GameObjects hit by the Ordnance either have their hull hitpoints or special energy removed.
Uses the shotGeometry ODF command. Does not use the sprite ODF command.
classlabel = "micro"
Stock ODF Commands
Integer, Default: 0
Determines the effect of the ordnance:
0 = hull damage
1 = special energy
Float, Default: 0.0
The total amount of hull damage / energy drain done over the the drainTime of the ordnance. Negative values repair / recharge the target. Energy recharge does not stop at 100 percent.
Float, Default: 0.0 *see below
The length of time in seconds it takes for the full damage (drainRate) to be dealt.
*Note, for drainRate to function, drainTime must be larger than 0 .
String, Default: Null
The model that is used to display the effects after impact, while GameObjects are affected by drainTime. No file extension required.