Entity Types
Everything in the world is an Entity. All of the types below are derived from Entity, so you should start there if you want to explore the whole tree.
- AntimatterMine
Mines that explode
- AreaEffectObject
Base type for objects that affect an area, rather than a point
- Artillery
Artillery ordnance type
- AsteroidField
Map asteroid belts
- BackgroundObject
Base class for background detail
- BackgroundPlanet
Non-colonizable background detail planets
- Beam
Base class for all beam weapons
- BeamToggle
Base class for continuous fire beam weapons
- BlackHole
Black hole map object
- BuildQueue
Items queued to build by a Producer
- Bullet
Base class for all types of bullet
- CargoShip
Cargo ships used to trade between trading stations
- Colony
Colony ships
- ConstructionObject
An Entity being constructed by a builder
- ConstructionRig
Construction ships
- Craft
Base class for ships and stations
- CraftSystem
A system (weapons, engine etc)
- Entity
Base type for all world objects
- EntityHook
Hook type used by Entity.
- Evolver
Transforms in-place
- Explosion
Base type for explosions
- Freighter
Mining freighters
- GameObject
Subclass of Entity - base class for non temporary Entities
- GravityMine
Tracking mines that attach
- IonStorm
Ion Storm terrain object
- LatinumNebula
Latinum nebula as seen in stock
- Mine
Base type for Mines
- MineArray
Autonomous Mine units
- MiningStation
Resource mining drop-off points
- Missile
Base type for all missiles
- Nebula
Nebulas in the game world
- Ordnance
Base class for all ordnance (projectiles, beams and so on)
- OrdnanceDamage
Damage properties for Ordnance.
- OrientedQueue
A queue with a direction
- Phaser
The most commonly used type of beam weapon
- PhotonTorpedo
Photon torpedos
- Planet
Armada 2 colony planets
- PlanetMiningBase
Mining station attached to a Planet
- Producer
Entities that can make other entities
- PulsePhaser
Pulse based weapons
- Queue
Entities in line to do something
- RepairShip
Ships with repair capabilities
- ResearchPod
Pod used for research
- ResearchStation
Used to research through pods
- Resources
Resources held by an Entity
- ResourceInterface
Class that resource holding classes inherit
- ResourceTransferInterface
Used by things that can have ships dock with them
- Scavenger
Used by the Ferengi marauder
- Scrap
Resource moons
- SensorArray
- Shipyard
Can build and repair ships
- SplineQueue
Specialised queue
- Starbase
- TerrainObject
Base class for terrain features
- TradingStation
A2 Trading stations
- UtritiumBall
UtritiumBall terrain object
- Wormhole
Map wormhole properties