MapEditor Configuration

The main Map Editor configuration file is hardcoded to accept only a single file as valid: editmenu.odf . This parent file defines the attributes for the more flexible child files of the Map Editor.

The Map Editor is hardcoded to have a maximum of three levels of nested files: editmenu.odf > {level-2-name}.odf > {level-3-name}.odf . Each entry maps to an F key, and as a result, there can only be 12 entries (F1-F12) for each menu (1728 elements).

Stock Configuration ODF Commands


String, Default: Null

This command is only useable in the parent editmenu.odf .

Determines which child Map Editor configuration ODFs map to the starting (first level) Map Editor menu. Each entry is displayed in order of X, one under the other. Requires .odf file extension.

menuname1 = "edit_mapobjects.odf"
menuname2 = "edit_borg.odf"
menuname3 = "edit_dominion.odf"
menuname4 = "edit_federation.odf"
menuname5 = "edit_klingon.odf"
menuname6 = "edit_romulan.odf"
menuname7 = "edit_npc.odf"


String, Default: Null

This command is used in child Map Editor configuration ODFs.

Determines what the in-game name of the particular Map Editor menu is.

menutitle = "Map Events"


String, Default: Null

This command is used in child Map Editor configuration ODFs (second level menu only).

Determines which child Map Editor configuration ODFs map to the second level of the Map Editor menu. Each entry is displayed in order of X, one under the other. Requires .odf file extension.

builditem1 = "edit_borg_vesselsY.odf"
builditem2 = "edit_borg_stationsY.odf"
builditem3 = "edit_borg_vesselsZ.odf"
builditem4 = "edit_borg_stationsZ.odf"
builditem5 = "edit_borg_mixedtech.odf"
builditem6 = "edit_borg_uncommon.odf"


String, Default: Null

This command is used in child Map Editor configuration ODFs (third level menu only).

Determines the ODFs which can be directly placed on a map. Each entry is displayed in order of X, one under the other. Does not require .odf file extension.

menutitle = "Borg Vessels (Optimize)"
item1 = "bor_assemblerY"
item2 = "bor_freighterY"
item3 = "bor_detector"
item4 = "bor_interceptor"


Boolean, Default: FALSE

This command is used in child Map Editor configuration ODFs that have specified itemXs (third level menu only).

When set to true (1), the itemX ODFs that are specified in this configuration file will be placed as Team 0, Perceived Team 0 (uncaptureable by transporting action and non-hostile).