
Does not require an Ordnance file.

Causes the owner vessel to activate a shield that will reflect Beam or Missile Ordnance directed at it. Wcorbrfr.sod is used by default for the weapon's model animation.

Note that only enemy Missile Ordnance is reflected - friendly or enemy Beam Ordnance is always reflected.

Does not use shotDelay command or hitChance (never misses) ODF commands.

classlabel = "reflectweapon"

Stock ODF Commands


Float, Default: 1.0

The fraction of reflected shots (1.0 = 100%).


Float, Default: 1.0

The fraction of reflected shots that hit the vessel that fired them (1.0 = 100%).


Boolean, Default: FALSE

If true (1), Missile Ordnance are reflected.


Boolean, Default: FALSE

If true (1), Beam Ordnance are reflected.