
The GameObject which processes resources from a Freighter. Important ODF commands for this class: resourcesCanHandle. The AI uses resourcesCanHandle to determine where to build MiningStations in relation to complementary resource types.

Note that MiningStations have a number of RTS_CFG.h commands for the AI and Player.

classlabel = "mining"

Stock ODF Commands


Float, Default: 0.0

The amount of dilithium transferred from the Freighter to the mining station per second. If 0.0 for the MiningStation, the order to mine that resource, when you select a freighter and move the cursor above the station, will not appear.

The TransferRate command also determines whether a Freighter may deposit this resource at this GameObject.


Float, Default: 0.0

The amount of latinum transferred from the Freighter to the mining station per second. If 0.0 for the MiningStation, the order to mine that resource, when you select a freighter and move the cursor above the station, will not appear.

The TransferRate command also determines whether a Freighter may deposit this resource at this GameObject.


Float, Default: 0.0

The amount of biomatter transferred from the Freighter to the mining station per second. If 0.0 for the MiningStation, the order to mine that resource, when you select a freighter and move the cursor above the station, will not appear.

The TransferRate command also determines whether a Freighter may deposit this resource at this GameObject.


Float, Default: 0.0

The amount of metal transferred from the Freighter to the mining station per second. If 0.0 for the MiningStation, the order to mine that resource, when you select a freighter and move the cursor above the station, will not appear.

The TransferRate command also determines whether a Freighter may deposit this resource at this GameObject.


Float, Default: 1.0

The ratio of the gathered resource as it is converted into biomatter (conversion into biomatter is hardcoded).


Float, Default: 1.0

The ratio of the gathered resource as it is converted into biomatter (conversion into biomatter is hardcoded).


Float, Default: 1.0

The ratio of the gathered resource as it is converted into biomatter (conversion into biomatter is hardcoded).


String, Default: Null

Determines the GameObject (it does not have to be a Freighter / CargoShip or even a Craft) that is spawned with the miningStation (when the miningStation is built or otherwise appears). Freighters spawned in this manner will go to mine the nearest Resource object automatically.

The spawned GameObject will subtract its crewCost from the total amount of crew given to the miningStation (this only affects how much crew the miningStation will have left and not the total amount of crew that the GameObject spawns with). If the miningStation does not have enough crew to support the crewCost of the spawned GameObject, the miningStation will start off as a derelict. Note that spawned BlackHoles will destroy the miningStation.

No .odf extension required.

freighterName = "fed_mandril"

Note that freighterName has no effect if the MiningStation is built from an Evolver.


Boolean, Default: FALSE

When set to true (1), the GameObject may be decomissioned at its current location, without need of a yard.


Float, Default:
