Chancellor Martok

Gives access to two new units
- LuSpet class
- SuS'a' class
Gives access to the following benefits
- Increased Defensive Value for all Imperial Yard vessels.
- Reduced the construction costs for Field Yard, Battle Yard and Imperial Yard by 30 percent and reduces the supply costs of Field Yard expansions by half.
- Increased crew boarding strength for Vor'cha, Vutpa', LuSpet and Negh'var class vessels.
You will begin with two Chor-class construction ships and a NoQ'Duj - class scout ship.
Early SuS’a’
Special Notes
For Which Avatar: Martok obviously
Tactical Tidbit: Specialist, but can be made flexible easily.
Strongest Against: Scout Cube / Probe Rush, Warbird Rush
Weakest Against: Shrike Spam, Canaveral Start, Bug Spam
Up-Time: 169 seconds (1 K'beajQ, 1 SuS'a' produced)
Initial Build Order

Queue up four Topmey freighters.
First construction ship begins constructing a Field Yard, second construction ship begins a Field Research.
When the Field Yard is complete, expand the yard with a Central Facility. When the Central Facility is completed, queue up K’beajQ and build a Special Forces Extension. Queue up SuS'a' out of the Extension when it is constructed.
The first free construction ship should begin constructing a Tritanium Refinery, while the second construction ship produces a Dilithium Refinery.

Send your first free construction ship immediately to your expansion to create a Field Yard and queue up one additional Topmey for your expansion once the construction ship is halfway to the expansion (so as to not slow down production of your war ships).
Construct a Dilithium Refinery after the Field Yard is complete and an additional Topmey once the Dilithium Refinery has been completed.
Depending on what ships you need to counter, add on an extension to this Field Yard when you have the expansion Dilithium Refinery fully stocked.
K’Vort Rush
Special Notes
For Which Avatar: both
Tactical Tidbit: Specialist, but provides a strong opening lineup.
Strongest Against: Bug Spam, Shrike Spam, Intrepid Spam, K't'inga Rush
Weakest Against: Scout Cube / Probe Rush, B-8 Warfrigate Rush
Up-Time: 153 seconds (1 K'Vort constructed)
Initial Build Order
Queue up four Topmey freighters.
First construction ship begins constructing a Field Yard, second construction ship begins a Field Research.
When the Field Yard is complete, add on a Bird of Prey Extension. Queue up K'Vort once the Field Research is complete.
The first free construction ship should begin constructing a Dilithium Refinery, while the second construction ship produces a Tritanium Refinery.
Send your first free construction ships immediately to your expansion to create a Field Yard and queue up an additional two Topmey for your expansion.

When the Field Yard is complete, construct a Dilithium Refinery.
Expand the Field Yard once the Dilithium Refinery has begun construction. Choose an extension based on your needs.
B’rel Spam V1
Special Notes
For Which Avatar: both
Tactical Tidbit: Specialist and requires good micromanagement.
Strongest Against: Rhienn Spam, Saber Spam, Dodecahedron spam
Weakest Against: Scout Cube / Probe Rush, Shrike Spam
Up-Time: 131 seconds (1 B'rel constructed)
Initial Build Order

Queue up four Topmey freighters.
First construction ship begins constructing a Field Yard, second construction ship begins a Dilithium Refinery.
When the Field Yard is complete, construct a Bird of Prey Extension. Queue up B'rels.
The first free construction ship should begin constructing a Tritanium Refinery, while the second construction ship ventures to the expansion to build a Field Yard.
Upon completion of the Field Yard, construct a Bird of Prey Extension (assuming that your opponent is still spamming long ranged ships) and build a Dilithium Refinery. Queue up an additional two freighters for your expansion.
Upon completion of the Tritanium Refinery, construct a Field Research and queue up the B'rel's Weapon Fatigue.
Almost immediately after you have three freighters on your expansion dilithium moon you will have enough funds to either construct a Heavy Weapons Platform to provide some protection while you raid with your B'rels, or to construct a Central Facility / Special Forces Extension depending on your opponents vessels.
B’rel Spam V2
Special Notes
For Which Avatar: both though more efficient for Martok
Tactical Tidbit: Specialist, requires good micromanagement, and inflexible.
Strongest Against: Rhienn Spam, Saber Spam, Dodecahedron Rush / Start, S-2 Spam
Weakest Against: Scout Cube / Probe Rush, Shrike Spam, K'Vort Rush
Up-Time: 131 seconds (2 B'rel constructed)
Initial Build Order
Queue up four Topmey freighters, with the first two going to the dilithium moon.
Both construction ships should begin building Field Yards, one adjacent to each moon (so that miners may quickly enter to repair).
When the Field Yards are complete, construct a Bird of Prey Extension at each. Queue up B'rel at each.
Immediately begin constructing a Dilithium and Tritanium Refinery.
When both constructors are finished, one to the expansion immediately to construct a Dilithium Refinery. Send the fourth constructed Topmey to this expansion.

