
Planets hit by the Ordnance can lose large amounts of crew and colonists. Damage, if specified, is only dealt to the PlanetShields. The AccelCannon causes effects 50 times per second while active.

Note that as a special weapon (special = 1), the AccelCannon can only be set to target Planets - either the base Weapon ODF command targetEnemyPlanetsOnly or targetEnemyPlanets must be present however. If neither command is present, when the Ordnance is fired, it will hit the owner unit instead and destroy it.

As a regular weapon, the AccelCannon can target any Craft, but it will immediately toggle off as soon as the target has no crew left (if attempting to retarget, the AccelCannon will briefly hit, but do no damage). Configured in this way, the ordnance will be unable to switch targets until the primary target is destroyed or derelict.

Uses the sprite ODF command. Does not use the shotGeometry ODF command.

SpecialEnergyCost drains per second.

Note that the Weapon (if special = 1) that fires this Ordnance must have needTarget = 1, otherwise Armada will crash when the AI / Special Weapons Autonomy uses the weapon (or when there is no available target in range of the Weapon).

classlabel = "accelcannon"

Stock ODF Commands


Integer, Default:

The maximum number of colonists that may be killed when this Ordnance hits the Planet. This value is multiplied by a random float between 0 and 1.


Integer, Default:

The maximum number of crew that may be killed when this Ordnance hits the Planet. This value is multiplied by a random float between 0 and 1.