Allows the GameObject to take the appearance of another. The effect will be nullified if the owner unit uses any other weapon (it will not do so by default, but must be ordered to do so). The GameObject takes the Perceived Team and Team of the player it is imitating. The Craft ODF command is_starbase = 0 determines that the Craft can be targeted for imitation.
It is not possible to select multiple Craft while they are in this mode unless also selecting a Craft that is not under the ordnance's effects. It is not possible to single-click select the disguised units (they must be box selected). Disguised units will attempt to face other disguised units as if they are enemies of each other.
Note that lifeSpan sets the length of time that the ordnance continues to fire on the target GameObject and does not affect the (hardcoded) shot speed or the gameplay effects of the ordnance. This is a purely visual effect.
SpecialEnergyCost drains per second.
Uses the shotGeometry ODF command. Does not use the sprite ODF command.
classlabel = "hologenerator"
Stock ODF Commands
Float, Default: 0.0
Modifies the radius of the model specified in the base Ordnance shotGeometry ODF command by this factor. Note that the model's length is dynamic such that as the target gets closer, the model will compact and vice versa.
Float, Default: 0.0
Modifies the radius of the model specified in the base Ordnance shotGeometry ODF command by this factor. Note that the model's radius is dynamic such that as the target gets closer, the model's radius will increase and vice versa.