
GameObjects hit by the Ordnance are temporarily controlled by the Player who fired the weapon. Systems effects occur on the hull, regardless of shield status.

Note that since an ordnance always belongs to the firing vessel for the duration of its existence, if the owner switches to another player's control, the ordnance does as well.

Note that the Weapon (if special = 1) that fires this Ordnance must have needTarget = 1, otherwise Armada will crash when the AI / Special Weapons Autonomy uses the weapon.

Uses the sprite ODF command. Does not use the shotGeometry ODF command.

SpecialValue determines how long the effect lasts in seconds.

classlabel = "override"

Stock ODF Commands


Float, Default: ~0

Determines the length of time in seconds that the hardpoint which fired the ordnance (from the owner Craft) will display the animation. This animation is displayed immediately after the target is hit.


Float, Default: ~0

Determines the length of time in seconds between when ownerSystemDuration has ended to when the target's hardpoint that was hit will begin displaying the animation. This animation will last until the effect of the ordnance has ended.

The owner Craft will also display the animation at this time (ownerSystemDuration + timeBetweenSystems). The time this animation lasts obeys targetSystemDuration, as described below.


Float, Default: ~1.0

Determines the length of time in seconds that the hardpoint which fired the ordnance will display its animation, after undergoing ownerSystemDuration + timeBetweenSystems.


String, Default: Null

The model that is used to display the effects after impact, while GameObjects are affected. No file extension required.