Creates a GameObject which can deal damage to nearby units. More than one IonStorm cannot occupy overlapping space - if two or more IonStorms should be placed where their effectRadius overlaps, only the last placed IonStorm will remain. Cannot damage kspecial.odf GameObjects.
IonStorms do not have a footprint and are unselectable in-game.
classlabel = "ionstorm_obj"
Stock ODF Commands
Integer, Default: 0
The amount of damage dealt every second to GameObjects affected by the Ionstorm.
Float, Default: <<1.0
The length of time in seconds the GameObject remains before being removed. If set to zero the GameObject is permanent.
Float, Default: 0.0
The speed at which the model of the Ionstorm spins. A positive value is in the clockwise direction and a negative value is counterclockwise.
rotation = 0.005
Float, Default: ~0.20
The percentage the model of the GameObject increases at each step (1.0 = 1.0%).
Float, Default: ~1.0
The number of steps to take to reach the maximum size of the GameObject.