Fleet Operations only.
Note that lifeSpan modifies the speed of the beam by the following equation: ObservedShotSpeed = ~16200 * [(lifeSpan) ^ (-1)]. Consequently, a UniBeam with a lifeSpan of 10 will be four times faster than a UniBeam with a lifeSpan of 40. This ordnance does its damage / effects at the end of lifeSpan when hitting a target.
Other than missLifeTime, all other UniBeam commands are shared with the UniTorpedo child Ordnance.
Uses the sprite ODF command. Does not use the shotGeometry ODF command.
classlabel = "unibeam"
Table of Contents
Fleet Operations ODF Commands
Float, Default: RTS_CFG.h BEAM_MISS_LIFETIME command
Determines how long the beam continues to exist (and thus how far it extends into space) if it has missed a target. Since missing or hitting is calculated at the instance of firing, this is the time from firing the Weapon.
Integer, Default: 0
0 = Default. The weapon deals damage first to the shields (if the shields have hitpoints left) and then to the hull.
1 = The weapon deals damage directly to the hull and none to the shields (even if the shields have hitpoints left).
2 = The weapon deals damage only to the shields and none to the hull (even if the shields have no hitpoints left).
Note that the ignoreShield ODF command, which affects only the visuals of impacts, can be combined to create cool effects - such as for so-called shield breaking torpedoes.
Integer, Default: 0
The number of effects that may co-occur on the target GameObject as a result of the ordnance. Damage, if specified, is always incurred.
A value of 1 means that only one effect occurs from this ordnance. Consequently, if the ordnance has a 100% chance to disable engines and a 100% chance to disable weapons, either weapons OR engines will be disabled, but not both.
A value of 2 or more means that the GameObject will be affected by several effects. Consequently, if the ordnance has a 100% chance to disable engines and to give an extraWeapon, both effects may co-occur on the target.
Note that it can happen (and it is intended) that sometimes instead of two or more different effects, the target GameObject will get counted for the same effect multiple times, which results in multiple times the effect time for that particular effect.
String, Default: Null
Determines which extraWeapon the target GameObject may receive. Must be a Weapon ODF. You can define the chance to receive the weapon and the length of time with the commands below. The targeted GameObject receives at least one Weapon ODF that defines the extraWeapon and thus that Weapon should include the buff (effect) icon commands.
A GameObject that is the target of an extraWeapon requires at least one weapon in its ODF. This is because if it has no weapons, then it is not counted as a "weapon carrier" and an extraWeapon cannot be added to it. Luckily most units in Armada have weapons, even non-military ones.
For extraWeapon to work, extraWeaponPercent and extraWeaponTime need to be defined.
Boolean, Default: FALSE
When set to true (1), when boardingRate is defined, the crew that is used to board another GameObject via the Ordnance is subtracted from the owner of this weapon.
Percent ODF Commands
The percent ODF commands are important for the AI. The AI uses these values to determine what the weapon is actually doing and thus how to use it in different situations. For instance if the weapon can disable engines, it uses the weapon when fleeing a battlefield to not be followed etc.
This information will usually not be important, but if something isn't working properly for the AI, this could be useful.
Note that the AI cannot understand that if you have a weapon that spawns a Ultritium that has a weapon with these percents, it should use the weapon in particular circumstances. It will still use the weapon, but probably only in battle, not on retreat or other specific instances.
Float, Default: 0.0, Multirow
The percent chance that the Ordnance disables the target GameObject's weapon subsystem (1.0 = 100%).
Float, Default: 0.0, Multirow
The percent chance that the Ordnance disables the target GameObject's engine subsystem (1.0 = 100%).
Float, Default: 0.0, Multirow
The percent chance that the Ordnance disables the target GameObject's shield subsystem (1.0 = 100%).
Float, Default: 0.0, Multirow
The percent chance that the Ordnance disables the target GameObject's lifesupport subsystem (1.0 = 100%).
Float, Default: 0.0, Multirow
The percent chance that the Ordnance disables the target GameObject's sensor subsystem (1.0 = 100%).
Float, Default: 0.0, Multirow
The percent chance that the Ordnance drains the target GameObject's crew complement (1.0 = 100%).
Float, Default: 0.0, Multirow
The percent chance that the Ordnance drains the target GameObject's shield hitpoints (1.0 = 100%).
Float, Default: 0.0, Multirow
The percent chance that the Ordnance drains the target GameObject's special energy (1.0 = 100%).
Float, Default: 0.0, Multirow
The percent chance that the Ordnance drains the target GameObject's hull hitpoints (1.0 = 100%).
