
Requires an Ordnance file. HitChance has no affect for this weapon.

Creates an event that calls in a GameObject of your choosing which will appear via the Wormhole of your choosing.

classlabel = "quantumeffect"

Stock ODF commands


String, Default: Null

Determines the wormhole ODF that is used. This entry must be a valid Wormhole. Does not require .odf extension

wormholeid = "map_wormhole"


String, Default: Null

Determines the GameObject that exits the Quantum Singularity. GameObjects are spawned as Team 0 and Perceived Team 0. Does not require .odf extension.

Must be defined with a valid GameObject or will cause a crash.

shipid = "fed_intrepid"


Float, Default: 0.0

Determines the minimum distance from the Quantum Singularity that the transported vessel will search to attack.


Float, Default: 0.0 *

Determines the maximum distance from the Quantum Singularity that the transported vessel will search to attack.

* Note that Armada will crash if this command is undefined.


Float, Default: 0.0 *

Determines the radius increments (the number of circles the unit will make in going from minimum to maximum radius) in which to search.

* Note that Armada will freeze if this command is undefined.

* Note that Armada may crash if deltaRadius is large when min and maxRadius are small.


Integer, Default: 0 *

The number of sectors the search circle is divided into for the search pattern.

* Note that Armada can crash if this command is undefined.