
Fleet Operations only. Does not require an Ordnance file. Improved CloakingDevice Class, based on PhaseCloakDevice.

CloakingDeviceImp unlike CloakingDevice does not trigger a vessel's shieldDelay, but brings its own command to define the shield delay when decloaking.

This weapon can also be used as a replacement for the phaseCloak device by using the phaseCloak command.

The inherited shotDelay command defines the time for the cloaking device to be usable again after decloaking.

classlabel = "cloakingdeviceimp"


Fleet Operations ODF Commands


Boolean, Default: TRUE

When set to false (0), the shields are not disabled when the ship is cloaked.


Boolean, Default: TRUE

When set to false (0), the weapons are not disabled when the ship is cloaked.


Boolean, Default: FALSE

When set to true (1), the ship may pass through all objects when cloaked.


Float, Default: 0.0

The time the shield requires to be turned back on after a vessel is decloaked.


Boolean, Default: FALSE

When set to true (1), the cloaking device is enabled when the vessel is created and as soon as the tech requirements for the cloaking device are fullfilled.