Borg Unit Analysis
Table of Contents
- Counter Table
- Units of the Borg Collective
- Detector - Assimilation Matrix
- Probe - Assimilation Matrix + Conduction Matrix
- Scout Cube - Collective Uplink + Conduction Matrix
- Dodecahedron - Collective Uplink + Conduction Matrix (passive: Adapted Photon Torpedo - increased damage versus small units)
- Adaptor - Collective Uplink + Conduction Matrix
(passive: Torpedo Compensation - takes reduced damage from torpedo weaponry)
- “Full Adaption” (passive: Adaption - nearby ships fire Adapted Torpedoes
- “Double EM” (passive: EM Field - nullifies damage-causing passives)
- “Torp Adaption” (passive: Torpedo Compensation, Adaption - takes reduced damage from torpedo weaponry, nearby ships fire Adapted Torpedoes)
- “EM Adaptor” (passive: EM Field - nullifies damage-causing passives, reveals cloaked units upon attack)
- Assimilator - Collective Uplink + Conduction Matrix
- Sphere - Collective Uplink + Conduction Matrix
- Pyramid - Collective Uplink + Conduction Matrix
- Diamond - Collective Uplink + Conduction Matrix
- Cube - Collective Uplink + Conduction Matrix
- “True Tac-Cube” (passive: Torpedo Compensation - takes reduced damage from torpedo weaponry)
- “Hybrid Mage Cube” (passive: Torpedo Compensation, Assimilated Resistance - takes reduced damage from torpedo weaponry, takes reduced damage/effects from special weapons)
- “Mage Cube” (passive: Assimilated Resistance - takes reduced damage/effects from special weapons)
- Special Borg Stations
Counter Table
Lists the units that the vessels of this faction counters. To see what units counter the listed vessels, visit the other Unit Analyses.
Note: A counter is considered a unit that deals superior damage to its foe (or takes less) – not one that does extra damage, yet is still more readily damaged. Only strong counters are listed as weak counters are useless unless taking into consideration superior micromanagement, which cannot be accurately predicted. An example of a weak counter is a Canaveral versus Canaveral: both take increased damage.
Blank spots do not indicate that the vessel is useless, just that it is a generalist and does not have a special passive which enables it to do more to a particular unit.
Module choice affects counters - check specific analyses | Borg | Dominion | Federation | Klingon | Romulan |
Probe | |||||
Scout Cube | S-2 Escort Cruiser | Galaxy | B'rel | ||
Dodecahedron | A-26 Bomber, A-20 Attack Destroyer | Intrepid, Excelsior, Canaveral | Chargh | Shrike | |
Adaptor | |||||
Assimilator | A-26 Bomber | Canaveral | Chargh | Shrike | |
Sphere | |||||
Pyramid | |||||
Diamond | A-26 Bomber | Canaveral | Chargh | Shrike | |
Cube |
Units of the Borg Collective
Detector - Assimilation Matrix

This small scout is equipped with a long ranged, torpedo-based weapon that allows it do deal increased damage to small targets (such as freighters, destroyers, and some construction vessels) and absolutely no damage to structures. Notice that the Detector, like all Borg vessels, has a 360 degree firing arc. For these reasons, the Detector can be used to very effectively hunt down any other scout at range. Of course, the Detector is also rather weak and does not regenerate very quickly. Consequently, use the large sight radius of the vessel to determine when to run - remember that your opposition will be able to easily repair their vessels, while you are forced to wait eons for the Detector to repair itself.
Remember that if Transwarp is researched at the Transmission Matrix, Detectors may travel several screens away in an instant. This ability is best used as a getaway strategy, or a “leap over turrets” tactic, as Detectors regenerate their special energy exceedingly slowly.
Note that smart opponents will try to capture any Detectors you place near their structures due to the relatively low crew complement, so be vigilant!
Probe - Assimilation Matrix + Conduction Matrix

A medium ranged destroyer, this vessel is only equipped with a beam weapon. Since it is a small sized unit, it will do very well against early game torpedo based vessels. Since it does not cost any Collective Connections, this vessel should initially complement your Scout Cube forces (as you will have a glut of resources in the early game, but generally not nearly enough Collective Connections to produce units terribly fast) in damaging small sized units, as well as some larger early game units.
The vessel comes standard with the Intelligence Report ability when constructed. Although expensive, this can come in handy in the later stages of the game for finding enemy fleets. The Probe can use the Transwarp feature if researched from the Transmission Matrix and thus can be used to perform late game harassment if you have lots of funds but few Collective Connections.
Scout Cube - Collective Uplink + Conduction Matrix

A short ranged, but medium sized cruiser, this ship is the Borg’s version of an interceptor. Accordingly, it is very speedy and can close with most other short range units as well as harass very effectively throughout the game. It has four possible combinations. Try to minimize your exposure to the Chargh, Vor'cha, Phalanx, Monsoon, Defiant, Norway's Plasma Coil, Canaveral, and A-26 Bomber, as these vessels are either equipped with a passive which reduces damage from short range vessels, or deal increased damage to short range and fast units.
"Interception Scube"
(passive: Adapted Photon Torpedo - increased damage versus small units)

