Beam Weapon ODF Template

Download Beam Template as an ODF.

//Programming Stuff DO NOT CHANGE
classlabel = "cannonimp"

//Display name for this weapon
wpnname = ""

//Short tooltip for this weapon
tooltip = ""

//Long tooltip for this weapon
verbosetooltip = ""

//Name of the ODF file for the ordinance for this weapon
ordname = "phasero"

//Time delay between shots
shotdelay0 =

//Sound which is played when the weapon fires
// Value is the sound file name and must have the .wav extension included
firesound = ""

// Percent chance of hitting the target.
//Can be applied to specific ships in format default "shipname.odf" 0.9 (this is a percentage). Default is 1.
// 1 = 100% 0.75 = 75% 0.5 = 50 % 0.25 = 25% 0 = 0%
hitchance =

// Modifier that changes the percent chance (from hitChance)
//to hit a target based on whether or not the attacker is full impulse
impulsetohitmodifier =

// Modifier that changes the percent chance (from hitChance)
//to hit a target based on whether or not attacker is stopped
stoptohitmodifier =

// Modifier that changes the percent chance (from hitChance)
//to hit a target based on whether or not the target is full impulse
tohitimpulsemodifier =

// Modifier that changes the percent chance (from hitChance)
//to hit a target based on whether or not the target is stopped
tohitstopmodifier =

// Range within which the weapon will fire.
//range = 575.0f
range =