Directive: Assimilate

Gives access to two new units
- Pyramid
- Nanite Factory Module - Assimilator and Pyramid
Gives access to the following benefits
- The Assimilator Module reaches its maximum capacity with just 2 modules installed
- Assimilator collective connections costs reduced by 20 percent and increased Defensive Value of Assimilators and Pyramids by 20
- Incubation Centers will slowly assimilate nearby uncloaked hostile vessels
You begin with an Assembly Node and a Detector
Scout Cube / Probe Start
Special Notes
For Which Avatar: both
Tactical Tidbit: A good generalist strategy that is flexible.
Strongest Against: customizable
Weakest Against: customizable
Up-Time: 264 seconds (2 Probes constructed)
Initial Build Order
Queue up four Resource Assimilator freighters.
First freighter produced mines tritanium, second mines dilithium, third tritanium, fourth dilithium.
Assembly Node constructor starts Conduction Matrix.

Once the Conduction Matrix is completed, research Energy Nodes Level 1 and queue up two Probes at the Assimilation Matrix.
When you reach about 8 Collective Connections, build a Collective Uplink in a protected location. Select the Scout Cube chassis (or you can begin with a Dodecahedron chassis).
If facing a Klingon or Romulan opponents they will most likely utilize their cloaking abilities to retreat from you. Equipping a Scout Cube with an EM Module thus will allow you to prevent their escape. Keep in mind that EM Modules also take reduced damage from Shrikes.
Against the Dominion, if you face an Early A-26 Bomber strategy you will probably want to equip your Scout Cubes with an EM Module to prevent the Fast Tracking Weapons passive from decimating your forces. If facing just A-20 Attack Destroyers, or even S-2 Escort Cruisers, using an Interception Module is a better choice due to the damage bonus.
Against the Federation, if you are faced with a Monsoon / Canaveral, you will want Scout Cubes armed with Interception Modules. Against Intrepid hordes, if your opponent micromanages them well, utilizing a Regeneration Module will be best because your Scout Cubes will last much longer and be back in combat faster. Against Norways with Plasma Coil, a Regeneration Module will also be better.
Against the Borg who rely on Scout Cubes / Probes, a Scout Cube equipped with an Interception Module is best, unless you believe you can micromanage them out of combat – in that case, Regeneration Modules are key. An opponent who jumps to Adaptors can also be countered by these same configurations (Interception does more damage, Regeneration returns to combat sooner).

When you reach about 8 Collective Connections again, build a Collective Uplink in a protected location. Select the Scout Cube chassis.
The second chassis follows the same rules as the first for all other factions, but when facing cloaking factions (who don’t use just Shrikes), it is a good idea to equip the second Scout Cube with an Interception Module to pick off ships faster.
If this force proves sufficiently stable, it is possible to transition to the Assimilate Avatar's strength early on - Assimilators. When you reach 22 Collective Connections, begin construction of a Collective Uplink and select the Assimilator Chassis.
If you are facing weekly crewed ships (usually below 90 crew or possibly even up to 125 crew), a two Auto-Assimilator and one Regeneration Module armed Assimilator is most efficient. If facing vessels such as Warp-Ins, Generix Spectre Refit and Griffins, purchasing a one Beam Module, one Torpedo Module, one Regeneration Module Assimilator is best.
Dodecahedron Start
Special Notes
For Which Avatar: both
Tactical Tidbit: Specialist, but is flexible.
Strongest Against: Vor'cha Rush, ADAI spammed starts
Weakest Against: factions that begin with TWA spam
Up-Time: 264 seconds (2 Probes constructed)
Initial Build Order
Queue up four Resource Assimilator freighters.
If you want to begin with Dodecahedrons equipped with two Interception Modules, the first freighter produced should mine dilithium and not tritanium.
Assembly Node constructor starts Conduction Matrix.
Once the Conduction Matrix is completed, research Energy Nodes Level 1 and queue up three Probes at the Assimilation Matrix.
When you reach about 13 Collective Connections, build a Collective Uplink in a protected location. Select the Dodecahedron Chassis.
Adaptor Start
Special Notes
For Which Avatar: both
Tactical Tidbit: Specialist, but is flexible.
Strongest Against: Generix Spam, B-5 Battle Cruiser Rush, T-15 Heavy Cruiser Rush/Early
Weakest Against: small-sized unit spam
Up-Time: 264 seconds (2 Probes constructed)
Initial Build Order
Queue up four Resource Assimilator freighters. The first Resource Assimilator should mine dilithium and not tritanium.
Assembly Node constructor starts Conduction Matrix.
Once the Conduction Matrix is completed, research Energy Nodes Level 1 and queue up two Probes at the Assimilation Matrix. You will be able to build two Probes for each Adaptor constructed until a point at which you choose to expand.
When you reach about 18 Collective Connections, build a Collective Uplink in a protected location. Select the Adaptor Chassis.
If facing a Romulan opponent they will most likely utilize their cloaking abilities to retreat from you. Equipping an Adaptor with an EM Module thus will allow you to prevent their escape. Keep in mind that EM Modules also take reduced damage from Leahvals.
Assimilator / Dodecahedron Rush
Special Notes
For Which Avatar: both
Tactical Tidbit: Specialist, but provides a strong opening lineup.
Strongest Against:
Weakest Against: anti-long range spam
Up-Time: 164 seconds (1 Assimilator constructed) or 200 seconds (2 Dodecahedrons constructed)
Initial Build Order

Queue up two Resource Assimilator freighters.
First freighter produced mines tritanium, second mines dilithium.
Assembly Node constructor starts Conduction Matrix.
Once the Conduction Matrix is completed, purchase Resistance is Futile.
Construct a Collective Uplink in a protected location. Depending on what sort of force you want to field you can mildly adjust your build order:
Select the Assimilator Chassis and construct the vessel with a Beam, Torpedo, Regeneration Module (or two Torpedo Modules if you are facing larger vessels). You will have exactly enough resources for this task. If need be, cause your tritanium freighter to dock prematurely. This vessel will provide you with substantial offense early on, though bear in mind that it is just one vessel. Against a Borg opponent this strategy will be affective against most combinations of Scout Cube / Probe as well as Adaptors. Strong versus K't'inga Rush. Best used if you are the Assimilate Directive.
If you do not care too much about dealing station damage and are not concerned with being hard-countered by anti-long range units, select a Dodecahedron chassis as your first unit. Since you will be relying heavily on this vessel to protect you, it is wisest to equip it with a Regeneration and Interception Module. Construct an additional Collective Uplink and build a Scout Cube (or another Dodecahedron).
Remember the Dodecahedron also counters units such as the A-20 Attack Destroyer and Intrepid, A-26 Bomber, Canaveral, and Chargh.

After your first Collective Uplink vessel begins production, you should have enough funds to build a single Probe as extra fire-support and distraction.
Immediately harass with your small group as this is an extremely aggressive strategy and you will quickly lose if you do not seize the advantage. After these first few vessels are complete you will have to invest in additional Resource Assimilators so that you might purchase Energy Nodes Level 1 and begin producing ships regularly.
Borg versus Borg Special Notes
If faced with an early Assimilator the Scout Cube / Probe early build order will be adequate. Ensure that your Scout Cubes are equipped with Regeneration Models, else they will die more quickly, and remain out of the fight for longer. It will most likely be necessary to construct three Scout Cubes and two Probes to combat the Assimilator plus one Probe build.
Holding Beam Spheres will prove to be greatly useful to ensnare and destroy the few numbers of opposing enemy vessels.
Adaptors are quick reinforcement to your Scubes but will be weak against Torpedo Module equipped Assimilators. Use them to demolish buildings instead with their fast speed.
Interception Scout Cubes will quickly take down Adaptors of any configuration, but if you are not aggressive with the Scout Cubes, Adaptors will build up and be able to destroy them via kiting and brute defense.
Note that if you are chasing enemy Borg ships and your vessels are targeting a unit you don't want them to hit (for instance, Probes or Detectors if you are using torpedo heavy units), it is possible to transport aboard these enemy ships to prevent yours from auto-targeting them. Likewise, it is possible to capture some of the lower level Borg vessels in this manner. Remember that in a Borg versus Borg battle, all units can act as weapons for capturing - including Resource Assimilators and stations.