When equipped with the Interception Module, the Scout Cube is best used against your opponent’s small and medium sized vessels. This is due to its Adapted Photon Torpedo, which grants increased damage to small units, yet receives a sizeable damage penalty against all battleships. The S-2 Escort Cruiser takes greatly increased damage from this Scout Cube.
As this Scout Cube has a low System Value, note that it will take a long time to regain its hull points back. In games with constant fighting this can be a big problem as you will not have sufficient time to allow these vessels to lick their wounds. Note that it is quite feasible to send damaged Scout Cubes to harass far off mining outposts while your main fleet engages in combat elsewhere, however it is important to watch over these damaged units carefully for fear of their destruction.
"Regeneration Scube"

The Regeneration Module improves the hull regeneration rate and System Value so that the vessel can recover very quickly when not in battle. Against battleships (such as some of the vessels in the Federation’s Warp-In units) this module must replace the Interception Module if you are building Scout Cubes, as the Regeneration Module will allow the Scout Cube to do considerably more damage. The Negh'var, Galaxy, S-2 Escort Cruiser, Norexan also take increased damage from the Scout Cube.
This Scout Cube’s regeneration rate combined with its torpedo avoidance also makes it more powerful against torpedo based opponents. Should you wish to sacrifice some of this chassis’s firepower for the ability to return to combat quickly, use this module instead of the Interception Module.
"Em Scube"
(passive: EM Field - nullifies damage-causing passives, reveals cloaked units upon attack)
The EM Module increases the build time of the Scout Cube, but allows it to negate Fast Tracking Weapons passives as well as detect cloaked vessels in a short weapons radius while the Scout Cubes weapons are active. As long as you are attacking an enemy vessel, nearby cloaked vessels will be made visible. At least one of these vessels should be present at all times against a fleet which is capable of cloaking. Likewise, the negation of range-based passives means that the vessel is a suitable substitute for other types of Scube configurations when facing vessels exclusively armed with Fast Tracking Weapons.
"Peripheral Scube"

The Peripheral Module is expensive, but enables this configuration to aid up to five total units (Scout Cubes and Probes). It has a sturdy defense, allowing it to be mixed with Regeneration and Interception Scubes without taking damage first. This Scout Cube should not be the first configuration you choose, as its offensive capabilities are sub par and it does not give any advantages to itself. Since its active ability can be used only roughly every two minutes, it is important to consider its capabilities carefully before simply pressing the button. Note that when using Remodulation, vessels you wish to affect (allied units are not affected) must be fairly close to the Peripheral Scube.

When Remodulation is activated, nearby Probes will instantly deploy a Tachyon Detection Grid, which will allow your forces to perform active detection around your base, as well as preempt sneak attacks on your fleet, capture trailing non-advanced cloak scouts, and prevent at least one enemy vessel from cloak retreating. If you are in battle with a cloak-capable fleet and your outlook is favorable, it is very possible to wait to use Remodulation until at least a single vessel has tried to cloak out, that way you might capture or destroy it.
In most situations however, Remodulation will be used more effectively for its ability to increase the offense of your fleet on the initiation of battle. Interception Scubes fire additional Adapted Torpedoes, giving them the ability to deal highly increased damage against small-sized units. EM Scubes fire torpedoes that in turn ignore Ablative Armor and deal standard damage. What is very important to realize is that these torpedoes do not follow your guidance. As a consequence, if you choose to engage your opponent near to stations, a fair portion of these torpedoes will impact upon the structures uselessly. The ability only lasts for a short amount of time and thus it is critical to not waste firepower. The damaging capabilities granted by the Remodulate ability only start to be noticed when you have at least two Scout Cubes that can fire additional torpedoes, so producing a Peripheral Scube ahead of this value is not very wise.
The Regeneration Scube will gain a half minute long Regeneration ability once Remodulation is activated. This allows the vessel to lick its wounds in battle and after. However, it can be quite difficult to ensure maximum effectiveness of Remodulation when used with vessels of this configuration while in battle (as usually only a single vessel is damaged at a time). As a result, it is often best to retreat Regeneration Scubes after they have received an unacceptable amount of damage, and once you have several in this deplorable state, have a Peripheral Scube ready to activate Remodulation. This will ensure that you are able to get the maximum amount of usefulness at one time, and thus get those weaker Scout Cubes back in battle much sooner than their Interception and EM brethren. Note that the Dodecahedron's Neural Receiver can be used to great affect to allow Regeneration Scubes even more time to use this fleeting ability.
Dodecahedron - Collective Uplink + Conduction Matrix
(passive: Adapted Photon Torpedo - increased damage versus small units)

A long ranged, medium sized vessel, this is the only Borg support vessel. That thus implies that it is a wonderful counter to vessels equipped with Autonomous Defense AI passives. The Dodecahedron comes equipped solely with the Adapted Photon Torpedo, making it a strong vessel against small sized vessels, and very weak against large sized units (including structures). For this reason in the early game the vessel can be used effectively to counter your opponent's destroyers and cruisers, while in later stages its module configuration may be adapted to help your larger more powerful Borg vessels. Beware of units designed to counter the Dodecahedron however - they cannot be disabled by the Dodecahedron.
"Relay Doca"