For TaQ'roja, it will take about 4 B'rel to stabilize your economy so that you can maintain constant production. Construct an additional two Topmey to fill out your expansion and home base mining.
At this point the build order can be separated into two distinct categories - that of quantity, or that of quality:
Quality will require that a Field Research is constructed at the main base. The B'rel's Weapon Fatigue ability is to be researched immediately.
Quantity demands that your construct a Field Yard at the expansion and build an extension (either Bird of Prey Extension or Central Facility depending on counters and roles).
Cavalry Charge
Special Notes
For Which Avatar: much stronger for Martok
Tactical Tidbit: A good generalist strategy that is flexible, but requires good micromanagement.
Strongest Against: Leahval
Weakest Against: K'vort Rush, Intrepid Spam
Up-Time: 178 seconds (1 B'rel, 1 K'beajQ constructed)
Initial Build Order
Queue up four Topmey freighters.
First construction ship begins constructing a Field Yard, second construction ship begins a Dilithium Refinery.
When the Field Yard is complete, add on a Bird of Prey Extension. Queue up B'rels
Once the Extension is complete, construct a Central Facility and queue up K'beajQ.
The first free construction ship should begin constructing a Tritanium Refinery, while the second construction ship goes to the expansion immediately to create a Field Yard.
Construct a Dilithium Refinery after the Field Yard is complete.

At this point the build order can be separated into two distinct categories - that of quantity, or that of quality:
Quality will require that a Field Research is constructed at the main base. The B'rel's Weapon Fatigue ability is to be researched immediately, followed shortly thereafter by the Homing Torpedo.
Quantity demands that the Field Yard at the expansion builds an extension (either Bird of Prey Extension or Central Facility depending on counters and roles). A Bird of Prey Extension is wisest if you are expecting unprotected expansions and long range warships.
In either case, the Field Research should be constructed relatively soon to allow access to research.
Early Sang’
Special Notes
For Which Avatar: both, but more efficient for Martok
Tactical Tidbit: A good generalist strategy, but is not very flexible.
Strongest Against:
Weakest Against: B'rel Spam, Monsoon Spam, S-2 Spam
Up-Time: 153 seconds (1 K'beajQ constructed)
Initial Build Order
Queue up four Topmey freighters.
First construction ship begins constructing a Field Yard, second construction ship begins a Dilithium Refinery.
When the Field Yard is complete, construct a Central Facility and queue up K’beajQ.
The first free construction ship should begin constructing a Tritanium Refinery, while the second construction ship goes to the expansion immediately to create a Battleyard.

When the Battleyard is complete, begin construction of Sang’. This will allow you to get roughly two K'beajQ and one Sang' at the same time.
Sang’ are best used against medium sized vessels (Intrepids, Scout Cubes, Dodecahedrons, B-8 War Frigates, Chargh) due to the higher hit chance and the Sang' ability to take heavy damage. Since they are moderately slow, keep them near to your repair facilities until you can gather a sufficiently sized force
Construct a Dilithium Refinery at your expansion and queue up an additional two freighters for it.
Note that although it might seem as if you can immediately begin production of Qaw’duj, the tritanium expenditure is usually too much to allow you to maintain anywhere near constant production.
Early Qaw'Duj
Special Notes
For Which Avatar: both
Tactical Tidbit: A good generalist strategy that is flexible.
Strongest Against: K'Vort Rush, Scout Cube / Probe Start, Dodecahedron Start
Weakest Against: Leahval reliant strategies
Up-Time: 278 seconds (1 Qaw'Duj, 2 K'beajQ constructed)
Initial Build Order
Queue up four Topmey freighters, a Qaw'Duj, and two more Topmey freighters.
First construction ship begins constructing a Field Yard, second construction ship begins a Dilithium Refinery.
When the Field Yard is complete create a Central Facility. Queue up K'beajQ.
The first free construction ship should begin constructing a Tritanium Refinery, while the second construction ship goes to your expansion and builds a second Field Yard.
Once the second Field Yard is completed at your expansion create:

A Central Facility if facing a Scout Cube / Probe Start or a K'Vort spam. Micromanage your K'beajQ out of range of K'Vort to make use of the same speed advantage.
A Bird of Prey Extension if your opponent is producing Dodecahedrons or other long ranged units.
The construction vessel should now build a Dilithium Refinery.
Warrior's Rush
Special Notes
For Which Avatar: Best for Martok
Tactical Tidbit: Flexible, but very fragile opening. Rewarding if you are very aggressive.
Strongest Against: good generalist strategy, provided you are very aggressive
Weakest Against: K'vort Rush, Bug Spam, Intrepid Start, Shrike Spam, Interception Scout Cubes
Up-Time: 131 seconds (3 K't'inga, 1 B'rel constructed)
Initial Build Order
Queue up four Topmey miners.
First construction ship begins constructing a Field Yard, second construction ship begins a Dilithium Refinery.
As soon as the Field Yard is complete, construct a Bird of Prey Extension.
As soon as the Bird of Prey Extension is complete, queue up B'rels.
As soon as the construction vessels become idle, send one to the expansion moon set to build another Dilithium Refinery, while the other constructs a Tritanium Refinery at the home base.
Queue up an additional two Topmey for your expansion and an additional two for the rush (the queue should never be empty of Topmey, but it should remain nearly empty, to lure your opponent into a false sense of calm).
As soon as the first B'rel is complete, convert all three of your main base dilithium moon Topmey into K't'inga. Begin harassing delicately (but ferocioiusly) with this force.
When each successive B'rel is complete, convert an additional two Topmey into K't'inga and add to your raiding force. These will generally come from your Dilithium Refinery at your main base, but watch your resource situation carefully.
If your opponent begins adding anti-medium / short counters against your fragile fleet, switch to the Battleyard. If you are not losing very many ships, build a Field Research and research Weapon Fatigue.
Early Heavy Weapons Platform
Special Notes
For Which Avatar: both
Tactical Tidbit: Works best in Cooperative Multiplayer. Provides access to strong defense, but lacks an early offensive push.
Strongest in Situation: being harassed by short ranged units
Weakest in Situation: facing many long range units or units that have anti-medium range passives
Up-Time: 153 seconds (1 K'beajQ constructed)
Initial Build Order