Float, Default: 0.0, Multirow
The percent chance that the Ordnance gives the target GameObject's an extraWeapon (1.0 = 100%).
Float, Default: 0.0, Multirow
The percent chance that the Ordnance succesfully boards the target GameObject (1.0 = 100%). Friendly GameObjects gain crew up to their maximum crew complement and enemy GameObjects lose crew.
Percent Commands Example 1
A 50% chance that a Poleron Torpedo effect of any kind occurs:
disableWeaponsPercent = 0.1 //10%
chance for the weapon subsystem to be disabled
disableEnginesPercent = 0.2 //20% chance for the engine subsystem to be disabled
disableShieldsPercent = 0.15 //15% chance for the shield subsystem to be disabled
disableLifeSupportPercent = 0.05 //5% chance for the lifesupport subsystem to be disabled
disableSensorsPercent = 0.0 //0% chance for the sensor subsystem
to be disabled
(the line can thus be left out)
Percent Commands Example 2
Venture effects: 70% chance for disabling weapons, 20% chance for disabling sensors, 10% chance to totally fail.
With all other GameObjects that can be effected: 50% chance to get an effect of some type.
disableWeaponsPercent = 0.1 //10% chance to disable the weapon subsystem of any GameObject not listed below
"fed_venture" 0.7 //70% chance to disable the Venture's weapon subsystem
disableEnginesPercent = 0.2 //20% chance to disable the engine subsystem of any GameObject not listed below
"fed_venture" 0 //0% chance to disable the Venture's engine subsystem
disableShieldsPercent = 0.15 //15%
chance to disable the shield subsystem of any GameObject not listed below
"fed_venture" 0 //0% chance to disable the Venture's shield subsystem
disableLifeSupportPercent = 0.05 //5%
chance to disable the lifesupport subsystem of any GameObject not listed below
"fed_venture" 0 //0% chance to disable the Venture's lifesupport subsystem
disableSensorsPercent = 0.0 //0%
chance to disable the sensor subsystem of any GameObject not listed below
"fed_venture" 0.20 //20% chance to disable the Venture's sensor subsystem
Time ODF Commands
Float, Default: 0.0, Multirow
The time in seconds that the target GameObject's weapon subsystem is disabled.
disableweaponstime = 6.4 //The base disableWeaponsTime
"fed_venture" 2.0 //The Venture's specific disableWeaponsTime
Float, Default: 0.0, Multirow
The time in seconds that the target GameObject's engine subsystem is disabled.
Float, Default: 0.0, Multirow
The time in seconds that the target GameObject's shield subsystem is disabled.
Float, Default: 0.0, Multirow
The time in seconds that the target GameObject's lifesupport subsystem is disabled.
Float, Default: 0.0, Multirow
The time in seconds that the target GameObject's sensor subsystem is disabled.
Float, Default: 0.0, Multirow
The time in seconds over which the target GameObject's crew is drained.
Float, Default: 0.0, Multirow
The time in seconds over which the target GameObject's shield hitpoins are drained.
Float, Default: 0.0, Multirow
The time in seconds over which the target GameObject's special energy is drained.
Float, Default: 0.0, Multirow
The time in seconds over which the target GameObject's hull hitpoints are drained.
Float, Default: 0.0, Multirow
The time in seconds over which the target GameObject's extraWeapon remains.
Float, Default: 0.0, Multirow
The time in seconds over which the target GameObject is boarded. Friendly GameObjects gain crew up to their maximum crew complement and enemy GameObjects lose crew.
Drain Rates ODF Commands
Float, Default: 0.0
The number of crew drained per second while the target GameObject is under drainCrewTime. Negative values recrew the target.
Note that drainRates have only one value and cannot be specified for individual GameObjects.
Float, Default: 0.0
The number of shield hitpoints drained per second while the target GameObject is under drainShieldsTime. Negative values repair the target.
Note that drainRates have only one value and cannot be specified for individual GameObjects.
Float, Default: 0.0
The amount of special energy drained per second while the target GameObject is under drainSpecialEnergyTime. Negative values recharge the target and do not stop at 100 percent.
Note that drainRates have only one value and cannot be specified for individual GameObjects.
Float, Default: 0.0
The number of hull hitpoints drained per second while the target GameObject is under drainHullTime. Negative values repair the target.
Note that drainRates have only one value and cannot be specified for individual GameObjects.
Integer, Default: 0
The number of crew which boards the target GameObject per second while the target is under boardingTime. Friendly GameObjects gain crew up to their maximum crew complement and enemy GameObjects lose crew.
Note that drainRates have only one value and cannot be specified for individual GameObjects.