will have a cool down period for 30 seconds. Long range. Researched at Imperial Research.

Rank5 Rank 5 gains Ion Torpedo Launchers which replace the normal photon torpedo complement. Ion torpedoes deal variable damage.

VeteranRank Veteran gains 2x Warship Cannon: This ultra-heavy weaponry is nothing less than an artillery cannon mounted on a battleship. One single volley is able to crush through the shields of starbases. The exact charging mechanism of this giant disruptor is still unknown. Klingon engineering at its finest. Deals 20% increased damage to battleships.