
AsteroidFields have footprints by default, are impassable at any map height / depth, and are unselectable in-game.

AsteroidFields are hardcoded to use master.SOD, master1.SOD, master2.SOD, master3.SOD, master4.SOD, master5.SOD, master6.SOD, master7.SOD for the generated asteroid models. The AsteroidField itself has no model file.

classlabel = "asteroidfield"

Stock ODF Commands


Integer, Default: ~12

Visual effect only. The maximum number of asteroids generated around the AsteroidField. The AsteroidField randomly selects asteroid models, even if maxAsteroid = 1. Consequently, if there are 7 different types of asteroid models, and maxAsteroid = 5, the AsteroidField may generate 5 different asteroids, or several of the same.

Note that a value less than 1 will cause Armada to crash.


Integer, Default: ~7

Visual effect only. The minimum number of asteroids generated around the AsteroidField. The AsteroidField randomly selects asteroid models, even if minAsteroid = 1. Consequently, when there are 7 different types of asteroid models, and minAsteroid = 5, the AsteroidField may generate 5 different asteroids, or several of the same.

Note that a value less than 1 will cause Armada to crash.


Float???, Default: 100.0

The radius from the center of the field that individual asteroids may travel from. This is also the radius of the intraversible region.

The area of the footprint is calculated from the fieldRadius: fieldRadius * 2 = RadiusFootprintArea. Note that Armada displays this footprint as a square, but for pathing purposes it is circular.

fieldradius = 100 // The footprint of the AsteroidField measures 400x400


Float, Default: ???

Visual effect only. The speed at which the asteroids orbit the center of the field.


Float, Default: ???

Visual effect only. The distance between asteroids when the forces of repulsion and attraction are equal, as a fraction of fieldRadius. When asteroids are further from each other than this distance, they attract. However, when asteroids are closer to each other than this distance, they repel.


Float, Default: ???

Visual effect only. The speed at which the asteroids spin on their axis.