
GameObjects hit by the wave-type Ordnance are repelled and have their engine subsystems disabled. The RepulsionWave visibly fades out as it ends. The owner vessel is destroyed instantly upon usage.

The Ordnance is hardcoded to reference an ODF called wrave, which sets many of the RepulsionWave's attributes. If the ODF is not present, Armada will crash when the Ordnance triggers.

The map is revealed in a radius of 500 units from the center of the ordnance for the owner player.

Does not use the shotGeometry or sprite ODF command.

SpecialValue determines how long the engine disabling effect lasts in seconds after the target is not within the RepulsionWave.

classLabel = "repulsionwave"

Stock ODF Commands


Original comments: The total length of the wave. ***Appears non-functional in Armada II / Fleet Ops.


Integer, Default: freeze (Could be float)

Must be defined otherwise the game will freeze at the end of the loading bar. This value does NOT affect the waveArc in game. This is instead set by waveArc ODF command in wrave.odf .

waveArc = 90


Original comments: The height of each wave. ***Appears non-functional in Armada II / Fleet Ops.


Original comments: The frequency of the waves (how many crests within a radius measure). ***Appears non-functional in Armada II / Fleet Ops.


Original comments: how quickly the wave cycles (up down speed). ***Appears non-functional in Armada II / Fleet Ops.


Integer, Default: crash

Must be defined or selecting the owner GameObject / faction will cause a crash. Can cause a crash if the number of rays is too high as well. This value does NOT affect the rays in game. This is instead set by rays ODF command in wrave.odf .

rays = 9


Original comments: Original comments: How many vertices long is the wave? ***Appears non-functional in Armada II / Fleet Ops.


Set by texture ODF command in wrave.odf .


Set by rate ODF command in wrave.odf .


Set by repulsionForce ODF command in wrave.odf .


Float, Default: 1000.0

The distance the RepulsionWave extends before it fades out completely and no longer displays a visual or has a gameplay effect.