
Fleet Operations only. Does not require an Ordnance file (although can use one).

Requires a SleeperAgent to be present on a target to create an effect. The AgentSaboteur will randomly choose one of these targets when fired, even if the AgentSaboteur requires a target. Note that the RomulanSpy ordnance invalidates a Craft for the AgentSaboteur, unless a SleeperAgent was placed on the target prior to the RomulanSpy.

Note that the AgentSaboteur always uses the Weapon's specialEnergyCost command even if an Ordnance is specified.

The AI or special weapons autonomy will not use this weapon when resource costs are enabled for this weapon.

classlabel = "AgentSaboteur"

Fleet Operations ODF Commands


Float, Default: 1.0

Chance in percent that the Ordnance file's damage is taken into consideration (1.0 = 100%). If no Ordnance is specified, this is the chance that the vessel is outright destroyed, or, if a station, the shields dropped to zero percent.


Event, Default: Null

The event that is played upon triggering the weapon.


Float, Default: 0.0

Dilithium spent to use this weapon. Note that the AI may not use weapons with a negative cost. Negative values add to the player's resource pool.


Float, Default: 0.0

Metal spent to use this weapon. Note that the AI may not use weapons with a negative cost. Negative values add to the player's resource pool.


Integer, Default: 0

Crew spent to use this weapon. Note that the AI may not use weapons with a negative cost. Negative values add to the player's resource pool.


Float, Default: 0.0

Tritanium / Latinum spent to use this weapon. Note that the AI may not use weapons with a negative cost. Negative values add to the player's resource pool.


Float, Default: 0.0

Supply / Biomatter spent to use this weapon. Note that the AI may not use weapons with a negative cost. Negative values add to the player's resource pool.


Boolean, Default: FALSE

If set to true (1), the owner vessel gains XP if a vessel is destroyed by this weapon.