Queue up four Topmey freighters and a NoQ'duj.
First construction ship begins constructing a Field Yard, second construction ship begins a Dilithium Refinery.
When the Field Yard is complete, produce a Central Facility and queue up at least four K'beajQ.
The first free construction ship should begin constructing a Tritanium Refinery, while the second construction ship produces a Field Research structure.

Send both of your idle construction ships immediately to your expansion to build a Heavy Weapons Platform and a Dilithium Refinery. Queue up an additional two Topmey for your expansion.
After your fifth K'beajQ is in production you should have enough funds to purchase Homing Torpedo / Heavy Disruptor.
Early Mixed Tech (best with a Federation Ally)
Special Notes
For Which Avatar: both
Strongest in Situation: powerful harassment and anti-long range, good for larger maps where cloak dominates
Weakest in Situation: anti-short range units
Up-Time: 330 seconds (3 B'rel, 1 K'beajQ constructed)
Initial Build Order
Queue up four Topmey freighters. The first two will mine tritanium.
First construction ship begins constructing a Field Yard, second construction ship begins a Tritanium Refinery.
When the Field Yard is complete, construct a Bird of Prey Extension. Queue up B'rels.
After the second B'rel is complete, construct a Central Facility and queue up K'beajQ (this should be when you have expanded).

The first free construction ship should begin constructing a Dilithium Refinery while the second builds a Mixed-Technology Yard.
As soon as the Mixed-Technology Yard is complete, you should have exactly enough funds to begin researching Mixed-Technology.

Send a free constructor to your expansion immediately and begin construction of a Dilithium Refinery.
Queue up an additional two Topmey freighters to fill out your expansion Dilithium Refinery.
After roughly five minutes the Mixed-Technology research will be complete and you can queue up powerful vessels in short order. Check the Mixed-Tech analyses for more information.
Early Vor'cha
Special Notes
For Which Avatar: better for Martok
Tactical Tidbit: Works best in Cooperative Multiplayer. Gives strong map control and diverse early-game fleet make up.
Strongest in Situation: less aggressive opponents, larger maps, short range units
Weakest in Situation: rushes and anti-medium range passives
Up-Time: 315 seconds (2 Sang', 1 Vor'cha, 1 Qaw'Duj constructed)
Initial Build Order

Queue up four Topmey freighters and a Qaw'Duj.
First construction ship begins constructing a Field Yard above a dilithium moon, second construction ship begins a Dilithium Refinery.
When the Field Yard is completed, do nothing with it. It will serve as a repair yard only for the moment.
The first free construction ship should begin constructing a Tritanium Refinery, while the second construction ship produces a Battleyard above the tritanium moon.

When the Battleyard is complete, queue up two Sang' class warships.
A free constructor should immediately begin building an Armory station.
After the Armory is complete, queue up Vor'cha and head to your expansion.
Vor'cha Rush
Special Notes
For Which Avatar: much better for Martok
Tactical Tidbit: Works best in Cooperative Multiplayer. Initially a strong defensive tactic, can become quite powerful after building up a critical mass.
Strongest in Situation: less aggressive opponents, larger maps, short range units
Weakest in Situation: facing constant cloaking harassment specialists
Up-Time: ~305 seconds (2 B'rel / 1 K'beajQ, 1 Vor'cha constructed)
Initial Build Order
Queue up five Topmey freighters. The fifth is sent to the expansion.
First construction ship begins constructing a Field Yard, second construction ship begins a Dilithium Refinery.
When the Field Yard is complete, add on a Bird of Prey Extension or a Central Facility. Queue up either two B'rel or one K'beajQ (continued production of these vessels may continue as soon as the first Vor'cha is queued up).
The first construction ship should now head to the expansion and construct a Battleyard. The home base construction ship should begin constructing a Tritanium Refinery.
As soon as the home base construction ship has finished work, have it construct an Armory (this will require the completion of the Battleyard).
Once the Battleyard is complete, construct a Dilithium Refinery at the expansion.

As soon as the Armory is complete, queue up Vor'cha. Note that you should attempt to build the sixth freighter soon after so as to maintain continuous production.