Admiral Mayson

Gives access to two new units
- Norway class
- Nova class
Gives access to the following benefits
- Increased Defensive Value for all Antares Yard vessels.
- Defense Platforms are equipped with altered weaponry.
- Increased Offensive and Defensive Value for Excelsior II Class by 4 and equips her with the ACS Torpedo special ability.
You will begin with two Mediterranean-class construction ships and a Venture-class scout ship.
Monsoon / Intrepid Start
Special Notes
For Which Avatar: both
Tactical Tidbit: A good generalist strategy that is flexible.
Strongest Against: customizable
Weakest Against: customizable
Up-Time: 191 seconds (1 Monsoon constructed) or 197 (1 Intrepid constructed)
Initial Build Order

Queue up four Mandril freighters.
The first construction ship will begin constructing Starfleet Engineering while the second begins a Dilithium Refinery.
When the first construction ship is idle, build an Antares Yard, and with the second Mediterranean, produce a Tritanium Refinery.
When Starfleet Engineering is complete, research Chassis Level 1.
When Chassis Level 1 is complete, queue up Monsoons / Intrepids
If facing Klingons you will want to produce Intrepids due to the passive resistance against medium ranged K'beajQ, and the pulse reduction against B'rels and K'vorts.
If facing Dominion who produce Bombers, C-11 Interceptor Destroyer, or B-8 War Frigate you will want Monsoons. If against Bugs, you will want Intrepids.
If facing Romulans who use Early Leahvals or a Rhienn Spam you will want Monsoons. If facing Griffins or Shrikes you will want Intrepids.
If facing Borg who produce Scout Cubes / Probe Rush you will want Intrepids. Against Dodecahedrons / Assimilators you will want Monsoons.
If facing Federation Monsoons you will want Intrepids. If facing Norways, Sabers, or Canaverals, you will want to produce Monsoons.

Send both construction ships to the expansion moonset immediately (they should be idle at the same time) and construct an additional Antares Yard and a Dilithium Refinery. If you see that your opponent already has several ships you may build a Platfrom instead of the Dilithium Refinery to start.
Send one construction ship back to your main base to build a Platform for each isolated moon.
Construct at least one Platform directly adjacent to a moon you are mining to facilitate defense.
Saber Start
Special Notes
For Which Avatar: both, but more efficient for Mayson
Tactical Tidbit: Generalist, but requires a bit more micromanagement as the units are fragile.
Strongest Against: Shrike Spam, Breen Cruiser Start
Weakest Against: B’rel Spam
Up-Time: 109 seconds (2 Sabers constructed)
Initial Build Order
Queue up four Mandril freighters.
Both construction ships should begin building Antares Yards, one adjacent to each moon (so that miners may quickly enter to repair without need for a turret).

When each Antares Yard is finished, queue up Sabers in both.
Immediately begin constructing a Dilithium and Tritanium Refinery.
When both constructors are finished, send them to the expansion immediately to construct a Platform and a Dilithium Refinery. Queue up an additional two miners.
After roughly 6-8 Sabers have been constructed, enough funds should have been accrued to purchase Starfleet Science.
When Starfleet Science is complete, research Hyper Impulse Drive. Use Hyper Impulse Drive when being attacked by short ranged vessels, pulse / torpedo armed units, or to escape and repair.
Construct at least one Platform directly adjacent to a moon you are mining to facilitate defense.
Early Excelsior II
Special Notes
For Which Avatar: both, but far more efficient for Mayson
Tactical Tidbit: Generalist, but very defensive early on.
Strongest Against: Early Leahval (if start with Monsoons)
Weakest Against: B'rel Spam, S-2 Spam, Monsoon Spam
Up-Time: 191 seconds (1 Monsoon constructed) or 197 (1 Intrepid constructed)
Initial Build Order

Queue up four Mandril freighters.
The first construction ship will begin constructing Starfleet Engineering while the second begins a Dilithium Refinery.
When the first construction ship is idle, build an Antares Yard, and with the second Mediterranean, produce a Tritanium Refinery.
When Starfleet Engineering is complete, research Chassis Level 1.
When Chassis Level 1 is complete, queue up Monsoons / Intrepids
If facing Klingons you will want to produce Intrepids due to the passive resistance against medium ranged K'beajQ, and the pulse reduction against B'rels and K'vorts.