When equipped with the Relay Module, the Dodecahedron gains a very powerful defense. It can be transformed into a defense turret, although this transformation will take half a minute and be extremely vulnerable during the construction phase. Even a single destroyer can easily down the Dodecahedron while it is unfurling its weaponry and sensor pods. Depending on its second module it may gain unique abilities after irrevocably becoming a turret. A Vinculum Module will grant the Dodecahedron a Tachyon-Ping as a turret, a Regeneration Module will boost the defenses (with a comparably low offense) and the Interception Module will give the turret additional torpedo weaponry (boosting the offense, with a comparably low defense).
This capability can be used offensively to place turrets at your opponent's resource moons. However, as it is very vulnerable to attack, it is usually quite necessary to distract your opponent in order to place it. Likewise, it is often best to attempt to set up the construction slightly beyond visible range and to attempt to place the Relay in such a way that it will not be closer to enemy stations than to enemy ships (warships or freighters). Since the Relay cannot be controlled after being set up, auto-targeting will cause the unit to fire upon the nearest enemy unit. This unique method of turret placement can give the Borg islands of defense and can even be used to provide cover for Borg vessels cowering in Fluid nebulae. Placing such turrets in key chokepoints is also useful if you have the capability for cloak detect. Note however that since a Relay is stationary and uncontrollable (and yet uses 15 of your Collective Connections), it is not wise to build many of these unless you can afford the gamble.
"Double Vinca"
This version of the support vessel is equipped with two Vinculum Modules and excels at supporting your other Borg vessels that rely on special weapons energy. With a weak offense and moderately strong defense, this Dodecahedron is purely a support vessel. Keep it out of harm's way at all costs and move it into battle only to augment the energy reserves of your other vessels.

The Neural Receiver ability is an area of effect ability that when triggered increases the special weapons energy regeneration rate of nearby Borg vessels (not including other Dodecahedrons) for a few seconds. As a result of the ability affecting almost all Borg vessels, it is quite useful even if you don't have Holding Beam Modules equipped.

The Vinculum ability is gained upon the installation of a second Vinculum Module and allows you to replenish the special weapons energy of any nearby Holding Beam equipped vessel. Due to the vast amount of special weapons energy transferred (nearly 1000), you can maintain energy intensive abilities such as Nanites or Regeneration for extraordinarily extended periods of time. This ability alone makes the Holding Beam Sphere quite a formidable opponent as it will become a very powerful tank. Similarly, this type of module layout is very useful in supporting Holding Beam Diamonds (especially if you want to slow down battleships with that Diamond, or if you want to use Order to Chaos more frequently).
"Interception Doca"
(passive: Rapid Adaption, Adapted Photon Torpedo - disables random subsystems, increased damage versus small units)
Armed with two Interception Modules, this is a purely offensive Dodecahedron. Disabling subsystems with twice the frequency this vessel will also deal increased damage to small vessels (but decreased damage to large sized ships). Although its longevity is quite limited, if you need some strong offensive power, this is the vessel to pick. Just be sure to keep it out of harm's way. If on the other hand you are looking for a much better balance of offense, defense, and the ability to get back in the fight quickly, the one Interception Module, one Regeneration Module Dodecahedron is best. Although it will disable your opponent's subsystems less frequently, it is capable of absorbing far more damage.

Axial Assault Pattern is a useful, yet circumstantial ability. Interception Dodecahedrons will fire many shots rapidly, although you cannot choose their targets. As a consequence, it is not wise to trigger the ability near to stations which will not be affected by the weapons, nor damaged. The Dodecahedron is moveable for the duration and thus can still kite and chase after prey however. The ability is usually best used at the start of combat in order to keep your opponent within the battle, as well as to allow you to still escape with your damaged units as they become weakened. Several Dodecahedrons using this ability at once on a small fleet of units can provide the means to damage each unit sufficiently to either force them all to escape, or to flee and get cut down as they are disabled. Against small sized units, this ability is even more powerful due to the high damage that is dealt to these vessels.
Adaptor - Collective Uplink + Conduction Matrix
(passive: Torpedo Compensation - takes reduced damage from torpedo weaponry)

