An Ordnance with no special functionality.
Note that lifeSpan modifies the speed of the beam by the following equation: ObservedShotSpeed = ~16200 * [(lifeSpan) ^ (-1)]. Consequently, a Phaser with a lifeSpan of 10 will be four times faster than a Phaser with a lifeSpan of 40. This ordnance does its damage / effects at the end of lifeSpan when hitting a target.
Uses the sprite ODF command. Does not use the shotGeometry ODF command.
classLabel = "phaser"
Stock ODF Commands
String, Default: "pflare"
Determines the sprite used for the flare which appears at the hardpoint that fires the Ordnance. The max length of the string for flare can only be 32 characters???
flaresprite =
Float, Default: ~1.0
Modifies the radius of the flareSprite by this fraction (1.0 = 100%).