
Gives access to two new units
- S-7 Defender
- Hyperspace Sensor System
Gives access to the following benefits
- Reduced construction costs for all mass Construction Yard prototypes by 50 percent.
- You may build two Hyperspace Artilleries.
- Increased all attributes of the B-5 Battle Cruiser and the V-13 Battleship by 3 and increased the weapon range of the B-5 Battle Cruiser to medium range.
You begin with two Worker Ships in construction mode and an A-4 Scout.
Bug (A-20 Attack Destroyer) Spam
Special Notes
For Which Avatar: both
Tactical Tidbit: A good generalist strategy that is flexible.
Strongest Against: Monsoon Spam, Saber Spam, K't'inga Rush
Weakest Against: Dodecahedron, Early Leahval
Up-Time: 99 seconds (1 Bug constructed) or 145 seconds (S-2 Prototype constructed)
Initial Build Order
Queue up three construction Worker Ships and three freighter Worker Ships.
The first construction ship builds a Dilithium Refinery at the main base and switches to become a dilithium miner.
The second construction ship produces a Construction Yard and then produces a Tritanium Refinery whereupon it switches to become a tritanium miner.

The first and second Worker Ships produced by the Cloning Facility venture to the expansion to build a Dilithium Refinery and a Construction Yard, and then switch to become dilithium miners.
The third and fourth Worker Ships produced by the Cloning Facility stay at the main base and become a dilithium and tritanium miner.
Both Construction Yards will queue up A-20 Attack Destroyers.
After around 7 A-20 Attack Destroyers are complete, construct an additional Worker Ship and send it to the expansion.
Begin construction of a Ketracel Synthesizer at your tritanium moon expansion and have the newly built worker ship mine from it (a total of two supply miners).
After about 10 A-20 Attack Destroyers you will have to buy supply. Your supplies will dwindle much less quickly now so begin production of a Technology Lab and queue up an S-2 Escort Cruiser prototype and research Alpha Ketracel White at the Technology Lab or simply wait until you can afford to produce a Large Construction Yard and queue up T-15 Heavy Cruisers if you need a strong counter to short-range small or medium sized vessels.

You will need to build an additional Ketracel Synthesizer so that you can maintain continuous production. Purchasing supply a second time is possible, but any more and you will be wasting funds.
Early Bomber / S-2 / C-11
Special Notes
For Which Avatar: both
Tactical Tidbit: A good generalist strategy that is flexible.
Strongest Against: customizable
Weakest Against: customizable
Up-Time: 99 seconds (1 Bug constructed) or 145 seconds (S-2 Prototype constructed) or 148 seconds (A-26 Prototype constructed) or 130 seconds (C-11 Prototype constructed)
Initial Build Order

Queue up four Worker Ship freighters.
First construction ship builds a Construction Yard, second construction ship builds a Dilithium Refinery.
The first two freighters produced from the Cloning Facility go to your expansion immediately and build a second Construction Yard and a Dilithium Refinery.
The first original construction ship builds a Tritanium Refinery, while the second original construction ship switches to become a dilithium miner.
Once the Construction Yard is completed at your main base, queue up:
Against a Borg opponent who is constructing Scout Cubes and Probes, build an A-26 Bomber prototype. Against a Dodecahedron or Assimilator start, produce an S-2 Escort Cruiser prototype.
Against the Dominion who is spamming A-20 Attack Destroyers out of two yards, build a C-11 Interception Destroyer prototype. Against an opponent who starts with B-8 War Frigates, begin construction of an S-2 Escort Cruiser prototype.
Against Klingons you will need to rely on A-20 Attack Destroyers (go to Bug Spam strategy).
Against Romulans who are building Leahvals, produce an A-26 Bomber prototype. Against a Rhienn Spam, produce S-2 Escort Cruisers.
Against the Federation who rely on Monsoons you will need to rely on A-20 Attack Destroyers (go to Bug Spam strategy). Against Intrepids you can either produce a C-11 Interception Destroyer prototype (which is also effective against Monsoons) or an A-26 Bomber prototype (which is also effective against Norways). Against a Saber Spam, produce S-2 Escort Cruisers (or use the Bug Spam strategy).