The Adaptor is a medium ranged, relatively quick vessel. It can serve as an early-game tank due to its high regenerative capabilities and strong defense, as well as a building and medium and large ship killer. The Adaptor can be equipped with two modules and has access to four different modules. Its relatively quick speed and ability to bunch up more readily then other Borg units make it easier to punch forward or retreat.
“Full Adaption”
(passive: Adaption - nearby ships fire Adapted Torpedoes
Two Adaption Modules gives the Adaptor a substantial boost to its offensive capabilities, as well as allowing it to scan your opponent’s vessels and give an adaption bonus to your nearby Borg vessels. As soon as the Adaptor scans an enemy vessel, nearby Borg ships will fire Adapted Photon torpedoes, which deal increased damage to small sized units. Two modules of this type cause the torpedoes to fire quite often. Since these torpedoes only target vessels that are of the same range and faction of the scanned vessel, this type of Adaptor is an excellent spam controller. Note that as the ability relies on nearby Borg vessels to function, it is important to keep alive otherwise “fragile” Borg early game vessels, in order to give these types of Adaptors greater adaption capacity.
“Double EM”
(passive: EM Field - nullifies damage-causing passives)
Two EM Modules allows the Adaptor to substantially increase its defensive capabilities and return to combat relatively quickly after having sustained damage. This configuration also grants the Adaptor the ability to intensify its EM barriers to produce a temporary, strong shield. The Adaptor will erect this shield for approximately half a minute (or until the shield is destroyed). The raised shields can give the Adaptor the ability to escape from harm, especially given its relatively fast speed. The EM Field also means that the vessel will not take increased damage from those vessels that normally deal more to medium-ranged units.

In addition, the Adaptor will activate its cloak detection mechanisms. For the duration of the ability it will be able to detect many nearby cloaked vessels, regardless if you are in combat or not. This allows the vessel to inefficiently uncover cloaked scouts in your base, and more prominently, to efficiently prevent enemy vessels from cloak escaping. Note that this configuration does not allow the Adaptor to passively detect cloaked vessels while engaged in combat.
“Torp Adaption”
(passive: Torpedo Compensation, Adaption - takes reduced damage from torpedo weaponry, nearby ships fire Adapted Torpedoes)

Equipped with an Adaption Module and a Torpedo Module, the Adaptor becomes an offensive powerhouse, allowing it to both support your Borg flotilla (of generally small ships), and take reduced damage from torpedo weaponry. Against small sized, torpedo wielding fleets, this configuration provides excellent opportunities.
“EM Adaptor”
(passive: EM Field - nullifies damage-causing passives, reveals cloaked units upon attack)
Equipped with a single EM Module (and any other Module), this unit is capable of passively detecting cloaked ships while in combat. The EM Field also means that the vessel will not take increased damage from those vessels that normally deal more to medium-ranged units. This is a very useful module against the Romulans and the Klingons for any configuration you choose.
Assimilator - Collective Uplink + Conduction Matrix

The long ranged and large sized Assimilator is a special vessel (not a support vessel) that can provide strong fire support or powerful assimilation capabilities for your fleet. Alternating module configurations on this vessel can allow you to make the best use of either dilithium or tritanium stores. The Assimilate avatar gets an outright stronger and cheaper (Collective Connections-wise) Assimilator, as well as an additional module type compared to the Optimize avatar. Accordingly, the Assimilator for the Assimilate avatar is indispensible, and will be the most common vessel in the fleet. Optimize relies on its own weaker and less efficient Assimilator for support. Note that Assimilators tend not to bunch up well at all, and thus each one must be micromanaged in order to be close enough together to use their firepower in the best possible manner.
Due to its range the Assimilator takes more damage from the Negh’var, Galaxy, Excelsior II’s ACS, Norexan, S-2 Escort Cruiser. The Ambassador, Monsoon, S-7 Defender, Cehlaer take reduced damage from the Assimilator. Since the Assimiator is large, it should be kept away from the Sang', Veqlaragh, SuS'a', A-26 Bomber, and Serkas.
“Assimilating Assimilator”

For Optimize, this Assimilator will have three Auto-Assimilator Modules installed, providing just enough special energy to assimilate 185 alien crew before having to regenerate. Without any regeneration bonuses, this vessel is quite frail and a good target for any torpedo based vessels you might encounter. Concentrate on stripping the crew of vessels that have the least amount of crew first. Just because you can assimilate two K’beajQ doesn’t mean you should if you can assimilate six B’rels.
If you do use this configuration, make sure you have plenty of damage soaking vessels in front of this ship. Since it will most likely be a rare ship in your fleet, it is often best used as a specialty ship to strip the crew off of your opponent’s yards and mining facilities. Remember to use the torpedo weaponry on stronger crewed vessels or turrets, while you use the Auto-Assimilator on the captureable craft.

For Assimilate, this vessel will have two Auto-Assimilator Modules and a Regeneration Module, giving this vessel the capacity to assimilate 204 individuals in one bout. Although a Nanite Module gives the vessel a bit more added defense, the greater System Value and the increased hull regeneration rate allow this warship to take more damage, regenerate hull damage faster when out of combat, and regenerate special energy substantially faster. This vessel configuration should only be used if you are facing fair numbers of weakly crewed vessels. If you are seeing a majority of vessels like the Griffin, Warp-In vessels - generally vessels with a crew of 200 or higher - this configuration can start to be a liability, as these vessels will likely be able to escape and recrew before being captured, while draining your vessel of all its energy.
Accordingly, this vessel configuration is most useful in the early and middle game stages for vessel capture, while in the late game stages it can be helpful support in denying your opponent their own structures! With good coordination, this vessel can be combined with the Matrix-Teleport (from the Incubation Center) or Boarding (researched at the Transmission Matrix) special abilities to fully recrew the vessels you just assimilated.
"Torpedo Assimilator"
(passive: Torpedo Compensation - takes reduced damage from torpedo weaponry)

For Optimize, this ship will be equipped with two Torpedo Modules and a Regeneration Module, allowing it to mete out heavy punishment to all large sized units, and even medium sized vessels, while taking significantly less damage from torpedo weaponry. Against an opponent who relies on small and some medium sized vessels, this configuration is not optimal, as the torpedo armament will often miss. The added regeneration rate will allow this vessel to remain a specialist anti-capitalship while staying in the fight for longer.

