Physics Configuration

Physics configuration files act as relays for the Craft physicsFile and trekPhysicsFile ODF commands.
There are three types of Craft Physics classlabels that are useable, which are referenced in the subpages. Borg and Hover Physics share several base commands, which are listed on both pages out of ease. The true parameter hierarchy can be found at the bottom of this page.
The commands that can be used in a physics ODF depend on the physics class that is being used. The classes inherit the following base commands and can have the commands that the specific class has. One file may have only one physics class.
Stock Configuration ODF Commands
Integer, Default: 0 *
The speed of the Craft (map units per second) when it is engaging a non-moving target. This can either be when directly given an Attack command or when engaging in combat on its own. Craft always use combatSpeed when in an Attack Pattern (Cloverleaf, Circle or Arrow).
All commands that scale with the Craft's velocity always do so in accordance with combatSpeed and not impulseSpeed.
* CombatSpeed must be greater than 0 for the Craft's physicsFile to be considered valid for hitChance. If combatSpeed = 0, the Craft cannot move at all. If impulseSpeed = 0 and combatSpeed is greater than 0, the Craft can only turn in place (when is_starbase = 0). If impulseSpeed is less than combatSpeed, combatSpeed is ignored for attacking or moving (yet commands that scale still do so with the combatSpeed).
Integer, Default: 30 *
The speed of the Craft (map units per second) when it has been given a movement order and is not engaging any targets. This is also the speed of the Craft when chasing a moving target.
* Note that combatSpeed must be greater than 0 for impulseSpeed to be used (if combatSpeed = 0, impulseSpeed is nullified). If impulseSpeed = 0 and combatSpeed is greater than 0, the Craft can only turn in place (when is_starbase = 0). If impulseSpeed is less than combatSpeed, combatSpeed is ignored for attacking or moving (yet commands that scale still do so with the combatSpeed).
Integer, Default: 0
The speed of the Craft (map units per second) when it is traveling at warp speed. The order to go to Warp can be given by selecting the Craft, holding Alt and right-clicking on the map, or by right clicking on the minimap). In order for a Craft to go to warp, warpSpeed must be larger than impulseSpeed. Craft at warp have a reduced visual range (by 50%) and weapons are deactivated by default.
Warp speed (but not the Warp cursor) can be disabled on a per physics file basis by giving the command a value of -1. Craft cannot go to warp when within a warp-inhibiting field or while within the footprint of a GameObject.
Currently it is hardcoded so that there may only be one warp flash effect per modification (all warping units will use the same specified effect). The warp-stretch effect is currently disabled in Fleet Operations.
Two hardcoded warp sound effects are also used:
warp_speed_in.wav is used for the sound a Craft makes when it goes to warp.
warp_speed_out.wav is used for the sound a Craft makes when it slows to impulse.
Integer?, Default: 0
If the Craft is given a movement order which results in a total distance to destination smaller than tooCloseToTurn, the Craft will refuse to move.
Note that if the Craft has physics variables that prevent movement, the Craft will slowly pitch up if tooCloseToTurn is set to 0.
Integer?, Default: 0 *
Affects pathing algorithms when the Craft is given a movement order (Attack orders cause Craft to ignore pathing).
Determines the distance to target destination at which point the Craft will aim directly at its destination (after executing a turn or pathing around GameObjects). The larger the pathLeadDistance, the larger the distance before the vessel turns itself to face that point.
For Craft at warpSpeed, pathLeadDistance is especially important: smaller values will cause the vessel to ignore GameObjects (or warp inhibition zones) between itself and the target destination and the ship will likely end up getting stuck.
* Note that when pathLeadDistance = 0, the Craft will wander aimlessly and be unable to reach the target destination.
combatPhysicsFile ***
String, Default: Null
***Appears not to be used: Can't tell which commands are being used, if ANY:
Determines what Physics configuration file is used to modify Craft physics upon entering combat. CombatPhysicsFiles can only use the same commands that belong to the parent file's physics class. ODF file extension is not required.
Note that the absense of this entry (and file) will not cause any problems for Craft movement in combat or other situations.
forwardAccel = .5;
backwardAccel = 1;
turnOmega = .1;
turnAlpha = .5;
pitchOmega = .1;
pitchAlpha = 1;
frontBackInertia = 30
braccelControlStiffness = 1.5