General Mijural

Gives access to two new units
- Shrike Class
- Cehlaer Class
Gives access to the following benefits
- Increased Defensive Value for Defense Batteries by 5 and increased Defensive Value for Singularity Transmitters by 10. Defense Batteries remain active for a longer time span if disconnected from a Singularity Transmitter.
- Increased Offensive and Defensive Values for all Warbirds by 3 and increased their movement speed.
- You may build two Tavara Type Warbirds.
You will begin with two Mogai-class construction ships and a Talon-class scout ship.
Early Leahval
Special Notes
For Which Avatar: both, but best for Helev
Tactical Tidbit: A good generalist strategy that is flexible.
Strongest Against: Intrepid Spam, Bug Spam
Weakest Against: Bomber Start, Chargh Start
Up-Time: 233 seconds (1 Leahval, 2 Rhienn constructed)
Initial Build Order

Queue up four Fakairu freighters.
The first construction ship will begin constructing a Staryard while the second begins a Dilithium Refinery.
When the Staryard is complete, queue up one or two Rhienn predators (or one Shrike if you think you will be facing short range destroyers).
When the first construction ship is idle, build a Research Institute, and with the second construction ship, produce a Tritanium Refinery.
When the Research Institute is complete, research Phase Plates. Queue up one Leahval and then a Griffin at the Staryard.
Research Auto-Repair as soon as the Griffin begins construction.

When a construction ship is free, immediately send it to your expansion to build a Dilithium Refinery. Queue up an additional two freighters.
From here on the build order becomes more fluid. Alternate Shrikes / Rhienns with Leahvals when tritanium / dilithium funds permit, as well as based on what your opponent is producing.
Bear in mind that Leahval are the most cost ineffective of these units when not used constantly for harassment or for destroying medium ranged or Autonomous Defense AI units (such as the Intrepid, Excelsior, A-20 Attack Destroyer, Eresis, or LuSpet). You should be maintaining constant production as long as you cycle through these units.
Leahval Rush (optimized)
Special Notes
For Which Avatar: both, but best for Helev (strong military initially, but weaker economy than Early Leahval)
Tactical Tidbit: A good generalist strategy, but is not very flexible.
Strongest Against: Intrepid Spam, Bug Spam, Adaptor Start
Weakest Against: Bomber Start, Chargh Start
Up-Time: 208 seconds (2 Leahval constructed)
Initial Build Order
Queue up three Fakairu freighters. The first two will mine tritanium.
The first construction ship will begin constructing a Research Insitute while the second begins a Staryard.
When the Research Institute is complete, queue up two Leahvals and a Rhienn and research Auto-Repair.
When the first construction ship is idle, build a Tritanium Refinery, and with the second construction ship, produce a Dilithium Refinery.
After Auto-Repair is complete, research Energy Reeling at the Research Institute.
Once Energy Reeling has begun being researched, queue up two Rhienns and a freighter for your Dilithium Refinery.

Once the first Rhienn is under construction purchase Phase Plates.
From here on the build order becomes more fluid. Alternate Shrikes / Rhienns with Leahvals when tritanium / dilithium funds permit, as well as based on what your opponent is producing.
Bear in mind that Leahval are the most cost ineffective of these units when not used constantly for harassment or for destroying medium ranged or Autonomous Defense AI units (such as the Intrepid, Excelsior, A-20 Attack Destroyer, Eresis, or LuSpet). You should be maintaining constant production as long as you cycle through these units.
Leahval Rush (generalized)
Special Notes
For Which Avatar: both, but best for Helev (strong military initially, but weaker economy than Early Leahval)
Tactical Tidbit: A good generalist strategy, but is not very flexible.
Strongest Against: Intrepid Spam, Bug Spam, Adaptor Start, B5 Rush, K't'inga Rush
Weakest Against: Bomber Start, Chargh Start
Up-Time: 208 seconds (2 Leahval constructed)
Initial Build Order

Queue up four Fakairu freighters. The first two will mine dilithium.
The first construction ship will begin constructing a Research Insitute while the second begins a Staryard.
When the Research Institute is complete, queue up two Leahvals and research Auto-Repair after the second has begun construction.
When the first construction ship is idle, build a Dilithium Refinery, and with the second construction ship, produce a Tritanium Refinery.

Queue up whatever military vessel is necessary for the situation.
Depending on if you built up enough resources after the starting Leahvals, go to your expansion as soon as possible to build a Dilithium Refinery. Queue up an additional two freighters.
Generix Spam
Special Notes
For Which Avatar: both
Tactical Tidbit: Specialist strategy that is flexible.
Strongest Against: Scout Cube/Probe Start, Dodecahedron Start, Assimilator Rush
Weakest Against: builds that rely on small sized units
Up-Time: 104 seconds (1 Generix constructed)
Initial Build Order
Queue up six Fakairu freighters. The first four will mine at the home base.

The first construction ship will begin constructing a Staryard while the second begins a Dilithium Refinery.
When the Staryard is complete, queue up Generix.
When the first construction ship is finished, build a Tritanium Refinery, and with the second construction ship, immediately head to the expansion and build a Dilithium Refinery.

If against the Borg, when the fourth Generix has entered construction, it will be possible to build a second Staryard at the expansion. This is strongly recommended and can be built earlier if necessary, but will hold up construction.
If the Borg shift into, or begin with an Adaptor Start, it will be necessary to diversify your fleet. For this purpose you will have to find the opportunity to play defensively (and probably temporarily halt Generix production) and put up a Research Institute to begin Leahval construction.
Shrike Spam
Special Notes
For Which Avatar: obviously Mijural
Tactical Tidbit: Specialist and requires good micromanagement.
Strongest Against: Monsoon Spam, B’rel Spam, Scout Cube (NOT EM Scout Cube) / Probe Rush, K't'inga Rush
Weakest Against: K'vort Rush, Dodecahedron
Up-Time: 107 seconds (1 Shrike constructed)
Initial Build Order

Queue up four Fakairu freighters.
The first construction ship will begin constructing a Staryard while the second begins a Dilithium Refinery.
When the Staryard is complete, queue up Shrikes.
When the first construction ship is finished, produce a Tritanium Refinery, while the second construction ship immediately builds a Staryard at your expansion.
When the second Staryard is complete, queue up Shrikes.

