
Fleet Operations only.

The LoadingScreen configuration file is hardcoded to accept only a single file as valid: loadscreen.odf . The configuration file sets the look and content of the Loading Screen.

Fleet Operations Configuration ODF Commands


Integer, Default: 0 0 0

The red, green, blue (RGB) color of the Loading Bar as it first appears. Three float values between 0.0 and 1.0

loadbarcolorstart = 0.5    0.0    0.0


Integer, Default: 0 0 0

The red, green, blue (RGB) color of the Loading Bar as it runs to the edge of the screen. Three float values between 0.0 and 1.0 . The Loading Bar changes color gradually as it transitions from loadBarColorStart to loadBarColorEnd.

loadbarcolorend = 1.0    0.5    0.5


Float, Default:

The height of the Loading Bar

loadbarheight = 0.03


Float, Default:

The width of the Loading Bar

loadbarwidth = 0.96


Float, Default:

The position of the Loading Bar on the screen in the X direction.

loadbarpositionx = 0.02


Float, Default:

loadbarpositiony = 0.94


Boolean, Default: FALSE (horizontal)

When set to true (1), the Loading Bar proceeds vertically (bottom is start position).


Boolean, Default: FALSE (left to right)

When set to true (1), the Loading Bar proceeds from right to left.


Boolean, Default: 1.0

Determines the transparency of the whole Loading Bar as it starts. 1.0 is solid and 0.0 is completely transparent.

If loadbarTransparencyStart and loadbarTransparencyEnd take different values, the transparency of the whole loadbar will gradually change from the Start value to that of the End.


Boolean, Default: 1.0

Determines the transparency of the whole Loading Bar as it ends. 1.0 is solid and 0.0 is completely transparent.

If loadbarTransparencyStart and loadbarTransparencyEnd take different values, the transparency of the whole loadbar will gradually change from the Start value to that of the End.


Float, Default:

The position of the tip's tooltip in the X direction.

tipposition = 0.36


Float, Default:

The position of the tip's tooltip in the Y direction.

tippositiony = 0.1


Float, Default:

The width of the tip's tooltip.

tipwidth = 0.4


Float, Default:

The position of the tip's sprite image in the X direction.

tipspritex = 0.30


Float, Default:

The position of the tip's sprite image in the Y direction.

tipspritex = 0.1


Float, Default:

Modifies the size of the tip's sprite image.

tipspritesize = 0.05


Integer, Default: ???

Determines how many tips in total can be displayed, including tip0.


String, Default: Null

Determines the text of the tip as it appears during loading. Dynamic_Localized_Strings.h file can be used to save space and store longer tooltips. The first X that is specified begins with 0.



String, Default: Null

The sprite image that is associated with tipX. The first X that is specified begins with 0.

tip0sprite = "LoadingBarTip_Screenshot"