For Assimilate, this vessel shall have two Torpedo Modules and a Nanite Factory Module. Although the Nanite Factory Module does not increase the hull regeneration rate as much as a Regeneration Module, it will allow the vessel to be much more adept at absorbing damage. Likewise, this type of vessel can use its Nanite Factory ability to drain 9% of the crew on all enemy vessels within medium range. Combined with a few Assimilating Assimilators, this can be used to great effect to not only weaken enemy vessels (if crew drops to the yellow or red “zones”, weapon firing rate and repair rate is reduced), but also make them easier to assimilate.
"Beam Assimilator"

For the Optimize avatar, a Beam Module, Torpedo Module, and a Regeneration Module allow this vessel to become significantly more capable at handling medium sized vessels, and even destroyers. The beam weaponry ensures that the vessel will always deal damage, and the torpedo addition still means that this vessel is quite capable at damaging larger vessels as well as taking less damage from torpedo armament due to the Torpedo Compensation passive.

For the Assimilate avatar, a Beam Module, Regeneration Module, and Nanite Factory Module offers exceptional durability - although for a slight reduction in firepower and the loss of Torpedo Compensation. This configuration is thus best used against fleets which do not rely on torpedo weaponry. If you are facing fleets of ships like the SuS’a’, Sang’, Veqlaragh, A-26 Bomber, Breen Cruiser and others, installing a Torpedo Module instead of the Regeneration Module is very wise. Again, the Nanite Module can be used to assist in assimilation.
Sphere - Collective Uplink + Conduction Matrix

A large and medium ranged cruiser, this beam armed vessel can be equipped with quite a number of module combinations. For Optimize this generally tends to be the most efficient and useful vessel to produce as it is an effective chassis that can be customized to be an incredible damage soaker with a decent damage output. It tends to bunch up very nicely with other Spheres (allowing it to easily bring more firepower on an individual target), and it is quite fast as well. The Sphere gains the Regeneration ability when equipped with at least two Regeneration Modules. The Optimize avatar gains a unique module, the Prime Module for this chassis.
"Beam Sphere"
(passive: Beam Compensation - takes reduced damage from beam weaponry)

With three Beam Modules and a single Regeneration Module, this Sphere will take extremely reduced damage from beam weaponry. However, due to the lack of regenerative capabilities, this Sphere is very much a specialist. Although it excels against units like the Saber, the Dominion Phaser Sentry, or the B-5 Battlecruiser and its fighters (its second automatic beam is quite good at clearing out nearby fighters), since it takes base damage against all other weapon types, it will not last very long against these types of vessels and thus is very much a support, rather than a front-line warship in most circumstances.
Although its primary beam weapon will always hit the target you select, its secondary weapon will “bounce” from target to target, gradually damaging them. Against more powerful units, this can prove your undoing as these units will have faster shield regeneration, and thus more of the damage you deal will be dissipated. Likewise, it is extraordinarily difficult to destroy any one individual, seeing as so much of the firepower is spread out - instead, this vessel is more of a moral demolisher, as it can cause several of your opponents vessels to retreat prematurely to repair due to its “bouncing beam”.
"Torpedo Sphere"

Equipped with a single Torpedo Module and three Regeneration Modules, this configuration deals more brute damage from its torpedo and beam than a Prime Sphere, although it will regenerate slightly less quickly in the long term as the System Value and defense are weakened. As a consequence, this vessel is a bit more of a specialist than a “Prime Sphere” because it deals much of its damage in the form of the torpedo launcher. Consequently, use this vessel for engaging large sized vessels and stations. For Optimize, this vessel can take the role that the Pyramid has for the Assimilate avatar. Similarly, for Assimilate, this configuration can be a bit of a go between as it also can deal considerable damage to medium sized vessels as well as sit on the front lines and soak up damage.
"Prime Sphere"
(passive: Deflector Domination - reduces special energy of the primary target)

For Optimize, this chassis will usually serve as the main contributor to your forces as its weaponry is powerful and never misses. Equipped with three Regeneration Modules and a Prime Module, this configuration is capable of using the special ability Regenerate with the highest efficiency possible (best used when you've already taken at least 5% -10% damage) and dealing quite a bit of damage as well. At 100 special energy per second, you can sustain Regenerate for over 18 seconds. The Prime Module allows it to reduce the special energy stores of its main target. Although the Prime Module does not grant as much offense as the Torpedo Module, it gives a sizeable System and Defense Value boost which will enable your medium range Sphere to regenerate faster and take less damage overall. Consequently, if you prefer a greater resilience (and thus more firepower in the long run) a Prime Sphere is a wiser choice than a Torpedo Module.
"Holding Sphere"
(passive: Assimilated Resistance - takes reduced damage/effects from special weapons)