Build a Dilithium Refinery at the expansion after the Staryard is complete.
Since Shrikes are strong counters against destroyers and short ranged vessels, these vessels are great early game vessels. As soon as you encounter a cruiser transition – even if it is a short ranged vessel such as a K’vort or Intrepid, you should have already begun building either a Tal’Shiar Academy or Research Institute.
If you produce a Tal’Shiar Academy, you will be building Generix (or if your opponent has bunkered up with turrets – you will build Serkas).
If a Research Institute, begin Rhienn production (and research Phase Plates) or Leahval production (and research Auto Repair).
Rhienn Spam
Special Notes
For Which Avatar: better for Helev due to 50% supply costs
Tactical Tidbit: Specialist and requires good micromanagement.
Strongest Against: B'rel Spam, K'vort Rush
Weakest Against: Monsoon Spam, Saber Spam
Up-Time: 102 seconds (1 Rhienn constructed)
Initial Build Order
Queue up four Fakairu freighters.
The first construction ship will begin constructing a Staryard while the second begins a Dilithium Refinery.
When the Staryard is complete, queue up Rhienn warships.
When the first construction ship is finished, produce a Tritanium Refinery, while the second construction ship immediately builds a Research Institute.
When the Research Institute is complete, research Phase Plates.
After a construction ship becomes idle, send it immediately to your expansion to build a Dilithium Refinery.

After six to seven Rhienns have been constructed you should have enough accumulated funds to build a Staryard at your expansion (unless expansions are very close, then you can begin the second Staryard almost immediately).
Begin producing additional Rhienn, Griffin, or Leahval out of this second Staryard based on your opponent's fleet according to the counter tables. Since a mass of Rhienns can easily be countered by specialists, it is best to maintain a mixed fleet
When enough funds have been gathered, produce a Upgrade Facility and research one of the two Rhienn Refits.
Against Klingons who rely on Field Yard units, produce Disruptor Refit Rhienns.
Against a Dominion foe who relies on Construction Yard units, produce Disruptor Refit Rhienns.
When attacking the Romulans who build Griffins and Generix (but not Spectre Refits), build Torpedo Refit Rhienns to get a small damage bonus. Disruptor Refits can also be substituted with little folly.
If facing mainly Borg Scout Cubes, and Adaptors, produce Torpedo Refit Rhienns. Against Probes, Spheres and Dodecahedrons, Disruptor Refits prove wisest.
Against the Federation who rely on Intrepids, Akiras, and Excelsior II's, produce Torpedo Refit Rhienns. Against Canaverals, Norways and Sabers, the Disruptor Refit is best.
Remember that as you refit your Rhienns you should place them in a separate fleet to ensure that you still make best use of Phase Plates as well as the passives of your refits. Note that a Singularity Generator when paired with Rhienns can be very powerful as it allows them to regain special weapons energy much faster.
Warbird Rush
Special Notes
For Which Avatar: both
Tactical Tidbit: Works best in Cooperative Multiplayer. Reliant on a very few number of vessels, vulnerable to rushing.
Strongest in Situation: allied mixed fleets
Weakest in Situation: facing dedicated anti-battleships alone, harassment on your mining
Up-Time: 201 seconds (1 Cehlaer constructed) or 199 seconds (1 Eresis constructed)
Initial Build Order
Queue up four Fakairu freighters.
The first construction ship will begin constructing a Research Institute while the second begins a Dilithium Refinery.
When the first construction ship is idle, build a Warbird Yard, and with the second construction ship, produce a Tritanium Refinery.
When the Research Institute is complete, research Disruptor Bombardment or Radiation Array respectively.
When a construction ship is free, immediately send it to your expansion to build a Dilithium Refinery. Queue up an additional two freighters.

Since you will most likely be facing mainly destroyers, after a few Cehlaer (four or so) produce a Tal'Shiar Academy if you are facing medium or long ranged vessels vessels, or an Upgrade Facility if you are facing many short ranged ships.
After the Upgrade Facility is completed, queue up D'deridex warbirds.
After the Tal'Shiar Academy is completed, queue up Norexan warbirds.
Early Warbird
Special Notes
For Which Avatar: both
Tactical Tidbit: Works best in Cooperative Multiplayer. Reliant on a very few number of vessels, vulnerable to rushing.
Strongest in Situation: allied mixed fleets, raids
Weakest in Situation: facing dedicated anti-battleships alone, harassment on your mining
Up-Time: 107 seconds (1 Shrike) or 102 seconds (1 Rhienn)
Initial Build Order
Queue up four Fakairu freighters.
The first construction ship will begin constructing a Staryard while the second begins a Dilithium Refinery.
When the Staryard is complete, queue up at least six Shrikes or Rhienns for early game harassment.
When the first construction ship is idle, build a Research Institute, and with the second construction ship, produce a Tritanium Refinery.
When the Research Institute is complete, research Phase Plates if Helev.

When a construction ship is free, immediately send it to your expansion to build a Dilithium Refinery. Queue up an additional two freighters.
When you have gathered enough funds (after around 6 Staryard vessels), build the Warbird Yard
Upon completion, queue up Cehlaers or Eresis while moving up to heavier ships at the Staryard if you can afford it.