

The Explosion uses a texture to display a circular shockwave in the X-axis of the map. In-game the texture is tripled to initially form three separate planes (3D), but each merges into the X-axis as the shockwave expands.

The Explosion can deal damage.

classLabel = "shockwavexplode" //Note, one "E" shared for ..wavExpl..

Stock ODF Commands


Float, Default: 10.0

The rate of expansion of the shockwave modified by the following equation: RadialExpansionUnitsPerSecond = 2 * rate

rate = 60


String, Default: "wselfdes"

The name of the texture for the shockwave. No file extension required.

texture = "wselfdes"


Float, Default: 1.0 1.0 1.0, Array

Modifies the red, green, blue (RGB) color of the shockwave texture.

color = 1.0    1.0    0.0


Float, Default: 4.0

Modifies the radius of the shockwave and any damaging effects. Once the shockwave reaches its maximum radius it dissipates instantly.

If generated by an Artillery ordnance, it modifies the shockwave by the following equation: ActualExplosionRadius = radiusFactor * blastRadius

If generated by a Craft's fireball, it modifies the shockwave by the following equation: ActualExplosionRadius = radiusFactor * radiusOfCraft'sModel

radiusFactor = 1.0


Float, Default: ~0.9

How far out (as a fraction of its total radius) from the initiation of the shockwave before the shockwave's visual begins to fade (1.0 = 100%).

fadeFactor = 0.3


Integer, Default: 10

The number of visible rays that spread out, radially, from the explosion's epicenter. Note that the texture composes a single ray, so that each additional ray is the specified texture being replicated (and stretched or compressed) to form the circular shockwave.

rays = 16


Float, Default: 0.0, Pair Array

The total damage dealt at the epicenter of the shockwave every second for the duration of the Explosion. Note however that damage is dealt incrementally over the course of a second to sum to damageBase .

Damage dealt decreases by an unknown polynomial function, dependent on rate of propagation.

GameObjects may move into and out of the shockwave and receive less than full damage.

damageBase = 100
     "monsoon.odf" 50.5


Float, Default: 0.0, Pair Array

Sets the random variation in damage per shot as defined by damageBase plus or minus the damageVariance.

damageVariance = 10
     "monsoon.odf" 3
     "shrike.odf" 4.4


Float, Default: 0.0, Pair Array

The damage threshold per shot which must be exceeded to cause crew casualties prior to shield exhaustion.

Note that this command is affected by the RTS_CFG.h SHIELD_DAMAGE_PROTECTION command and by the Craft shieldProtection ODF command: if the Craft is fully protected by its shields, damageThreshold will have no effect.

damageThreshold = 60
      "neghvarY.odf" 100


Float, Default: 0.0, Pair Array

The modifier, by which any damage which exceeds the damageThreshold is multiplied by, to calculate the fraction of crew lost with that hit.

The amount of crew that is killed is calculated by the following equation: ( damageBase - damageThreshold ) * shieldCrewModifier = percent of crew killed (1.0 = 1.0%)

Note that this command is affected by the RTS_CFG.h SHIELD_DAMAGE_PROTECTION command and by the Craft shieldProtection ODF command: if the Craft is fully protected by its shields, shieldCrewModifier will have no effect.

shieldCrewModifier = 0.2
       "outpostY.odf" 0.05


Float, Default: 0.0, Pair Array

The modifier, by which any damage which is applied to the hull is multiplied by, to calculate the fraction of crew lost with that hit.

The amount of crew that is killed is calculated by the following equation: damageBase * hullCrewModifier = percent of crew killed (1.0 = 1.0%)

hullCrewModifier = 0.05
      "outpostY.odf" 0.03