GameObjects hit by the Ordnance are not directly affected. Instead, the player's GUI is scrambled so that the separate panels will move around the screen.
*does this affect the AI differently????*
Note that the Weapon (if special = 1) that fires this Ordnance must have needTarget = 1, otherwise Armada will crash when the AI / Special Weapons Autonomy uses the weapon.
Uses the shotGeometry ODF command. Does not use the sprite ODF command.
SpecialValue determines how long the effects of Nanites last.
classlabel = "nanitesordnance"
Stock ODF Commands
Should be the roll rate of the emitter within the model. ***Appears non-functional in Armada II / Fleet Ops.
Integer???, Default: ???
Determines how fast the panels will move. Note this must be an even number or the game will crash.
movementSpeed = 12.0
Float, Default: ???
The minimum amount of time in seconds that you want a panel to move in a given direction.
Float, Default: ???
The maximum amount of time in seconds that you want a panel to move in a given direction.
??? Default:
The amount of time in seconds
Float, Default: ???
How much time before the end of the effect that you want the panels to start to return to their normal position.
String, Default: "wphoton"
The sprite.....???? Does not require file extension. ***Appears non-functional in Armada II / Fleet Ops.