
Destroys the weapon's owner and can have a circular area of effect. Effects are dealt to target GameObjects every second for the duration they are within the area of effect. The map is revealed in a radius (sensorRange = blackHoleCreator->maxScale * ordnance->radius) from the center of the ordnance for the owner player.

When hitting its target the Ordnance can change its model and size.

Uses the shotGeometry ODF command. Does not use the sprite ODF command.

classlabel = "blackholecreator"

Stock ODF Commands


Float, Default: 1.0

Determines the scaling of the model. This is only visual and has no effect on game mechanics.

Note that this command can be used to match the visual size of the model with the actual radius of effects.


Float, Default: ~0.0

The minimum (initial) size of the model when it first is spawned. Determines the initial radius of the ordnance's effects. radius*Scale = area of effect. Explain better

Note that as the model goes from initialScale to maxScale the radius of the ordnance's effects will change accordingly.


Float, Default: 10.0

The maximum size of the model. Determines the final radius of the ordnance's effects. radius * Scale = area of effect. Explain better


Float, Default: 10.0

The amount of time in seconds it takes the model to go from minimum size to maximum size.


Float, Default: 5.0

The amount of time in seconds it takes the model to go from maximum size to minimum size.


Float, Default: 5.0

The amount of time in seconds the model spends at its maximum size. ***nonfunctional command. Has no effect if change it.


Boolean, Default: FALSE

When set to true (1), if the BlackHoleCreator requires a target to fire (does not detonate at the owner's current location), the ordnance will detonate at the center of the target GameObject. Note that the owner GameObject will still explode at its current location when the BlackHoleCreator is triggered.

When false, the ordnance will detonate at the same place as the owner's current location.

Note that when targeting a Planet, this command is always treated as false (the ordnance detonates at the surface of the Planet).