If facing Dominion who produce Bombers, C-11 Interceptor Destroyer, or B-8 War Frigate you will want Monsoons. If against Bugs, you will want Intrepids.
If facing Romulans who use Early Leahvals or a Rhienn Spam you will want Monsoons. If facing Griffins or Shrikes you will want Intrepids.
If facing Borg who produce Scout Cubes / Probe Rush you will want Intrepids. Against Dodecahedrons / Assimilators you will want Monsoons.
If facing Federation Monsoons you will want Intrepids. If facing Norways, Sabers, or Canaverals, you will want to produce Monsoons.

Send both construction ships to the expansion moonset immediately (they should be idle at the same time) and construct an Eraudi Yard and a Dilithium Refinery. If you see that your opponent already has several ships you may build a Platform instead of the Dilithium Refinery to start.
Construct Excelsior II by pausing construction from the Antares Yard for a short while.
Send one construction ship back to your main base to build a Platform for each isolated moon.
Construct at least one Platform directly adjacent to a moon you are mining to facilitate defense.
Special Notes
For Which Avatar: both, but more efficient for Mayson
Tactical Tidbit: Specialist and requires good micromanagement.
Strongest Against: Intrepid Spam, Bug Spam
Weakest Against: B'rel Spam, Monsoon Spam
Up-Time: 273 seconds (1 Canaveral, 2 Saber constructed) or 261 (1 Norway, 2 Saber constructed)
Initial Build Order
Queue up four Mandril freighters.
The first Mediterranean will begin constructing an Antares Yard while the second begins a Tritanium Refinery. When the first Mediterranean is finished, build Starfleet Science, and with the second Mediterranean, produce a Dilithium Refinery.

When Starfleet Science is complete queue up Canaverals / Norways if enough tritanium is amassed (or Sabers if there is not enough) and research Hyper Impulse Drive.
Norways should be queued up against the faster vessels you will be facing as they can keep up.
Use the Saber's Hyper Impulse Drive when being attacked by short ranged or mainly torpedo armed vessels or to escape and repair.

Send both Mediterraneans to the expansion immediately and construct an additional Antares Yard and a Dilithium Refinery. Produce an additional two Mandril freighters.
Maintain continuous production out of these two yards by building Sabers when you do not have the funds for Canaverals / Norways. Only research the Canaveral's EC3M / Plasma Coil ability when you have a steady income (usually by the second to third Canaveral / Norway). Use Hyper Impulse Drive to decrease damage taken from short ranged vessels, as well as to escape from combat.
Construct at least one Platform directly adjacent to a moon you are mining to facilitate defense.
Akira Rush
Special Notes
For Which Avatar: both, lets Risner get out ships faster
Tactical Tidbit: A good generalist strategy that is flexible.
Strongest Against: customizable
Weakest Against: K'vort Spam, Bug Spam, Spectre Refit Spam
Up-Time: 264 seconds (1 Akira constructed)
Initial Build Order

Queue up six Mandril freighters.
The first construction ship will begin constructing Starfleet Engineering while the second begins a Dilithium Refinery.
When Starfleet Engineering is complete, research Chassis Level 1.
When Chassis Level 1 is complete, research Chassis Level 2.
When the first construction ship is idle, send it to your expansion to build an Antares Yard, and with the second Mediterranean, produce a Tritanium Refinery at your home base.
When the Antares Yard at your expansion is finished, begin producing a Dilithium Refinery and then a Platform. The construction vessel at your main base should now build a Platform.
Queue up Akira-class warships at this yard.

After the second Akira has begun production, you should have enough funds to build a second Antares at your main base. Since the Akira has a slow build time it is not wise to queue up Akiras at this second yard. As a result, this second yard should be customized to produce additional vessel types which will allow you to produce continuously:
If facing Klingons you will want to produce Intrepids due to the passive resistance against medium ranged K'beajQ, and the pulse reduction (and superior speed) against B'rels and K'vorts.
If facing Dominion who produce Bombers, C-11 Interceptor Destroyer, or B-8 War Frigate you will want Monsoons. If against Bugs, you will want Intrepids.
If facing Romulans and you spot just Griffins or Shrikes you will want Intrepids.
If facing Borg who produce Scout Cubes / Probe Rush you will want Intrepids. Against Dodecahedrons / Assimilators you will want Monsoons.
If facing Federation Sabers, or Canaverals, you will want to produce Monsoons.
Warp-In Hybrid
Special Notes
For Which Avatar: both
Tactical Tidbit: Works best in Cooperative Multiplayer (except does well in 1v1 vs Borg Scout Cube/Probe Start).
Strongest in Situation: larger maps, especially when using Warp-In to aid your allies or harass your opponents; allows access to early research
Weakest in Situation: Bug or K'vort spam, and when faced with a hyper aggressive opponent (can't expand)
Up-Time: 310 seconds (1 Warp-In, 1(2 if don't expand) Intrepid or 1(2 if don't expand) Monsoon constructed)
Initial Build Order