Once the prototype is completed, this yard will produce copies of that vessel exclusively if possible. Note that if C-11's are produced in quantity, you will need to have an additional miner on tritanium at your expansion to accommodate the costs.
Once the Construction Yard at your expansion is finished, begin building A-20 Attack Destroyers from that yard, or, if you can afford it and the counter requires it, produce more of the vessels you gained access to via the prototype.
Each of your three Refineries should now each have three Worker Ships mining.
Alternate Build Scheme (for Bug spam, Early Bomber / C-11 / S-2)
Special Notes
For Which Avatar: both
Tactical Tidbit: Provides better main base protection and faster unit production (2 more Bugs for instance), but weak expansion protection
Strongest Against: NA
Weakest Against: NA
Up-Time: NA
Initial Build Order
This is a general alternate methodology for Dominion Build Orders.
Queue up four Worker Ships.
The first construction ship builds a Dilithium Refinery at the main base and switches to become a dilithium miner.
The second construction ship produces a Construction Yard and then produces a Tritanium Refinery whereupon it switches to become a tritanium miner.
The first Worker Ship produced by the Cloning Facility builds a second Construction Yard at home base, and then switches to become a dilithium miner.
The second Worker Ship produced ventures to the expansion to build a Dilithium Refinery.
The third Worker Ship becomes a tritanium miner and the fourth mines dilithium at the expansion.
Early Ketracel White
Special Notes
For Which Avatar: both, but if you want an early prototype, more affordable for Puretech
Tactical Tidbit: A specialist strategy that is flexible after the early-game. More economically stable than other Dominion small-yard builds, but more vulnerable to harassment. Have to buy supply once if do one yard Bomber/S-2 (S-2 will cause production lags several times) followed by second Ketracel Synthesizer. Can't afford double yard non-Bugs with this method.
Strongest Against: Monsoon Spam, Saber Spam, K't'inga Rush
Weakest Against: Dodecahedron, Early Leahval
Up-Time: 99 seconds (1 Bug constructed)
Initial Build Order
Queue up four construction Worker Ships.
The first construction ship builds a Dilithium Refinery at the main base and switches to become a dilithium miner.
The second construction ship produces a Construction Yard below the Dilithium Refinery (to provide protection)
When the Construction Yard is complete, the constructor travels the main base tritanium moon and builds a yard under it.
The first construction ship that is produced builds a tritanium mining station whereupon it switches to become a tritanium miner.
The second and third construction ships head to the expansion to build a Dilithium Refinery.
Once the dilithium refinery at the expansion is complete, two freighters will mine dilithium, and one will mine tritanium.
After five A-20 Atack Destroyers have been completed there will be enough funds to build a Ketracel Synthesizer. Build this station with one of your main base tritanium miners between the Cloning Facility and the tritanium moon, very close to the starbase. Also attempt to fill your expansion dilithium or tritanium with an additional miner.
Building the Ketracel Synthesizer will slow down your need to buy supply, such that you will be able to afford to build a second Ketracel station before ever having to buy supply. This should be done before you drop below 60-90 supply.
If your home base is well protected, build this station there (build an additional constructor for this purpose). Two stations (and four supply miners) can work with little interruption when the tritanium moon is mined by two tritanium miners.
B-8 War Frigate Rush
Special Notes
For Which Avatar: both but more effective for Puretech
Tactical Tidbit: Specialist, but can be made flexible easily.
Strongest Against: Norway / Canaveral Start, B'rel Spam, K'vort Rush, Early Bomber / C-11, Shrike Spam, Scout Cube / Dodecahedron Start
Weakest Against: Intrepid / Monsoon Start
Up-Time: 171 seconds (B-8 Prototype constructed)
Initial Build Order

Queue up four Worker Ship freighters.
First construction ship builds a Construction Yard, second construction ship builds a Dilithium Refinery.
The first two freighters produced from the Cloning Facility go to your expansion immediately and build a Dilithium Refinery and start mining dilithium.
The first original construction ship builds a Tritanium Refinery, while the second original construction ship switches to become a dilithium miner.
Once the Construction Yard is completed at your main base, queue up a B-8 War Frigate Prototype.
Once the prototype is completed, this yard will produce copies of that vessel exclusively if possible.

