
The Explosion uses a texture to display a circular shockwave in the X-axis of the map.

classLabel = "shockwavecannon"

Stock ODF Commands


Integer???, Default: 90

The width of the arc of the shockwave in degrees as it spreads from the epicenter. Note that this classlabel is not very stable and waveArc can cause some specific crashes or null effects:

If the number of rays+1 exceeds the waveArc, Armada will crash. If less than two rays are specified, Armada will crash.

Care must be taken with the number of rays being specified: the pattern is not determined, but an increasing number of rays can cause crashes, slowdowns, or cause the ShockwaveCannon to only affect Craft at a specific angle. The frequency of such issues occurs drastically at waveArcs greater than 90 and rays greater than 40.

waveArc = 90 //90 degree shockwave


Float, Default: 0.0

The speed of imparted velocity on GameObjects that have engine subsystems and Physics files from the shockwave.

Note that damageBase must be greater than 0 for repulsionForce to have an effect.

repulsionForce = 30.0


Float, Default: 10.0

The length of time in seconds that the engines are disabled for a GameObject hit by the shockwave.

Note that damageBase must be greater than 0 for repulsionForce to have an effect.

disableTime = 20