Queue up four Mandril freighters.
The first construction ship will begin constructing Starfleet Engineering while the second begins a Dilithium Refinery.
When the first construction ship is idle, build an Antares Yard, and with the second construction vessel, produce a Tritanium Refinery.
When Starfleet Engineering is complete, research Chassis Level 1.
When Chassis Level 1 is complete, queue up Monsoons / Intrepids
If facing Klingons you will want to produce Intrepids due to the passive resistance against medium ranged K'beajQ, and the pulse reduction against B'rels and K'vorts.

If facing Dominion who produce Bombers, C-11 Interceptor Destroyer, or B-8 War Frigate you will want Monsoons. If against Bugs, you will want Intrepids.
If facing Romulans who use Early Leahvals or a Rhienn Spam you will want Monsoons. If facing Griffins or Shrikes you will want Intrepids.
If facing Borg who produce Scout Cubes / Probe Rush you will want Intrepids. Against Dodecahedrons / Assimilators you will want Monsoons.
If facing Federation Monsoons you will want Intrepids. If facing Norways, Sabers, or Canaverals, you will want to produce Monsoons.
When the next construction ship is idle, produce Starfleet Science. Your other construction vessel may build a platform at your base if you so choose.

As soon as Starfleet Science is completed you should have just enough resources to begin construction of Starfleet Command.
When Starfleet Command nears completion, send an idle construction vessel to your expansion (but not in 1v1) and begin construction of a Dilithium Refinery. Queue up an additional two freighters.
Construct at least one Platform directly adjacent to a moon you are mining to facilitate defense.
Early Mixed Tech (best with a Dominion Ally)
Special Notes
For Which Avatar: both, but strongest for Mayson
Tactical Tidbit: Only in Cooperative Multiplayer. Once mixed-tech is up, the strategy becomes much more powerful.
Strongest in Situation: larger maps, also depends on type of mixed-tech as it can allow access to early battleships and heavy cruisers
Weakest in Situation: strong enemy harassment (as you cannot build turrets early on and have fewer ships)
Up-Time: 197 seconds (1 Intrepid constructed) or 192 seconds (1 Monsoon constructed)
Initial Build Order

Queue up four Mandril freighters.
The first construction ship will begin constructing Starfleet Engineering while the second begins a Tritanium Refinery.
When the first construction ship is idle, build an Antares Yard, and with the second Mediterranean, produce a Dilithium Refinery.
When Starfleet Engineering is complete, research Chassis Level 1.
When Chassis Level 1 is complete, queue up Monsoons / Intrepids (note that Monsoons will allow you to build a second yard more quickly)
If facing Klingons you will want to produce Intrepids due to the passive resistance against medium ranged K'beajQ, and the pulse reduction against B'rels and K'vorts.

If facing Dominion who produce Bombers, C-11 Interceptor Destroyer, or B-8 War Frigate you will want Monsoons. If against Bugs, you will want Intrepids.
If facing Romulans who use Early Leahvals or a Rhienn Spam you will want Monsoons. If facing Griffins or Shrikes you will want Intrepids.
If facing Borg who produce Scout Cubes / Probe Rush you will want Intrepids. Against Dodecahedrons / Assimilators you will want Monsoons.
If facing Federation Monsoons you will want Intrepids. If facing Norways, Sabers, or Canaverals, you will want to produce Monsoons.

Begin construction of a Mixed Technology Yard and send your other construction ship to the expansion moonset to build a Dilithium Refinery (but only after you have begun research of Mixed Technology).
Queue up an additional two freighters for your expansion.
Note that if you try to build platforms and create defensive structures you will not have enough funds to put up a second Antares Yard, which is arguably more valuable. Thus, after your third or fourth Monsoon you should have enough funds to construct an Antares Yard at your expansion.