For Assimilate, this chassis will often be skipped in lieu of the more powerful Pyramid. Nonetheless, the Sphere is more adept at dealing damage to small and medium sized vessels due to its primarily beam based weaponry. Consequently, arming a Sphere with three Regeneration Modules and a Holding Beam Module approximates Optimize’s ideal damage soaker (the "Prime Sphere") quite nicely. Note that the Holding Beam Module doesn’t just grant added stats and regeneration bonuses, but it also gives a sizeable boon against special weapons due to the Assimilated Resistance passive. Always use this vessel in conjunction with a Dodecahedron armed with two Viniculum Modules - this will ensure that the Sphere practically never dies and in fact can regenerate better than a "Prime Sphere". Note that the Holding Beam Module can be used to great affect to stop powerful vessels from getting away and thus force your opponent to engage you or leave those vessels behind. The Holding Beam can also stop ships in a repair queue from entering the dock. Generally it is not wise to attempt to assimilate a vessel with this Beam as it is much too weak - however, it is a wonderful tactical weapon. Thus for both avatars the Holding Beam Sphere can ensure kills.
Pyramid - Collective Uplink + Conduction Matrix

A medium ranged and large sized vessel, this chassis is only available to the Assimilate avatar. With a velocity equal to the Sphere and a great array of modules, this vessel usually supplants use of the Sphere for the Assimilate avatar. However, do note that a Sphere can often be a very good tank for Pyramids, due to their ability to be outfitted with more Regeneration Modules and having a lower native Defensive Value. Alternating module configurations on this vessel can allow you to make the best use of either dilithium or tritanium stores.
"Torpedo Pyramid"
(passive: Torpedo Compensation - takes reduced damage from torpedo weaponry)

Equipped with a Torpedo Module, two Regeneration Modules, and a Nanite Factory Module, this vessel is an excellent demolisher of stations and large sized vessels. Although it can be used somewhat effectively against medium sized warships, this task is better left to your beam based ships and Assimilators. The Pyramid gains the Regeneration ability when equipped with at least two Regeneration Modules. The Torpedo Module also grants the vessel the Torpedo Compensation passive. Do not set this vessel on full special weapons autonomy, otherwise it will utilize its Nanite Factory rather than Regenerate. In this case, all the special weapon energy should be used to keep this Sphere-mimic alive at the front lines.
Although the decreased System Value from not using a Holding Beam means that Regeneration cannot be sustained for as long, the graviton torpedo now deals part of its damage as direct hull damage and thus will cripple the battleships (and defense stations) that your foes are likely to field.
"Holding-Beam Pyramid"
(passive: Assimilated Resistance - takes reduced damage/effects from special weapons)

With four Holding Beam Modules, this vessel is nearly immune to special weapons. Likewise, it is even more efficient than an “Assimilating Assimilator,” as it can capture 224 alien crew before having to regenerate special weapons energy. Consequently, in a purely assimilation-oriented fleet, this configuration is an excellent companion. Its holding beams can be used to great effect to hold fast veteran units, as well as battleships that might otherwise get away before they can be assimilated or destroyed. It can also be accompanied by a Dodecahedron with two Vinculum Modules for an immense boost.
Diamond - Collective Uplink + Conduction Matrix

A long ranged, large sized vessel, the torpedo based Diamond is your high end special vessel (not a support vessel) and thus should not be built unless you have at least three other large units in the field (either Spheres, Assimilators, Pyramids, or Cubes). Since the Diamond is large, it should be kept away from the Sang', Veqlaragh, SuS'a', A-26 Bomber, and Serkas. Here are a few of the most efficient configurations.
“Queen Diamond”

With a Regeneration Module and three Diamond Modules, this particular Diamond is best used completely as a supporting vessel. Although it can do some damage to large vessels and stations with its torpedo armament, this vessel should never be face to face with your opponent’s vessels, as its speed and relatively weak defenses rarely allows escape. Bring Order to Chaos ability is artillery range for a reason. The ability greatly increases the damage dealt by the selected unit, as well as its subsystem repair. This version of the special weapon lasts a full minute and a half, and the vessel’s fast special weapons energy regeneration rate ensures that you will be able to use it on at least one other Borg vessel almost immediately.
As a consequence, having one “Queen Diamond” for every four heavier units is highly recommended, as it will essentially double the number of units you have on the field.
"Holding Beam Diamond"

This configuration is equipped with a single Holding Beam and three Diamond Modules. Provided you can afford the funds for a Dodecahedron equipped with double Vinculum Modules, this version offers all of the advantages of the "Queen Diamond" and then some. With a huge energy reserve - courtesy of the Vinculum ability - the Diamond may snare the slow battleships and other important ships of your opponent, allowing you to kill or capture them. Needless to say, this Diamond can use Bring Order to Chaos much more frequently than the "Queen Diamond" and will be an incredible investment if you can maintain the necessary micromanagement.
“Hybrid Diamond”