Shortly after this prototype is completed and you have started an additional B-8, you should have enough funds to build a Construction Yard at your expansion. Begin construction of B-8's at this yard as well.
After you have enough funds to maintain continuous production of B-8's (usually after two B-8's are complete), build a Technology Lab and research the IS Bomb for your War Frigates.
Each of your three Refineries should now each have three Worker Ships mining.
War Frigate Bug Hybrid
Special Notes
For Which Avatar: Puretech due to reduced prototype costs
Tactical Tidbit: A good generalist strategy that is flexible.
Strongest Against: Rhienn Spam, Shrike Spam
Weakest Against: Early K'Vort, Early Qaw'Duj, Intrepid Start, Leahval Start
Up-Time: 171 seconds (2 Bugs, B-8 Prototype constructed)
Initial Build Order
Queue up four Worker Ships.
The first construction ship builds a Dilithium Refinery at the main base and switches to become a dilithium miner.
The second construction ship produces a Construction Yard and then produces a second Construction Yard at the home base (preferably both are close to your moons, to provide protection for miners).
The first Construction Yard will queue up a B-8 War Frigate Prototype and the second yard will begin producing A-20 Attack Destroyers.
The first Worker Ship produced by the Cloning Facility ventures to the expansion to build a Dilithium Refinery.
The second Worker Ship builds a Tritanium Refinery at the home base and switches to become a tritanium miner.
The third Worker Ship goes to the expansion and becomes a dilithium miner.
The fourth Worker Ship becomes a tritanium miner at the home base.
Early T-15 Heavy Cruiser
Special Notes
For Which Avatar: both
Tactical Tidbit: Works best in Cooperative Multiplayer. A good generalist strategy that is flexible.
Strongest in Situation: small/medium and short ranged unit strategies
Weakest in Situation: Early / Rush Warbird, Fast Vor'cha
Up-Time: 361 seconds (1 T-15, 5 Bugs constructed)
Initial Build Order

Queue up four Worker Ship freighters.
First construction ship builds a Construction Yard, second construction ship builds a Dilithium Refinery.
Once the Construction Yard is completed, queue up A-20 Attack Destroyers.
The first two freighters produced from the Cloning Facility go to your expansion immediately and build a Dilithium Refinery and (optional) a Phaser Sentry adjacent to the moon.
The first original construction ship builds a Tritanium Refinery, while the second original construction ship builds a Technology Lab.

Shortly after three A-20 Attack Destroyers have been produced you should have enough funds to build a Large Construction Yard at your expansion.
When the Large Construction Yard is complete (after about four Bugs are on the field), queue up T-15 Heavy Cruisers to counter most early game destroyers.
Transition to a B-5 Battle Cruiser prototype as soon as you have produced two Ketracel Synthesizers with two dedicated supply miners each. This will allow you to shift from A-20 Attack Destroyers to other more supply costly Construction Yard vessels as well.
T-15 Heavy Cruiser Rush
Special Notes
For Which Avatar: both
Tactical Tidbit: Works best in Cooperative Multiplayer. A strong opening, but has a resource crunch after the first 3 units.
Strongest in Situation: Good against small/medium and short ranged unit strategies
Weakest in Situation: Early / Rush Warbird, Fast Vor'cha
Up-Time: 288 seconds (1 T-15, 2 Bugs constructed) --> ~430 seconds (2-T-15, 3 Bugs constructed)
Initial Build Order
Queue up three Worker Ship constructors.
Only the first constructor produced from the Cloning Facility goes to your expansion immediately and waits.
First construction ship builds a Construction Yard, second construction ship builds a Dilithium Refinery.
As soon as the first home base construction ship becomes idle, begin building a Technology Lab. Build a Tritanium Refinery with the second idle constructor.
Once the Technology Lab is complete, select the constructor at your expansion and build a Large Construction Yard.
As soon as the Large Construction Yard is complete, queue up a T-15 Heavy Cruiser and A-20 Attack Destroyers at the Construction Yard.
After beginning construction of the first T-15 Heavy Cruiser, build a Dilithium Refinery at the expansion. This will slow down your production temporarily.
Do not forget to build an additional Worker Ship to mine dilithium at your expansion later on.
B-5 Battle Cruiser Rush
Special Notes
For Which Avatar: Both, though Puretech can be better (but keep in mind the B-5 will be medium range)
Tactical Tidbit: Works best in Cooperative Multiplayer. A good generalist strategy that is flexible, but relies on a few powerful ships to maintain strength.
Strongest in Situation:
Weakest in Situation:
Up-Time: 288 seconds (1 B-5 Prototype, 2 A-20 Attack Destroyer constructed)
Initial Build Order
Queue up three Worker Ship constructors.
Only the first constructor produced from the Cloning Facility goes to your expansion immediately and waits.
First construction ship builds a Construction Yard, second construction ship builds a Dilithium Refinery.
As soon as the first home base construction ship becomes idle, begin building a Technology Lab. Build a Tritanium Refinery with the second idle constructor.
Once the Technology Lab is complete, select the constructor at your expansion and build a Large Construction Yard.
As soon as the Large Construction Yard is complete, queue up a B-5 Battle Cruiser Prototype and an A-20 Attack Destroyer at the Construction Yard.
Queue up B-5 Battle Cruisers once the prototype is complete and then queue up A-20 Attack Destroyers (so as not to stall the B-5's)
After beginning construction of the first non-prototype B-5 Battle Cruiser, build a Dilithium Refinery at the expansion.
Do not forget to build an additional Worker Ship to mine dilithium at your expansion later on.