Can only be used on a GameObject which carries valid special weapons (Weapon assimilatable ODF command). GameObjects hit by the Ordnance have their engines subsystem disabled. The owner Craft will assimilate valid special weapons that belong to targeted GameObjects (and which are allowed by the technology tree). If a special weapon is assimilated, its weapon is transferred as an extraWeapon to the GameObject which owns the TechAssimBeam, provided the Craft maxExtraWeapons ODF command allows it. Weapons are assimilated in order of the owner GameObject's weaponX assignment.
Always affects both allied and enemy GameObjects.
Uses the shotGeometry ODF command. Does not use the sprite ODF command. The ordnance never misses.
SpecialEnergyCost drains per second.
Note that the Weapon (if special = 1) that fires this Ordnance must have needTarget = 1, otherwise Armada will crash when the AI / Special Weapons Autonomy uses the weapon (or when there is no available target in range of the Weapon).
classlabel = "tech_assim_beam"
Stock ODF Commands
Float, Default: ~300.0
Sets the upper bound for the active range of the ordnance after it has been activated at the weapon's range:
The Weapon range ODF command sets the minimum range at which point the ordnance can be activated on a target. Weapon range + targetRange gives the total range where the ordnance may remain active. Beyond this range, the ordnance toggles off.
Float, Default: 0.0
Modifies the radius of the model specified in the base Ordnance shotGeometry ODF command by this factor. Note that the model's length is dynamic such that as the target gets closer, the model will compact and vice versa.
Float, Default: 0.0
Modifies the radius of the model specified in the base Ordnance shotGeometry ODF command by this factor. Note that the model's radius is dynamic such that as the target gets closer, the model's radius will increase and vice versa.
Float, Default: 5.0
The length of time in seconds it takes to assimilate a special weapon when using this ordnance.