Equipped with a Beam Module, a Regeneration Module, and two Diamond Modules, this chassis can more effectively support your other vessels in combat. With just enough special weapons energy to use the Bring Order to Chaos special ability on three units, this vessel should not see the front lines of combat often (where it will be quickly targeted and destroyed) despite its weaponry. Keep it behind your other vessels, so that it can regenerate its special weapons energy and keep supporting your actual warships. Each casting of the special ability lasts for a full minute, which is usually more than enough time to end an individual battle.
Cube - Collective Uplink + Conduction Matrix

The heaviest hitting and most cost effective vessel in Fleet Operations, this medium ranged and large sized battleship can be equipped with a formidable array of modules. Most players will specifically target the Cube and ignore the other units because they believe that it will ensure their victory. This is actually not the case. The Cube represents an overwhelmingly powerful defensive unit. To attack it and ignore the relatively weak (defensively speaking) Spheres, Assimilators, and even Diamonds will usually spell your end. Being less durable, these units are more easily taken out, but are often ignored in lieu of the Cube. Hence, if you can afford one Cube it is often best to build one to redirect the firepower of an enemy’s fleet in the wrong direction.
“True Tac-Cube”
(passive: Torpedo Compensation - takes reduced damage from torpedo weaponry)

Armed with three Torpedo Modules, two Tactical Armor Modules (reducing beam damage by 20%), and a Regeneration Module, this vessel just refuses to die, while meting out incredible punishment to stations, large, medium, and even small vessels. It has enough special energy to use all of its weaponry on high special weapons autonomy. Torpedo Compensation means that despite its large size, it will take significantly less damage from torpedo forces. Likewise, the Tactical Modules means that your opponent will be forced to use more powerful cruisers and battleships to engage your Cube, as the weaker ships will do significantly reduced damage.
For most engagements this is the optimal configuration. However, if you are facing a great array of vessels armed predominantly with beam weaponry, and firing special weapons (like the Negh’var’s Weapon Overload ability), this arrangement is inadequate.
“Hybrid Mage Cube”
(passive: Torpedo Compensation, Assimilated Resistance - takes reduced damage from torpedo weaponry, takes reduced damage/effects from special weapons)

If your opponent seems to have a smattering of torpedo based vessels and units which use a good deal of special weapons (especially those that deal damage - like Engine Overload, Slicer, Polaron Torpedo, Critical Shot) your module configuration should probably be two Torpedo Modules, two Tactical Armor Modules, a Regeneration Module, and a Holding Beam Module. This layout will ensure that you can deal a good deal of damage, but also take hits from both of these sorts of weapons. In addition, the increased special weapons energy from the Holding Beam Module allows you to use even more Collective Features from the Transmission Matrix.
“Mage Cube”
(passive: Assimilated Resistance - takes reduced damage/effects from special weapons)

When you are facing a fleet that relies mainly on special weapons to deal damage, your module configuration should change to reflect this. Consequently, a Cube equipped with two Tactical Armor Modules, a Regeneration Module, and three Holding Beam Modules will allow you use special weapons almost indefinitely. However, if you do use the Holding Beam, you will run out of energy very quickly, so it is recommended that you manually control what abilities you use.
Special Borg Stations
Recycling Center

Available only to the Optimize avatar, the Recycling Center allows you to convert supplies into dilithium and tritanium over time. You will need approximately two minutes to regain your initial resources as well as three fully maximized Incubation Centers (each one is +0.2166 supplies/second) to account for the supply drain (with this setup you will lose about 1 supply every 10+ seconds). As a consequence, this station can prove extremely useful in the later stages of the game as it generates resources so quickly once you establish your Incubation Centers. It will take around 10.55 minutes to regain all resources invested into this setup, assuming you have the Recycling Center constantly transmuting dilithium (-0.33 supplies/second) and tritanium (-0.33 supplies/second).
Transmission Matrix - Conduction Matrix

This facility is the only true research facility that the Borg Collective uses. It is utilized to provide Borg vessels (and some structures) with additional abilities called Collective Features. The only resource required to obtain the abilities at this station is time. Likewise, since only a limited number of the total amount of abilities may be researched, it is important to carefully choose what and in which order you will research them. Generally building this facility when you have a large number of resources, but not enough Collective Connections to get some of the more powerful Borg vessels, is wise as the abilities gained here can dramatically improve the performance of your existing vessels.
Devastating Attack (1/10)

This medium ranged torpedo can be fired from all military Borg vessels asides from the Detector. The torpedo only damages the target’s shields, but a single usage can deplete most cruiser and destroyer shields, while larger vessels often take several shots – depending on the chassis that uses Devastating Attack. This ability is almost (2x EM Adaptor) useless against Borg units obviously, but is extremely useful in general. Usually it should be micromanaged so that you do not waste too many shots on a single vessel.
Sensor Relay (1/10)

For the price of 10 supplies, a Borg vessel can drop a station which will give a relatively decent line of sight. Thus it can be used as an early warning system to prevent non-cloaked sneak attacks on your slower Borg vessels by placing these Relays at choke points. One strategy that can be employed to use the Sensor Relay in combat is to select all Borg vessels and drop a Relay in the midst of your opponent’s forces and then withdraw slightly. If he or she is not intensely micromanaging the warships, those vessels will target the Sensor Relays instead of your vessels and give you a few seconds without weapons fire. This also works quite well against players who have built a number of turrets, as those turrets will waste their firepower on the nearest units, regardless if they are weak, weaponless Sensor Relays. As this strategy is somewhat expensive in terms of supply, generally it is best to use this only if you have many Incubation Centers operating. Note that when placed in a sensor-disabling Mutara Nebula, the Sensor Relay will also be without eyes.
Station Holding Beam (1/10)

The medium range Station Holding Beam will allow you to surely capture many would-be harassers as it does not require special energy to be used. However, as this is a purely defensive ability (and only available on the Conduction Matrix, Transmission Matrix, and Assimilation Matrix) the research should really only be saved for last ditch defense (or if you have nothing else to research). If your base structures are in tightly cramped space, or your opponent has made an ill-conceived attack on you, the Station Holding Beam can be used quite effectively to grab a more powerful vessel (such as a battleship or veteran unit). This will often have the effect of forcing your opponent to stay longer than he or she would like - or leave those restrained vessels behind for you to assimilate without resistance.
Partial Adaption (2/10)

As this ability increases the damage of all Borg units by ten percent, this should always be researched if you need attack power.
Nanites (2/10)

If you have just begun construction of a Diamond or Cube, this is the first feature you should research. This long ranged ability casts a large swarm of tiny machines that will randomly disrupt subsystems of your opponent’s ships (preferentially their engines), as well as cause a great deal of damage to small and medium vessels that enter the field. It can be used to great effect to effectively limit the amount of vessels that are firing upon you (or retreating) at any one time. As engines are disabled most frequently, by keeping your forces retreating and placing Nanites ahead of incoming ships, you can ensure that many will go spinning out of control. In addition, it becomes easier to pick off individual ships at range as these engineless vessels will find it difficult to regroup. If you are not planning on building either the Diamond or Cube, this ability is useless to you. As Nanites does disable the weapons of cloaked units, this is a must when facing cloaking factions as well. The ability can be used as an impromptu detection system and will often disable or destroy the subsystems of your opponent's cloaked vessels.
Slicer (2/10)

This short range ability deals increasing damage with increasing chassis size and affects all Borg warships asides from the Detector. This ability can usually be left on high weapons autonomy, although it is important that you micromanage it from your torpedo based ships when surrounded by small and perhaps medium sized vessels (as you do not want to waste the ability on the targets which always take a hit). This ability is very important in a fight against a Borg opponent, as it allows you to deal instantaneous damage, before your opponent can retreat and regenerate (especially against Spheres).
Transwarp Coil (3/10)

This ability equips the Detector, Probe, and Scout Cube with a transwarp device which enables these vessels to instantly jump a short distance away. The Scout Cube can travel approximately a screen away, while the Probe can transwarp about a screen and a half, and the Detector can zoom several screens away. Although this ability can be used to make ambushes as well as jump over static defenses (such as asteroid belts or nebulae), oftentimes it is most wisely used for escape. As each Scout Cube or Probe takes damage, simply transwarp it away to safely regenerate. For these situations, ensure that your vessels do not use their other special abilities often (or at all) for fear of running out of special energy. If you are fighting against the Borg and are making use of Scout Cubes and Probes, this ability is extremely important to research early on. Against non-Borg factions, the ability will more likely come in hand for harassment in the later game stages, and thus is not mandatory.
Data Mining (3/10)

This research enhances the sensor range of all Borg vessels and stations (including Sensory Relays). Since Borg units generally have a mediocre sight radius, this can be very effective in determining where to attack, and when to retreat. As a result, this ability is quite useful and should usually be purchased (unless you are fighting in close quarters and don’t need the intelligence information).
Perfect Logistics (4/10)

This allows you to upgrade a total of four Resource Assimilators to increase their Defensive Value and cause them to slowly generate dilithium and tritanium whether they are actively mining or not. Researching Perfect Logistics may seem like a good short term boon, as it promises that four of your Resource Assimilators will generate additional dilithium and tritanium on their own, but the resource accumulation is relatively slow. If all four freighters are upgraded, you will have spent 720 dilithium, 720 tritanium, and 80 supply and will recuperate these funds 12 minutes later. As a consequence, this research is an example of long term investment, but it has the benefit of making your freighters even more resistant to harassment.
Boarding (4/10)

If you plan on constructing Auto-Assimilator equipped Assimilators, it is best to research Boarding quickly, to let you quickly recrew captured enemy vessels, as well as more efficiently take over your opponent’s ships. This ability transports drones through the shields of any vessel, and thus can be used very well in conjunction with the Nanite Factory. As a result, this ability should usually be researched if you are playing as the Assimilate Avatar. The ability is long ranged.